Indoor Auto Seeds' Ultra Lemon Haze in a 23"x23"x41" cabinet


Aligning strange emanations
Apr 17, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hi guys! After the great result I got from my first grow, I'm ready for the next. For those interested, the journal of my first grow can be found here:

You all seem to like as many details as possible, so here we go:

Strain: Ultra Lemon Haze ([HASHTAG]#Autoseeds[/HASHTAG])

Here's the info from

"Type: Sativa/Indica/Ruderalis
Height: 65cm-100cm
Harvest: 65-70 days indoors 80-100 outdoors from seed
Stone: Very intense sativa high with body buzz
THC: Very high

To create Ultra Lemon Haze we crossed the Cannabis Cup winning Lemon Haze with a select Sour Diesel developed in northern California. This was then crossed with our Auto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] to produce a stable strain that is truly unique. These genetics and the resulting strain have created something incredibly special which has made it one of our favourites. The taste is of sharp citrus, lemons and pink grapefruit, whilst maintaining the fuel like undertones of the Sour Diesel. The Super Lemon Haze was a multiple cup winner for good reason and these traits have carried through into Ultra Lemon Haze. Sativa dominant, the buds are long and dense with typical sativa shape shade leaves. The smoke is spectacular and the stone distinctly psychedelic with an excellent balance between a physical body buzz and soaring cerebral high.

Ultra Lemon Haze can be grown well both indoors and out, but indoors requires a good level of control and management to obtain the best results. Average height will be 60-70cm indoor but some phenotypes can extend up to 80cms+ if grown outdoors in optimal conditions. Due to the dominance of the Sativa genes and the lower percentage of Ruderalis this is not a standard autoflowering variety. For optimum yield and maximum psychoactivity (THC content), 90+ days are recommended. Indoors, special care must be taken. Unlike other autos the best photoperiod for Ultra Lemon Haze is 12-16 hours. It is also best to change from vegetative nutrients to flowering nutrients at week 5/6 to ensure the best crop. Outdoors, Ultra Lemon Haze can be planted from early March to the beginning of July but the flowering period will never be shorter than 60 days.

The extra time and care required for Ultra Lemon Haze will bring outstanding rewards and will leave you wanting to make this a regular addition to your grow."

So here's my setup:
Grow medium: Soil, Canna Terra Professional with extra 30% perlite added.
Pot: 15liter (4gallon) Airpot
Nutes: Canna Rhizotonic, Canna Terra Vega, Canna Terra Flores, Cannabooster.

Grow space: ready to use cabinet (that cost about $550)
Inner size:41" X 23" X 23"
Outer size: 47" X 24.5" X 24.5"

The cabinet included:
  • Pk2600 Mini carbon filter 160M3, with exit fan, a Winflex 125 VKO in line axial fan (whatever the hell that all means...), 185m3/hour.
  • LED lamp, Horticoled MR III (no longer in production, so now it's available with a Hans Panel, which I would have loved to have...those babies are genius, if you believe the test results) The lamp I have is supposed to have these specs:
    • 110 Watt effectively 144 Watt
    • Ideal surface area: 23.5" x 23.5"
    • UV: 395nm
    • Blue: 440, 450 en 470nm
    • Red: 610, 630 en 660nm
    • Infrared: 470nm
    • White: 2700K
    • White: 10000K
    • Angle: 90/120°
There was hardly any info about the lamp with the package so I'm not sure what kind of LED this is. There's 48x3W.

There's 3x Passive intakes of airflow on the bottom of the cabinet protected by caps.


Since you like to know everything...Other instruments and stuff:
  • Thermometer (inside the cabinet, nice and cheap)
  • Milwaukee ph-55 thingy to check temp and ph of the water.
  • 2,5 liter watering can
  • Clip fan (that's too large and doesn't oscilate, but hey, it worked last time!)
  • Garden wire for LST
  • A plastic ring cut from a bottle
  • Plastic foil
  • Elastic band (wouldn't want to leave any detail out)
  • Plain vinegar for ph-down, don't need ph-up.
  • Duct tape in case I mess up the LST.
  • A tray to catch excess water.
That's it!

Here's what I've done so far.
After the previous grow, I cleaned the cabinet with luke warm water and a tiny little bit of bleach. Really, really tiny bit. After that I rinsed the cabinet again with plain water. I am very meticulous at everything I do in my grows because I'd rather prevent problems than correcting them.

I cut a 5.8 gallon Airpot into a 4 gallon size. Not because they were out of 4 gallon size Airpots, but because this means a wider and lower pot than I would have gotten when I would have just bought a 4 gallon pot.

I filled the pot with Canna Terra Professional with the added Perlite, trying to stuff as many of the Airpot holes gently without perlite clogging them with the Perlite. When that's done, I loosely filled the pot right up to the rim. I know that means the water might spoil over, but I hardly pack the soil. I simply lightly pat it down once it's filled to the rim. This means there's lots of air in there so it will shrink considerably. After a few weeks the soil will be below the rim of the pot.

After the pot was filled, I prepared the water. I use Canna Rhizotonic. That's a first for me (of many to follow, since it's my second grow, LOL) It ups the Ph of the water a fair bit, though. By the way, getting a small dosage out of those Canna flasks, is like Dantes journey through hell.

*note to self: buy syringe...:baked:

I prepared about 2 gallons of water with Rhizotonic. In this case I added 14ml of Rhizotonic and enough vinegar to get the Ph to 6.5. Always 6.5 until in full flowering mode.

Then I poured it gently and bit by bit over the soil making sure every nook and cranny gets wet. Once there is loads of water coming out of the bottom and side holes, I stop pouring.

I left it to drain until no more water came out. Next I put the Airpot on a tray in the cabinet and switched the light on full spectrum 24/0. I closed the cabinet and left it there for 24 hours to warm up and make the cabinet get a higher humidity level.

Today is 24 hours later. The temp inside the cabinet was 84.2° (29°C) so that's great! The soil felt warm. I proceeded by loosening up the soil a bit in the center of the pot. I actually make a "virtual" small pot of looser soil in the center because it will be easier for the tiny roots to find their way.

Finally I made an indentation of about a quarter of an inch in the "virtual pot" and drop the seed in and covered it with soil.

To finish it all off I use a plastic ring that I cut out of a plastic bottle that I tightly cover with plastic foil fixed in place with elastic band. I placed this little homemade greenhouse over the planted seed. This keeps the moisture in, humidity and temps high.

Now let's see what she will bring me!

I'll be updating regularly. Feel free to comment, give advice and invite your friends to have a look at what I'm doing.

We have lift off! :smoking:

Look at that little girl checking out her new (gigantic) home!

Hopefully, she will soon discover it's actually pretty small! Hahaha!:growing: