New Grower The life cycle of auto flowering cannabis.

Another common question I see is when to switch autos from veg to bloom. Many people are under the impression that as soon as they see the first flowers it's time to switch. Perhaps a little explanation of the life cycle of autos will help to clarify this.

Weeks 1 - 3. Once you've started your seeds and they break the surface of the soil, they are in their seedling stage. The first set of leaves to appear will usually single fingered, followed by a second set that may still be single fingered or perhaps 3 fingered. Once that second set appears growth will start to accelerate as the new leaves provide more photosynthesis. This process will continue, more new leaves, faster growth. Depending on the type of soil in use, mild vegetative nutes can be introduced at week 2. By week 3 most plants will start to show their sex. Males will start to produce pollen sacks and females will display pistols.

Weeks 4 - 6. The plants are now entering a pre flowering stage. During this time the plants should exhibit explosive growth, often as much as a new set of nodes and 1" vertical growth a day. This is the time when they will gain most of their vertical height. Many people make the mistake of switching from vegetative to flowering nutrients at this point, assuming that since they see flowers it must be the proper time. This is incorrect. If the switch to flowering nutes is made at this time the vertical growth will stop and the plant will put it's energy into producing buds. If you need to keep your plants small, or want them to finish earlier, they by all means switch nutes at this point. But if you want to get the most out of your plants continue feeding vegetative nutes until you see the vertical growth slow and stop. Depending on the strain that will usually be sometime during week 5 or 6.

Weeks 7 - 9. By now vertical growth has stopped and the switch to flowering nutrients has been made. The buds will start to fill out and put on weight, becoming hard and tight. Pistols will start to change from white to brown, orange, red, etc. By now the plants will also have developed a strong smell. Toward the end of this phase the large primary and smaller secondary fan leaves will begin to turn yellow. This is an indication that the plant is moving toward the end of it's life.

Weeks 10 - 11. At this time flowering nutes should be discontinued and only plain pHed water fed to flush the remaining nutrients from the soil and improve the taste. Yellowing of the fan leaves will continue as the plant draws the stored energy from them. Eventually they will die and fall off. By the time that the smaller leaves that come from out of the buds will also start to turn yellow. Then it's time to harvest.

I know that many of you are thinking that the seed bank said the plants will finish in 8-9 weeks, so why are you saying they take 10-11? The claims made by the seed banks are somewhat deceptive. If you switch to flowering nutes at week 3 or 4 the plants can finish in the times the seed banks say but they will remain small and not reach their full potential yield. Years of growing by myself and others has shown that autos do best if you follow this time line.

Of course, there will always be variations depending on the strain, the environment, nutrients, etc. This information is meant to only serve as a general guideline.

For more detailed information on when to harvest your plants, please see:

NOTE: This is an informational thread. Do not post specific questions about your grow here. Please start a new thread in the appropriate forum.
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Hmmm very interestig thread so you are proposing swiching to bloom nuts at 7-6 weeks. Would you sugest swiching to flowering lights after 7 - 8 weeks of growing?
Because i just did it by accident and i still got buds but they look unripe and i am at the 9 th week so i just swiched to flowering lights,,,,,
I would switch the nutes and lights at the same time, around week 5 or 6 whenever vertical growth slows and stops. Most autos don't finish till 11 or 12 weeks, so you've still got a couple weeks for those buds to mature.

Hmmm very interestig thread so you are proposing swiching to bloom nuts at 7-6 weeks. Would you sugest swiching to flowering lights after 7 - 8 weeks of growing?
Because i just did it by accident and i still got buds but they look unripe and i am at the 9 th week so i just swiched to flowering lights,,,,,
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Great thread! Muddy is one of the reasons AFN is my favorite place to look for info and just to look! He and so many others are very helpful to the newer farmers of which I am as new as they come.
I have a question on the calcium magnesium additives that were suggested to add to my current grow. I thought I could find something called Cal-mag in the local nurseries, but I could not find magnesium by itself at all, and I did find a foliar spray that contained calcium. I found out that Epson Salts contains magnesium.........I thought epson salts was a laxitive...............duh
Anyway, The Calcium spray also has nitrogen, so is it ok to spray on my girl right before lights out? And how much Epson Salt would be suggested?
Thanks for the help, I want to grow my own GOOD stuff, instead of the crap I have to buy.........But, with the help I have gleaned already I feel I am on the right track!
hey Slitherly, glad to see you checked out this thread! Keep up the reading and learning from all of the great growers here. Good luck and happy growing! :peace:
Thanks for the kind words. I don't see a problem with using that calcium as a foliar right before lights out. As for the epsom salts, 1 tablespoon per gallon of feed is fine. Molasses also works for calcium, again 1 tablespoon per gallon.

Great thread! Muddy is one of the reasons AFN is my favorite place to look for info and just to look! He and so many others are very helpful to the newer farmers of which I am as new as they come.
I have a question on the calcium magnesium additives that were suggested to add to my current grow. I thought I could find something called Cal-mag in the local nurseries, but I could not find magnesium by itself at all, and I did find a foliar spray that contained calcium. I found out that Epson Salts contains magnesium.........I thought epson salts was a laxitive...............duh
Anyway, The Calcium spray also has nitrogen, so is it ok to spray on my girl right before lights out? And how much Epson Salt would be suggested?
Thanks for the help, I want to grow my own GOOD stuff, instead of the crap I have to buy.........But, with the help I have gleaned already I feel I am on the right track!
Great thread.

If I may ask, at what point is it best to collect the male's pollen for pollinating females?
At what point in the female's lifecycle is best to pollinate her? (Particularly if only doing a single branch with the intention of keeping the rest of the plant sensimilla.)
muddy ur the man. two questions 1 cal/mag. i was offered cal/mag bloom in my grow shop is there different ones and when do i use it i have a dwc bucket. 2 what is silica boost and again when do i use it. could u also explain what they do in the growth of the plant. have leds aswell(i think that has something to do with the cal/ mag diff.):peace:sj
Yeah the time line Muddy suggested was excellent :booya:...My auto critcal rapido was growing outta control so I listened and thought wisely on what Muddy suggested and now I don't give 1/4 strength of nutes no more. I'm on 1/2 strength and she is loving it. Also the seedbanks are full of it, because my lady was supposed to top 50cm and now sits at 90cm. She is on week 7 and is blooming everywhere and has few weeks to go, summing all up to 10-11 weeks like Muddy said :toke:. This time line has shown me good results and for future notice take the advice, its work man I tell yah. And the nutes I use are GH Flora 3prt Series. Floragro, Microgro and FloraBloom
Smokerjoker, tengreenfingers, please post your questions up in separate threads. I don't want to clog this thread up with non related questions. Thanks.