Why are you here? Guerrilla tips....


Smoke Cannabis Live with Friends on AFN
Mar 23, 2014
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So you are out scouting/prepping/tending your plants and you get stopped, whether by civilians or police. If you are in the middle of a grow, tending plants in the ground these wont work, but then you are probably screwed anyway and best keep your mouth shut. If you just happen to be in the 'area' tho, this info might help.

Remember to plan ahead, and have a story ready to go, its easy for just about anyone to tell when someone is making stuff up on the fly, dont get the 'deer in the headlights' look in your eyes!

Take binoculars, lots of excuses with those, birdwatching, scouting for game, etc...

If you are near a lake, river or stream, take a fishing rod and small tackle box with a few lures. Make sure you have a valid fishing license on you!

Take your dog, "dog for a walk" is a good one or if its a bird dog, say you are practicing flushing game, preping for hunting season. Depending where you live, this may be risky for your pet, in some areas cops shoot dogs for fun these days...

When carrying growing supplies, dirt, ferts, shovels etc. Take some cheap garden plants with you. A bag of onion sets for example will give you reason to dig many holes. Tell them you have no place to grow vegetables, so you are experimenting with growing them in the
wild. Say you read about it on the internet!!! Just have nothing specifically ILLEGAL on you, cops might think its weird, but if you appear honest, shouldnt be too hard to sell.

Mushroom hunting around here is common enough to use as an excuse. I actually will carry a bag and collect some mushrooms when Im out 'exploring', also a digi camera with mushroom pics, or a mushroom identification book will really help you sell this one to anyone suspicious enough to ask.

Another that works well in areas where there is game is "shed hunting", many hunters will spend a lot of time after regular season walking in backwoods areas collecting discarded antlers. Get a deer antler and take it with you, to show someone your new 'trophy' if you are stopped. I actually found a really nice moose shed last spring when I was out preping spots, when I got back to my truck some locals were there and they were very impressed, one even offered to buy it from me!

Above all, always be OVER THE TOP friendly with anyone you encounter, act innocent, even if you arent.... Dont use any drugs when you are out in the woods, alcohol or even cigarettes. Appear clean, wear appropriate clothing for the activity you are 'claiming' to do, appearance is important. Not many birdwatchers out in the woods with $20 binoculars and ripped up jeans and dreadlocks....
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Just walk around with a gps in hand and tell ppl your geocaching! Always find yourself in odd spots looking odd in the woods while geocaching.... Besides growing etc it's fun :)
Camo clothing is a good investment also. I've literally had other hunters walk within 10 feet of me and not see me, when I've been out hunting squirrels. Just last night I bought my guerilla gear camos, found some Real Tree camos on sale for 70% off!

Another tip, when you reach the spot you plan to plant, sit and watch and listen for 10-15 minutes. Your less likely to be taken by surprise if there are other people in the area. Stop and listen every few minutes.

Good advice here. Keep 'em coming chaps.

I always carry a spade and a dead meerkat and claim I'm looking for a decent burial plot.
Worms and wasps don't cut it, you need at least a budgie or a hippo to claim it is a pet.

Seriously guys, this is a good thread. More tips please as I am going into the woods this summer. Learn from the best. Over to you.........

This isnt related to the "why are you here" theme, but another tip, when you go to harvest your plants in the fall, take garlic cloves with you. Pull your plants, roots and all and plant a clove or two of garlic in that spot, it will grow there for years, no animals like/eat garlic. I wouldnt suggest using the same spot every year, but if you leave your spot for a year or two, when you come back, you can just redig all the areas that have garlic growing in them, the soil will still be good if you amended it properly initially, just add some good organic fertilizers and you are set. Better than hauling bales of peat again! This may not work well in areas where there arent cold winters...

Also easier than digging holes is using a gas powered auger. No need to invest in an expensive dedicated hole digging unit, if you ice fish, or live where people ice fish, just buy a used ice auger for $100 bucks or so, as long as its running well. Older Jiffy models are just about bullet proof. This wont work well in rocky soil, but anything sandy/silty and you can dig holes very fast. An 8" auger hole dug 2ft deep will be equivalent to a 5 gallon (or 20 liter) pot, with the added bonus of the plants not getting root bound and still being able to get moisture from surrounding soil. Its takes me about 30 seconds to dig a hole in good soil with my auger.
Good Thread Treeman solid advice
Those who are venturing into the world of the Guerrilla grower this season i give you this advice, get out there now and start prepping and carrying stuff to your spot. The reason for this is when spring comes and all the new growth comes if you carry all your gear in then youll leave a more obvious trail to your spot. Stealthy spot manouvers are easier if your not lugging 40 litres of soil in your pack thats for sure. Get it all there now and camo it/ bury it ready for spring. Pops listening trick is also great, i use it when on the edge of my access path, i use the old twitcher routine and listen for a while before popping in, same on the way out.
If you start indoors and need to take plants out use the full moons if the skys clear its easier to sneak aound at night, i also use times when popular soap operas are on ! If your plants are big and you use binbags / refuse sacks use bin day as the day you move yer plants !!!
Good Growing Ya'll
Pepper (or dog)spray for wild dogs or wolfs.
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Wolf , nar we gotta look out for these .