


I've had thrips before and defeated them so i've always kept an eye out and i think i have found the first signs of thrips on the lower leaves of 1 plant in the tent.

Thing is i can't find any bugs though so maybe an early catch... anyone recognise these markings or am i just being stoner paranoid?

thrips.jpg thrip.jpg

fyi: 600w hps. 4x4 tent. 18/6. Plant magic compost and oldtimers plant magic organic nutes. 5 x auto ak47 + 18 fast Bud. ak's at week 6, fb's at week 5. 6 litre pots. Temps run high around 85 - 90f at canopy closest to bulb.
IMAGE_497.jpg IMAGE_502.jpg IMAGE_fb500.jpg IMAGE_ak499.jpg
I'd watch it really, really close... it does look like thrips.
What the best solutions for getting rid of the little shits,I'm noticing im getting these in my greenhouse,iv seen some stuff called pest off but it's like £20,anyone know any other tried and tested methods
This Stuff did it for me. Two applications 2 weeks apart. You can have the 2nd application up to 2 weeks before harvest. Safe to use on veg's as well.

This infection of mine didn't turn out to be thrips. Never found out but it's just one plant and it is exhibiting the little white spots and white trails that thrips leave on every leaf but the spots are not going brown then black like they do with thrips. Some kinda mutant is my guess and it is not spreading to other plants.
You could also try to make a mix of water and diatomaceous earth, spray that on the leaves. Get food grade DE. It'll create a barrier and they won't be able to get to your plants.
Thanks for the input guys,I'll pick a bottle of that up first riz and give it a go,if that fails I'll move onto your solution OG..iv not actually seen them but my lower leaves have the silver damage signs they've been there and iv noticed there shitting on my leaves too,dirty bastards lol
If ye have a microscope try and get a leaf off with the damage, to your eye their going to look like a pinhead size white spot at first. as they develop they get bigger and can go to a .5 mm long up to 1mm then as they grow wings they get longer up to 1.5mm. Under the microscope at first just look like a longish brown smudge with 2 black dots for eyes. as they get older they look like this little fucker i caught on cam!


If you got some the same size as that then you have had them for a while, this one is in it's 4th stage out of 5 meaning I had them for about 5 weeks before I started taking action. I had to delay cropping to give the insecticide time to leave the plants.
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Nice man I'll check one of the damaged leaves out when I feed her later on,I have a jewalers loupe the should be powerful enough to spot the little cretins..gonna pick up a bottle of that spray from b&q tomorrow and blast her with it,she's just hitting full flower now and I wanna get her sorted before she starts budding.iv been out and covered the soil with some cling film to stop them getting in my soil,iv also collected 3 lady birds from the garden and thrown them on my plant too,every little helps I guess :booya:
every little helps I guess

If ye wanna go down that route then get the Plant Magic Essence starter pack. Use this in between and after your two doses of the insecticide. Not only will it help rejuvenate the plants it will also help the plants build up a resistance to further infections/infestations through the damage thats been done to it by the thrips. It can't undo the harm caused but it can help against Leaf spot and other diseases that your plants will be vulnerable to atm.