Outdoor Royal dwarf outdoor 2nd Grow

Nutrient Change and New Strains!
  • I caught on to the Top Tao Auto Regular deal on Seedsman! I bought a Top Tao 6pck of auto reg mix for $25 and got 5 auto reg mix pack for free! I didn't look at all the strains but heres a couple of them I remember came with the purchase
    Demon Tao AutoReg
    Micron Tao AutoReg
    Super Tao AutoReg

    The Royal Dwarf grow will continue however I decided to use Miracle Gro All Purpose (blue crystals) for this first auto grow for financial and convenience issues. The Taos I will be doing later this summer organically may even possibly breed seeds.

    Thanks for reading!
    New Strains Confirmed
  • These are the new seeds im getting in the mail:
    Demon Tao Auto ×2
    Micron Tao Auto ×2
    Taomatic ×2
    Super Tao Auto ×5

    Keep in mind these are regular auto seeds not feminized like my Royal Dwarfs.
    Popping Beans and Sites Prepped!
  • Hello everyone Ive decided to pop my Dwarfs earlier than I had planned as temperatures aee beginning to rise and my sites are prepped. I have my 2 seperate sites prepped and ready to go. What I did with the sites was I cleared plenty of brush around them and they are in spots to receive the full amount of light in my region a day. I also dug up maybe about 3-4 gallons of soil in each sight and mixed that native soil with a seedling mix that contains perlite, vermiculite, and peat moss. Hopefully this soil amending will atleast better aerate the soil for rhe dwarfs. The two dwarfs are in a bottle of room temp water, once they sink I will be moving them to damp paper towels in a Ziploc bag. Thanks for reading!


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    One of the Dwarfs didnt pop...
  • Its very demoralizing to have only one of your seeds pop out of the two you have. However, the one that did pop is already outside under the humidity dome. I did them in the same paper towel after 2 days one of them has a .2 inch taproot but the other hasnt even opened its shell. So i went ahead and planted the one that seems to be working and put the other one back in the ziploc to try atleast to get her to pop. I may drop her back into a glass of water in a desperate attenpt for her to crack shell. The one I have is feminized so its not a total loss, ill still give it a try. Also, those news seeds are getting here soon although their shipment has been delayed a week or so due to Covid-19
    Both dwarfs dead....
  • Well the other one hasnt sprouted yet and its been 3 days so im gonna chalk this one up as a loss. There were some tough weather conditions I hadnt anticipated, cold and rainy. Although I think its warming up for good now. Im getting new seeds in 3 days... A bunch of auto regs. Sorry for this guys I learned from my loss mainly that germination has a lot more to it than one expects.