Photoperiod Teetee goes to the 'dark side'

look tasty as. Like candy!

DesFran can do that to peoples you know !!................ the DesFran may be a smaller yield, but she will make up for it in shear punch !!........... fruit punch............... a great culture journeys end, teetee.......... great work bruv, as allways a nice job................ they all come good after the events of the grow, but delivering in bunches now... ALR


WHU aint out of the womens FA cup, after all ??.................... they played on yesterday on the 14th, WHU 1 vs Reading 1 !!............... the semi final was drawn ??...............

However, on penalties WHU beat Reading 4 - 3 !!.........must have been the betting projections i see last week !!.................. we are still in the FA cup ! mental..................

We are in the FA Cup Final, against "Man City" !! on the "4th Of May" !! Wembly....... yey FA Cup Final WHU, wonder never cease tee.................!!................. i said a month back, we might win the FA yet !! were in the final, what a show up for mens "A" team ! carol out for months too, gutted.................. ALR
Best update i have ever seen TT!

Amazing work!:pighug:
Ha ha, mate, you obviously haven't looked around much! Plenty more juicy fat budshots on this site compared to my burnt offerings!

Amazing grow bro. :worship::worship::worship::slap::slap::slap:
Cheers mate, it's been a hard one this one... can't wait to get back to Autos.

That's a lot or premium budage, Teetee! Nice work in there, brother!
Too kind Iriee, your Glueberries are stonking! THAT is premium buddage!
Looking very foooking good my man!!

Those paks look tasty as. Like candy!
Mate, they are all gonna be tasty, I love to have a sniff of my arms and fingertips after having a rummage through the tent! All so stinky fruity cannabissy loveliness!

Lovely resinous buds TeeTee :drool: will be a great haul, was looking at your old threads, some great huals
Cheers mate, I always choose XXL genetics, and Dinafem and Dutch Passion really live up to their advertised promises.

DesFran can do that to peoples you know !!................ the DesFran may be a smaller yield, but she will make up for it in shear punch !!........... fruit punch............... a great culture journeys end, teetee.......... great work bruv, as allways a nice job................ they all come good after the events of the grow, but delivering in bunches now... ALR
Hi ALR, thanks for the advice, not just on here, but on 420 as well.
Getting back to those little budlets that I mentioned in my last post, I realise this is what a lot of growers call foxtailing.... but there is good and bad foxtailing.... when I say good, I mean not detrimental or damaging, as opposed to 'an advantage' (i.e. no positive or negative benefits).

'Bad' foxtailing is caused by heat or light stress, and as such there will be a loss of potency. It is usually localised... just under the lights, and the foxtails themselves are typically loose spires of calyxes one on top of another.
'Good' foxtailing can be genetic, or can be caused by certain nutrients. This is (I think) what's happening with my plants as I use Top Shooter/BAC F1 Extreme in the last 3 weeks. The foxtailing is much more even, and occurs all over the individual bud, and throughout 90+% of the entire grow. The foxtails themselves tend to be more compact, and stubby, giving a 'hand grenade' sort of apapearance to the final bud.... there's no loss of potency.... it's just visually not what a lot of growers like to see, they prefer the nice manicured bud shaped (err) buds that we see pics of all over the web.

House and Garden mention this in their webpage...

"Top Shooter forces your plants into starting a new flowering cycle after the regular cycle has stopped, significantly increasing the fruit’s total weight. The extra yield after applying this agent will surprise even the most seasoned grower. Top Shooter creates a new layer on top of the existing fruit! Output increases of up to 20% can be reached this way and are very common."

Top Shooter is NPK 0-20-9 and I usually go by their recommended 0.5ml/L week 1 and 1ml/L week 2&3
BAC F1 Extreme is NPK 0-13-19 and I gave 1ml/L week then 2ml/L these final 2 weeks.... they say go upto 3ml/L, but maybe not, eh!
BAC is highly rated over here.... Dutch import. They call the F1 "Super Potash" and yeeah, it contains molasses as well. I also give 1ml/L of Advanced Nutrients "Bud Candy" as well (they recommend 2ml/L but I know AN like to push their products)

I've seen this in a lot of my recent grows, and it's just the Top Shooter doing what it's advertised to do.....

Here's a link to one of @Duggy 's grows, you'll see the 'hand grenade' buds there, and I'm sure he'll agree no problem with potency! They look as dank as fuck!

The extra yield after applying this agent will surprise even the most seasoned grower. Top Shooter creates a new layer on top of the existing fruit! Output increases of up to 20% can be reached this way and are very common."

they are generally more well known as, plant cytokinesis hormones,they are involved primarily in cell growth and differentiation, but also affect apical dominance, auxiliary bud growth, and leaf senescence. And are used in different combinations, primarily species targeted, in mass high intensity horticulture.

Accordingly, the most popular are,.... in order of effectiveness, on our strains = Abscisic acid, Alginic acid, Gibberelic acid, Ethylene, Cytokinins, Auxin, grouped into five classes depending on their chemical makeup and what they cause to occur, or prevent from occurring. which either promote the plant in that direction, or deter it from that event...... in general though, promote mother nature in one direction, she will kick you in another....... over doing one area of growth, at the cost of another............ canna nute marketers, make up radical plant hormone potions, combinations, and claims, based on commercial horticulture papers, from horticulture research abstracts, un be know inclusion strengths, that can over do a plant............ dependent on culture husbandry experience............... in other words can be a risky business, re positive outcomes........

And is why, in a super bean, all these, Auxins, Cytoinins, and veg & fruiting growth hormones, are in natural balance and are present in the plant in higher quantity, due to it being a monster "Gigas"=(Giant) freak !!.................... henk went the natural route in the end, to capture these genes into commercial strains, after wasting years experimenting with Auxins and Gibberelic applications in line breeding............... the natural selection route won out in the end....... his positive 'Phototropism' did deliver results............. the thing is, if you give the plant raw carbo sugars, it make all these stims / hormones / auxins / cytokinins, it's self,....during the rise of the flowering / fruitification hormone, ethylene,........ "If" and only "If"............. it is a healthy vigorous plant bio happy !!.......the other key is, Dinafem, "will" deliver beans, where others cant reach !!.......

have a good Easter teetee.................. i bet you will be hiring that little boat again, and trundling off to a near by Robinson Crusoe island,..................... for a chill on the deserted pink sand beach, under the palm frongs...........with a duby ! do you remember last year, the marine police, pulled up along side and said, have you got a life jacket you can use !!.............. said nothing about the 4" dutch passion duby hanging on the lip !!.......... ALR
I've been thinking for a long while to do a grow with no 'final 3 week booster'. Just the usual veg stuff, then a bit of PK13/14 mid flower, and Bud Candy, that's it..... would be interesting to see as I have always used these late boosters, and it would be nice to see the difference.

I've cut down the F1 Extreme booster from 2ml/L to 1ml/L keeping the feed at EC 0.8 of all of them, started flushing the PAK1 today, in readiness for a crop on Wednesday night, and I'll start flushing the PAK2 on Tuesday for a crop next weekend.

It's being a very wet Easter here. absolutely hammering it down, filling up the water tanks in no time..... I don't fancy being out in the tinny in this shit! Winter is setting in now!

Happy 420 everyone, may all your 'Festive' eggs be filled with the finest cannabis cream fondant!
Like those chocolate treats at the Sheeba Cafe, Warmoestrat, 'Dam circa 1988.... I'll never forget them!
Cheers @WhiteLight I managed to get some time with my Girls just before lights on yesterday.... so here's a few photos just with the flash.... no growlights to confuse the old peepers.

Day 113 - 60 days floweriing

Starting with the obligatory group shot, just for you Whitey mate...

clockwise from top left: PAK2, Des Frans, PAK1 and Gorilla

In the middle, there's a spot where the buds from all 4 plants come together.....

At the top we start with a couple of PAK2 buds, then a Gorilla top comes in from the left, tied to a stake.
Just below and to the right comes a supercropped Des Fran top supported by a Yoyo with a PAK1 cola in the front right.

The PAK1 is in mid flush, I'm looking to harvest her on Wednesday night.

She's got a great structure... just long stems of sticky budness....

I'm gonna start flushing PAK2 in a couple of days for a next weekend chop...

Plenty of knobbly buds on her!

Gorilla is filling out.....

Still a couple of weeks before I flush her, I think.....

Des Fran also has a couple of weeks left in her.....

It's great, this year for 4:20, they've given us the Friday and Monday off, and the shops are full of cakes and chocolate munchies in hallucinogenic rabbit and really cool egg shapes.

Hope you're all having a stony 4:20 Holiday weekend!