Live Stoners The 2024 Auto-Photo Outdoor Competition!


Growing strange,...
Staff member
AFN Admin
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Mar 11, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
fine-ass '22 harvest!



Holy crap it's 4/20 already--

Time to launch a new Comp, year 8 now for this one!
Same gig, same thrills chills and spills that's part of OD growing...
It's a more relaxed contest, and is always filled with lovely plants and buds....

The Comp' is open to anybody, with any genetics they wish, any grow method...

Breeder and product showcasing is welcome too!

:greencheck: Here are the ground rules:

-- 30th Oct Final finish date

-- Any genetics fly here, Auto or Photo.... Any start date, just be aware of the finish date

-- Entry Code must be included with the germ'/early seedling pics, and harvest pics, with this info please: [ 2024 OD auto/photo Comp; (name); (cultivar); start date/harvest date ]

-- No plant in this Comp' is eligible for any other Contest, and visa versa

-- Only participants wishing to be included in the Final Polls need to provide preferred weekly Updates....(3/month minimum)... fall off of this too much, too long and the contestant may be DQ'ed (fair is fair, ay?)
*(Guerilla Growers can apply to the Team Leaders for a Guerilla Pass which will enable you to post updates every 3 weeks and still be in the Final Poll.)

-- You can select up to 3 plants each for auto's and photo's for the duration of the Comp', in case they get eaten, ripped, destroyed, etc.,...BUT-->

-- You must name your Final entry plant 2 weeks before harvest (photo's), or 1 week before (autos), or the official Finish date at the latest...

-- Voting will consist of live bud/cola shots and dry nugg' shots (1 each) for both auto and photo' plants submitted for polling... So 4 polls total, live and dry auto, live and dry photo....
Winners determined same way as usual: the combined votes for the auto's and photo's live and dry will be tallied to determine the Auto winner and Photo' winner....

-- prizes TBD

-- It is acceptable for outdoor plants to be started indoor, as long as the vast majority of the plant's life is outdoor.

:gary:That's it, any questions feel free to ask...Good luck and have fun contestants! :goodluck:


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I plan on an outdoor grow this Spring/Summer so I will probably get in on the fun. Going to take a summer break from the indoor growing until I get some air conditioning installed.
I have no idea if i'ma growing this summer or jus lay around n scratch :shrug:
A little teaser for this years autoflower container.. photos are going straight into the soil this year. Been going through my seed bin and yes it’s a bin !! Have some ideas For suitable candidates… but let’s see how germination elimination goes over the next weeks.