Outdoor The^Dudes High Tunnel Grow 2020

I know few will see this, so I ask [with my whole heart] all that do to repost this in your own channels so we can use the hive mind to generate some help quickly.

My favorite human has lupus, and the joint pain lately has been unbearable. She can barely walk sometimes. I’m going to be making some cbd tinctures for her, but if anyone here has advice please share.

Thank you everyone for being an amazing community. The real power of a community like this shines when we all chip in to make a powerful difference in someone’s life, and that’s our opportunity today, so even if you just repost this somewhere you are making a huge difference. @The^Dude
hey @The^Dude this is how i have made tincture in the past, not sure if you have to decarb to access cbd like you do with thc but here is how ive done it:
everclear, decarb the weed, put together in a mason jar in the freezer, shake the shit outta it (5mins), then shake every 24 hours (put back in freezer) do this for a week, then strain it and boom youre ready to medicate :d5:
hey @The^Dude this is how i have made tincture in the past, not sure if you have to decarb to access cbd like you do with thc but here is how ive done it:
everclear, decarb the weed, put together in a mason jar in the freezer, shake the shit outta it (5mins), then shake every 24 hours (put back in freezer) do this for a week, then strain it and boom youre ready to medicate :d5:
I do the same, and then usually cook off some of the everclear to concentrate it a little more. I find cbd can be kinda strain dependent though, some work really well for me but not others. Hoping to learn if someone has a thc/cbd ratio or certain plant that absolutely rocks pain. Thanks a ton for your help @Hotfire !!
I do the same, and then usually cook off some of the everclear to concentrate it a little more. I find cbd can be kinda strain dependent though, some work really well for me but not others. Hoping to learn if someone has a thc/cbd ratio or certain plant that absolutely rocks pain. Thanks a ton for your help @Hotfire !!
okay cool, yeah i dont ever like to tell people to cook it after cause not everyone will understand how flammable it really is. so cool you basically make RSO right on! im still new to growing so don't have much knowledge on what strains do what but i wish i could help more. much love going out to you and your loved one who is in pain.
I know few will see this, so I ask [with my whole heart] all that do to repost this in your own channels so we can use the hive mind to generate some help quickly.

My favorite human has lupus, and the joint pain lately has been unbearable. She can barely walk sometimes. I’m going to be making some cbd tinctures for her, but if anyone here has advice please share.

Thank you everyone for being an amazing community. The real power of a community like this shines when we all chip in to make a powerful difference in someone’s life, and that’s our opportunity today, so even if you just repost this somewhere you are making a huge difference. @The^Dude
I'd try the high test... make her some RSO. I helped with my lady's MS considerably. Certainly, it didn't cure her, she still has symptoms but before the RSO, I was sure she'd lose the ability to walk. That was ten years ago and she's still walking! Helped with muscle spasms alos. Full dose RSO is pretty intense but it may be worth it for her. Finding help for my lady is how I ended up here on afn.
I think @WildBill makes med tinctures
I'm going to as soon as I get enough money to buy an Extract Craft.
I did make some Rick Simpson oil the manual method outside, but that was for an old classmate that was dying of cancer. I made it for her so she could spend some quality time with her family at the end instead of being an opiate coma.
I know few will see this, so I ask [with my whole heart] all that do to repost this in your own channels so we can use the hive mind to generate some help quickly.

My favorite human has lupus, and the joint pain lately has been unbearable. She can barely walk sometimes. I’m going to be making some cbd tinctures for her, but if anyone here has advice please share.

Thank you everyone for being an amazing community. The real power of a community like this shines when we all chip in to make a powerful difference in someone’s life, and that’s our opportunity today, so even if you just repost this somewhere you are making a huge difference. @The^Dude
With lupus, I would make her RSO. If you don't have CBD product for use. There are places that you can order it and then use your stuff with it. Look at my signature for my current grow which has a bunch of mixed cannabinoids. Here's my first grow with different cannabinoids. Don't know if any of them will work for my pain or any of my veterans that I give my cannabis to, but got the spectrum covered! I think I have some fairly productive girls that you might wanna look at. I'm really impressed with Vidamints and Elephant, mixed THC/CBD strains.
I'm looking forward to getting some pain relief from my nerve pain without being blitzed out of my head!
I don't grow CBD strains anymore. I can buy lab tested CBD trim for $25.00 a pound! I've bought some twice now, makes great oil. Lab test was 15% CBD on the last batch. Hell, I can't grow it for $25.00! I think shipping was like $10 last time also. Add about 20 % CBD trom to the material used for RSO. BTW recent studies say CBD potentiates THC rather then suppressing it!
I don't grow CBD strains anymore. I can buy lab tested CBD trim for $25.00 a pound! I've bought some twice now, makes great oil. Lab test was 15% CBD on the last batch. Hell, I can't grow it for $25.00! I think shipping was like $10 last time also. Add about 20 % CBD trom to the material used for RSO. BTW recent studies say CBD potentiates THC rather then suppressing it!
So, exactly what in the THC is it increasing or enhancing? Everybody I've asked says it decreases the narcotic effect.

To be honest with you Les, it would be difficult for me to buy CBD. That's pretty much the same reason I find it very difficult to buy THC cannabis................ I just don't know how it is grown.
I'm just a little bit leery of making concentrates, when I don't know how it grown. I could very well be concentrating things that I don't want to be concentrated. :gassy: <--------- there are things that shouldn't be concentrated.:biggrin:

Ya get my drift?
Solid points gentlemen.

@The^Dude - I think you've got some top help on the medibles. Is joint pain a concern? You could look into a joint supplement I use and highly recommend. It's called Lubrisyn HA. It is an oral hyaluronic acid. Works great for my old bones. Might be worth a look. They make human and animal versions and it was originally developed for the multi million dollar horse racing industry. I suggested it to @Lil Dab for his dog and I think they are getting some positive results.