New Grower Sweet sweet Grow

I'm in. I'm interested in that cbd plant. I'd like to try to grow one soon. I have a friend that wants the benefits without too much high. Some is ok of course, lol.
Cool, well thanks for checking out my grow.
I had also just finished a Honey Peach Auto CBD from Sweet Seeds which was my first CBD plant. Definitely more balanced and mild on the THC front. I'm still unsure on the effects or benefits of CBD, but I'm not really trying to 'treat' anything either.
4 days later from the last update and at day 26

I’ve bumped up the nutrients very slightly to 1.25g/gallon MegaCrop and still 1g/gallon Sweet Candy. Also Ive increased the volume each watering to 1.5L/plant, though I might consider going up to 2L soon so I can get a bit of runoff. The last mix of 3L ended up at 370ppm/6.4pH. Frequency of watering is still every 3-4 days.

LST has continued and seems to be going alright. Still not great at making a nice even canopy but I’m working at it.

Here’s a top view

Sweet and Sour

Sweet Nurse
Hey All, sorry for the lack of updates, life has been tiring lately. I’m going to try to step through the things that I’ve done over the past 10 days as there has been some change in the plants.

The next feed I gave was at day 30. I bumped up the volume to 2L each containing 0.5g Sweet Candy & 0.7g MegaCrop (380ppm/6.2pH). Both plants were doing well at this point, maybe a little lightening of the lowest fan leaves but not bad. I’ve also done a little defoliating of inner fan leaves which were blocking lower bud sites.

Sweet & Sour - Day 30

Sweet Nurse CBD - Day 30

Next feed on Day 33, started noticing a bit of lightening of the lower leaves so I decided to increase nutes a bit. 2L each with 0.5g Sweet Candy and 1g Megacrop (450ppm/6.4pH). This amount doesn’t quite give runoff, maybe a few dribbles but that’s it.

Sweet & Sour - Day 33

Sweet Nurse CBD - Day 33

The days between day 33-37 the Sweet and sour really started to droop, not sure if it was too much water or what. I left it an extra day to dry out a bit but during those days the lower leaves on the Sweet and Sour have increasingly become more yellow and there is also some brown blotches on the lower leaves. The Sweet Nurse also has more yellowing of the lower leaves but not quite as bad and no brown splotches. Maybe someone can help me out on these issues? I’m thinking Nitrogen deficiency for the yellowing of lower leaves, and maybe phosphorous deficiency for the blotches? Additionally, is this because the amount of nutrients being added or potentially salting up in the roots due to the lack of watering to sufficient runoff? I ask because even with the minor increases I’m starting to see the tips burning. Should I maybe give it a flush on the next watering and keep on the moderate feedings, or should I be upping my feed?

I’d appreciate any help or suggestions!

Sweet & Sour - Day 37


Sweet Nurse CBD - Day 37
Forgot to mention, now that the stretch seems to be over (Sweet Nurse stayed pretty squat) and flowering is kicking in I think that I'm going to turn on the Quantum board. Think this is the right time? (turning it on increases lux to 35k around top of SN and 50K at top of S&S)

Also, The burnt tips are slightly worse and the leaves are continuing to yellow and move up the plant. Can anyone weight in on this? Am I on the right track thinking the roots may be salted up leading to burnt tips and a Nitrogen deficiency? I'm really considering doing a flush unless someone has a different solution. @Waira @F.N. @RivetGrrl @Frenjamin Banklin ?
crap sorry i lost track of this.was this just before the site update ? thats why no @ worked.

Anyone able to help me out?

Each plant has been under a single 55W 3500K COB. In a 3x2 space that’s 18.3w/sq ft.

If I turn on the 3000K QB288 it adds another 135W, bringing it up to 40.8w/sq ft.

When is the appropriate time to turn it on? Should I be Vegging entirely on the COBs, then turn on the QB for flowering for the extra power, or should I be turning it on sometime soon as they are out of the fragile seedling stage?
not much use as i only seeing it now,gotta spam @ and quotes as numpties like ne are so behind stuff we need a poke in the ribs now and agian.
26th sept....whats the score now ? the medium you use promix hp was it ? sorry is that coco ?
good luck n keep er lit
crap sorry i lost track of this.was this just before the site update ? thats why no @ worked.

not much use as i only seeing it now,gotta spam @ and quotes as numpties like ne are so behind stuff we need a poke in the ribs now and agian.
26th sept....whats the score now ? the medium you use promix hp was it ? sorry is that coco ?
good luck n keep er lit

No worries @archie space gemmill , unfortunately these deficiencies got worse before getting better. The Sweet Nurse Auto faired decently well, the Sweet and Sour got hit harder. Between some tough things going on in real life and another batch of plants that aren't quite working out i've been kinda disheartened which is why the updates have stopped. Reading some other posts on the next ones I might try a few other things including lowering my input ph, and not taking it as slow as I did on the Megacrop.

I'm nearing harvest on these two so I'll do another recap/update soon. Maybe the next ones will do better, still aiming for a healthy grow start to finish.
i dont know shit but i might be able to point you in the right direction,or know somebody who can help ya.
the whole growing thing is overwater looks the same as underwatered (limp leaves) and the stuff in the pots is called the medium :shrug: it can be hard to get our heads round some things.
im from the other side of the world so not familiar with lots of brands.thats why i asked was it soil or coco.the two mediums are treated pretty differently.if it is coco then a lower ph than what soil likes,never plain water allways with calmag added,prefares a moist pot dont like a dry period the way soil does.
its not all smooth sailing,i just started back up after 6 months no growin.
keep spaming @ and quotes,a few pics,with a bit of help well get you back on track :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit
So I left off at Day 37 then went MIA for a while, figured I should probably finish this one out with a couple pictures and explanation on what I did.

The Sweet and Sour continued to get worse deficiencies/lockout while the Sweet Nurse just started yellowing more. I ended up flushing the S&S at day 41 and did a mild increase in nutrient solution (2L w 0.5g Sweet Candy, 0.5g Bud Explosion, 1.5g MegaCrop for 680ppm). With the SN I kicked up the nutrients as well to 2.5L w 0.5g SC, 1g BE, and 2.5g MC for 1020ppm.

S&S - Day 45

SN - Day 45

I stuck with around that same strength for the S&S, maybe upping slightly the BE over time but the leaves continued to decay throughout flowering but slowly.
The SN I backed off a bit of the MegaCrop from the previous feeding and increased the BE, keeping around 800-900ppms until harvest.

S&S - Day 57

SN - Day 57

I ended up deciding to harvest at day 63. The Trichomes were around 50/50 clear and cloudy with no amber. I was more just ready to finish these ones and I had started 2 Black Cream Auto's to replace them and try again.

S&S - 36g dried

SN - 46g dried

Overall still reasonable. The S&S has this sweet tangy smell which is decent but I have to say, the Sweet Nurse smells awesome. Almost like a sweet bubble gum smell. Can't wait to be done Sober October to give these a shot!

But, Lots to still figure out and dial in. Fingers crossed for the next grow. Thanks for reading!
82 grams from 2 (2g) plants? you can chalk this up under a successful grow!

im pulling about an average of oz per 3gal containers..
i would kill for 82 grams with 2 plants in 2gal!

can only do so much from reading but i got a lot to learn and apply! like how to water the right way for example... lol.

tag me on the next grow @4d-Rock ! would love to see the next round.

enjoy the smoke!