Understanding PPM?


High as a Kite
Cultivators Club
May 21, 2021
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I finally got my ppm meter. Upon mixing up a batch of liquid nutes @ 50% recommended dosage, my ppm reading is 240.
Now everything I have read says my plants like a ppm of 1000 at this stage of life. What is that 1000 ppm based on? Considering last week I gave my plants a dose of nutes at 100% the required dose, and they got burned and went into convulsions.
I imagine I'm not supposed to mix a batch of nutes 4 1/2 times the recommended dose to get a 1000 ppm measurement. I'm lost here on how this ppm stuff works, or how to get them to the 1000 ppm.
Please enlighten me :)
Your measuring TDS or total dissolved solids. Best to Wiki that one. I find it odd growers use the term “ppm”. Parts per million or milligrams per liter (mg/l) are the same thing. Its a measurement used to assess concentrations or dosages in water. Saying ppm with out any context is pretty meaningless. Its like saying “measure grams”. Grams of what? If growers want to be taken seriously in the scientific community they should state the measurement differently, ie “ppm of TDS”.
Your measuring TDS or total dissolved solids. Best to Wiki that one. I find it odd growers use the term “ppm”. Parts per million or milligrams per liter (mg/l) are the same thing. Its a measurement used to assess concentrations or dosages in water. Saying ppm with out any context is pretty meaningless. Its like saying “measure grams”. Grams of what? If growers want to be taken seriously in the scientific community they should state the measurement differently, ie “ppm of TDS”.
So what your saying is you don't know what I'm asking, because my terminology is wrong?
I finally got my ppm meter. Upon mixing up a batch of liquid nutes @ 50% recommended dosage, my ppm reading is 240.
Now everything I have read says my plants like a ppm of 1000 at this stage of life. What is that 1000 ppm based on? Considering last week I gave my plants a dose of nutes at 100% the required dose, and they got burned and went into convulsions.
I imagine I'm not supposed to mix a batch of nutes 4 1/2 times the recommended dose to get a 1000 ppm measurement. I'm lost here on how this ppm stuff works, or how to get them to the 1000 ppm.
Please enlighten me :)
also ppms or ec are correct i cant see what your asking is wrong also are you growing in coco or soil also what is your starting water is it tap water ro water ect as that will have a certain ppm to start with
also ppms or ec are correct i cant see what your asking is wrong also are you growing in coco or soil also what is your starting water is it tap water ro water ect as that will have a certain ppm to start with
Hi Tom, ty for the reply. I'm in soil and my water is giving me a reading of 14 ppm.
You need to start with your scale? Has the meter been calibrated?

USA commonly Hanna 500ppm =1.0ec

Europe commonly truncheon 700ppm =1.0ec.

Look at the instructions, for your meter, or look them up online and find that out.

Ppm 500&700, ec, cf all same, kind of.


Oh jeez, terrible pictues but it demonstrates the point.
You need to start with your scale? Has the meter been calibrated?

USA commonly Hanna 500ppm =1.0ec

Europe commonly truncheon 700ppm =1.0ec.

Look at the instructions, for your meter, or look them up online and find that out.

Ppm 500&700, ec, cf all same, kind of.

Thanks EP3, the meter is supposed to be calibrated right out of the box, but i have ordered some calibration solution. So right now I'm basically toying with it and asking question what I do with the thing. PH was no big deal, but now were getting into charts and how to use them.
I am assuming my first official use should be from runoff, to get an idea were I stand at the root?
I finally got my ppm meter. Upon mixing up a batch of liquid nutes @ 50% recommended dosage, my ppm reading is 240.
Please enlighten me :)

Some TDS meters read EC without a decimal point. An EC of 2.40 = 1200 PPM Hanna

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