Dutch Passion Teetee's pulls a kilo from 2 Auto Ultimates

Posted July 12, 2015

day 87 update

Another week gone.... deep into week 13 and the Auto Ultimates are blooming away, filling out nicely. Critical Jack is at day 7 of flush and is ready to chop in a few days.

Here's Critical Jack....

As I have been using Drip Clean throughout the grow, the medium had very little residual nute build up, after the initial 30L flush, the EC of the run off was 0.1, and has been for the entire week. The leaves are turning colour as the residual nutes in the plant get gobbled up.

The Auto Ultimate's are at full height, and they are both bulking out. They are on Top Shooter at 1ml/L and a total feed EC of 1.1, and will be for the next (and final) 2 weeks before they get flushed..... although I might drop it down to EC 1.0 as I'm seeing a little tip burn on AU1.

On both, the buds are plentiful, big and covered in trichomes. I'm glad I got that netting on a few weeks back, they are all leaning over from the sheer weight of bud.

Here's AU1....

....and here's AU2.....

I could have put up loads of other shots, but there's just too many buds to show!

Next update will be of the Critical Jack harvest..... she's coming down on Weds.

Hope you are all having good karma on your grows..... have fun managing the heat!
Posted July 19, 2015

day 95 update.

It's just the Auto Ultimates now........ man, this is dragging on!
but every day I see the buds fattening up. Now that CJ is down, it's quite easy to climb in under the AU canopy and just chill.

AU1 at the front, and AU2 behind.

AU1 is like 2 plants in one, with a massive amount of action down the left side, and a high and full canopy on the right...

She is just choc full of bud ...

Here's the side of AU1 from the front...

... and here she is through the side window....

....this is some of her canopy...

AU2 is hard to get photos of, she's also huge, but AU1 gets in the way. Here's a shot from the front, over the right side of her canopy....

there are some massive buds developing on the left...

..... and here's a shot through the side window...

Feeds are at EC 1.0 pH 6.2, and I will continue feeds for another 7 -10 days, before starting flush. We're nearly there now!
Posted July 29, 2015 ·

Not much to report really, the AUs are 4 days into flush, and all is well, The (massive) buds are all leaning over with the weight, which is good in a way, as it is keeping them away from the lights. I have one burned cola tip on AU2, and there's also a bleached tip somewhere in the depths of the jungle. Luckily the LEDs have the ability to switch from all 6 clusters down to 4 or even 2, so the Photon above AU1 is on 4.

Flushing is a breeze, there's heaps of space under the canopy where CJ was, I just sit inside, crossed legged and zipped in. Armed with a nice fat one, under the glow of the disco lights, I pour jugs of water from one bucket, then use a kids water soaker thing, like a big syringe, and suck the run off out into another bucket. 10L each and boom shankar. I eventually stagger out of the tent, and bang up another celebratory smoke! This is my religion. This is my church.

The Critical Jack is smoking nicely, we only pulled around 4 ounces, and we started smoking it almost immediately. It was strong stuff even at first, but now it's curing...... oh man it's a well recommended smoke.... nice zingy flavours, long lasting effects..... great for getting shit done during the day as you feel quite focussed, but then you just melt away. Been watching 'Breaking Bad' back to back and you get so sucked in!

Problem is there's not much CJ left, so I might crop some of the lower stuff on AU1 over the weekend and keep the flush going a bit longer before chopping the rest.

Hope you are all good and stoned, I'll probably get some pics at crop time, but to be honest, the only difference is they look slightly fatter and although there's still plenty of white pistils esp on AU2, AU1's hairs are almost all brown...... thank fuck, as cropping her 1st will be much easier then digging around in the back trying to pull AU2 down.
Posted July 31, 2015

Day 105

I couldn't resist putting up some final pics of the Auto Ultimates..... they are so full of bud! They are almost a week into flush. Sorry about the brown leaves, I should pluck them out, but there's just so much to do, may as well just wait till harvest time. I'm such a lazy stoner!

.... when I open the tent

.... the right side of AU1

... and her left side

.... here's some of her colas....

AU2 is also doing very well, she is just a big bush of bud!

.... here is AU2 on the right

.... and AU2 on the left side....

Did you just see that big fat bud there? The result of some supercropping. Here's a closer look....

... a view of the same cola (on the right) from the side window....

Finally, here's some shots of the trichomes, taken with a digital microscope....

Thanks for taking a look!
Posted August 9, 2015

Been having a bit of snake action these past few days..... the other day my Wife called me home from work cos she saw one on the deck, but by the time I got home it had slipped away.

Then on Weds, we were having a mid morning smoke, when she saw the snake again, out on the deck again..... I got my camera and here's what we saw.....

It sensed me, so started to turn back on itself.....

but had nowhere left to go.....

so it went and hid under the decking..... not happy.

I decided to leave it alone, so went back to getting caned..... but I kept a cautious eye out for any action....

About half an hour later, I saw this through the french doors......

It obviously wanted to go in that direction the first time round, so I let it carry on...

.... I was wondering why the wires were getting saggy

.... that door is open 24/7 while we smoke... plus that's my grow room..... 'nuff said

Anyway, it wrapped itself around the drainpipe and hauled itself onto the roof...

and found it's way back home.....

I imagine this performance has been going on, day and night for Jah knows how long.... the shed skins I showed in previous grows are in the same place, and it's got different markings to the one (on the other side of the house) that I showed earlier in this journal..... at least they keep the Brown snakes and vermin at bay..... and as long as they don't get inside the house, I'm cool with them.
Posted August 12, 2015

I've spent the last 4 nights taking AU1 down..... so much bud! I can't wait to see the final weight.....

..... and I still have to deal with AU2..... its day 118, she's about 17-18 days into flush, I kept her gong cos she was still pushing out a lot of white pistils, and to be honest, I haven't had the time to get her down as well.

Tonight's the night though...... she needs to be chopped ASAP.

Posted August 16, 2015 (edited) · Report post

OK so AU1 is dried (using the paper bag method for small to mid sized buds, and hanging big colas in a cardboard box) to 62%RH.... and is now jarred for curing along with some Boveda 62 humidipaks.

She was very generous to me.....

Total weight for Auto Ultimate number 1 is......... 529.8g or 18.69 ounces for one Auto plant!!!

I am well and truly stoked..... the buds are glistening with trichomes, and smell delicious. I cut her down is stages, dong the lower left side back on 1st August, so I had a couple of jars cut and now cured, and it's a fantastic smoke.... lemony citrus tastes, but sometimes I can smell detect and strawberry as well. The stone is mixed.... heavy but uplifting, after a few joints, it gets trance-like and dreamy, but still with plenty of energy.

The most notable effect has been on Mrs Tee, who has turned into this sex crazed nympho, but that's another forum altogether

AU2 is cut and drying. I lost a few buds to mould, but I reckon she's gonna give me 12-15 ounces. It will be another 4-5 days before I can do the weigh in.

Gonna plant 2x Think Different, and another Auto Ultimate this evening!
Posted August 22, 2015

Auto Ultimate 2, the hedge, is dried to 62% and weighed before curing. I have run out of vessels to store all this bud.... there's weed everywhere.

I am pleased to announce the mega load weight of (drum roll) 602.1g...... 21.24 ounces.

If you add the AU1 weight of 529.8g, thats 1131.9g..... over a kilo from 2 Autos! 39.92 ounces for fucks sake.

As you might expect, I haven't rushed to plant anything new just yet.... I think we've got more than 15 weeks worth of smoke there!
Posted March 9, 2016 · Report post

Thanks for reading.....

a few things that make growing big autos a bit easier.....

  1. plant directly in Coco (5L airpot) soaked in EC0.7 nute - avoids the stress of handling popped seeds in tissue etc - get them off to the best uninterrupted start
  2. circumferential watering in week one to get the roots scavenging. I put a ring around the stem to help this and also to keep light from penetrating into the coco and upsetting the roots
  3. keep the EC low - I dont go much above EC 1.0 in veg and 1.1 in bloom
  4. repot (without disturbing the coco/root mass) into 20L airpots after day 28 to avoid stressing the plants. This gives the roots a massive boost just before/as they start flowering
  5. dont do much to them before 28 days, no leaf trimming unless absolutely necessary. just rotate them 1/4 turn daily.
  6. dont be afraid to supercrop (anytime after 28 days - but usually around the 30-40 day mark) and stake them out!
  7. good strain choice - I have another AU on the go and she's gonna be massive as well!
  8. you dont have to be too anal about everything. I dont bother disinfecting the tent between grows, temps are up in the mid to high 30s quite a lot, I miss waterings, humidity is way up there, I never check my pH (the Coco should buffer it anyway)
Lastly I am seeing that heat stress in late veg kind of resets the flowering time, and a few days stress perhaps gives you an extra few days of veg - bigger plants = bigger yields!

Posted August 31, 2015
With a total haul of 1131.9g for the 2 Auto Ultimates, grown under LEDs, I thought I should work out the grams per Watt.

The Helios 6 uses 300w, the Helios Pro 2 use 100w x2 and the Photon 126 use 210w x 2..... 920W total.... 1131.9/920 = 1.23g/W

Individually, AU1 had one Photon 126 and 2x Helios Pro 2s..... 529.8/410 = 1.3g/W

AU2 had one Photon 126 and one Helios 6......... 602.1/510 = 1.2g/W