Dinafem Bob's Dinafem Grow - Chapter Two : OG Kush CBD Auto & Cheese XXL Auto

Bob's Auto's

On a breeding journey...
Cultivators Club
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
The current harvest
Hello Brethren of the Grow,

Bob again with another chapter in my grow diary.
This time I wanted to share the best advice I found here on AFN. That being 'keep a diary'... Not only is it handy lookin' back you can even get a couple predictions out of it. What did I learn this time... Well I should have made notes of the temperature and humidity, maybe even PAR or at least Lux. Live and learn ;)

  • OG = OG Kush CBD Auto
  • DK = Dinamed Kush CBD Auto
  • Ch = Cheese XXL Auto
  • Zk = Zkittlez OG Auto
  • MC = Mota CBD Auto

  • May 24th, Prepared my medium and planted the seeds. Each seed has been given a few drops of root booster. (note: smells like piss!)
  • May 26th, 2x MC emerged.
  • May 28th, 3x DK, 1x MC, 2x OG, 2x Ch & 2x Zk emerged.
  • May 29th, 2x DK, 3x OG & 1x Chemerged. Gave the plants their first nutrients (2ml root booster + 2ml A+B / 0.5L). One seed (Zk) did not surface which gave me 95% success after 5 days! Nice :)
  • May 30th, seedlings re potted (half fabric, half plastic). Each seedling received 700ml of nutrition. (30ml root booster + 10ml A+B / 10L + 0.5ml pH min)
    60L container filled with water and 6ml pH min. Air pump connected.
  • 31 May, irrigation pump tested, pH 60L barrel = 5.87.
  • June 1, Mixed the nutrients.
  • June 2, Fed the small plants.
  • June 3, Only watered the plants in the fabric pots, plastic pots were still wet enough.
  • June 5, bad weather.
  • June 6, bad weather. Only pictures taken.
  • June 7, 10ml Potsil added to the barrel (+- 50L). Result pH increased to 7.64. pH adjusted back to 5.86. Nutrition added to 937 ppm. Pictures taken.
  • June 8, Gave a foliar feeding with BAP + TRIA + BRASS. The next few days are going to decide if this was a wise decision... pH barrel controlled and adjusted back to 5.67+ feeding until it came out at the bottom of the pots. Pictures taken.
  • June 9, Nutrition given + Pictures taken.
  • June 10, Nutrition given until it came out at the bottom of the pots. Barrel was empty. Filled the barrel with 60L water, 650ml A+B, 10ml Potsil and 14.5ml acid. pH = 5.62, EC = 1100ppm. Pictures taken.
  • June 11, feed measured pH 5.72, EC 1270. Fed the plants (about 10L = 0.5L/plant). Pictures taken.
  • June 12th, Today a sunny day after a week of bad weather. Fed 10L in the morning, fed 10L in the afternoon. Foliar fed a second and last time with BAP + TRIA + BRASS. Pictures taken.
  • June 13, 10L feeding in the morning, 20L feeding in the evening until it came out of the pots. Rinsed the barrel out, filled with 60L water, 650ml A+B, 10ml Potsil and 16ml acid. pH 5.62, EC 907ppm. Pictures taken.
  • June 14, pH adjusted to 5.68, EC 1400. 10L Nutrition given. Pictures taken.
  • 15 June, 10L feeding given in the morning. Added water to the barrel in the evening and adjusted the pH. pH 5.72, EC 997 after that gave a good watering. Pictures taken. Today is the last day of good weather. Rain forecast for the next three days.
    • LST applied to some plants:
      • OG Kush CBD Auto #5
      • Zkittlez OG Auto #1
      • Cheese XXL Car #1 & #2
      • Dinamed Kush CBD Car #2 & #4
      • Mota CBD Car #2
  • June 16, only pictures taken.
  • June 17, 35 to 40L nutrition given. Pictures taken. DK#3 shows pre-flowers.
  • June 18, Pictures taken. DK #1, #5 showing pre-flowers.
  • June 19, Gave each plant 2L of nutrition. Rinsed out the barrel and refilled with 60L water, 650ml A+B and 6ml Potsil. pH 5.63, EC 978. Pictures taken. Ch #3, DK #4 showing pre-flowers.
  • June 20, pH barrel increased to 5.86. Acidified back to 5.54. EC increased to 1200. Pictures taken. OG #2, #4, MC #3 showing pre-flowers.
  • June 21, Fed the plants. 25L in total. Pictures taken. OG #3, #5, Zk #1, Ch #2, DK #2 showing pre-flowers. DK #1 shows the first flowers.
  • June 22, Only pictures taken. OG #1, Zk #2, Ch #1, MC #5 showing pre-flowers. DK #5 shows the first flowers.
  • June 23, Pictures taken. Because of the heat in the evening 2.5L nutrition given per plant. Almost nothing ran out of the bottom of the pots. Filled the barrel with 60 Lwater, 650ml A+B, 6ml Potsil. Acidified to 4.54pH and 1010 EC. MC Auto #4 shows pre-flowers.
  • June 24th, Today it was extremely hot weather >40°C in the greenhouse. The nutrient solution has the following values pH 4.75 and EC 1540. Tomorrow add water and if necessary Potsil to increase pH. Pictures taken around 21h because of the heat. Leaves hang limp, but pots are still heavy enough. Check again tomorrow morning. Until Friday we get extremely hot temperature. But the plant growth today was phenomenal! The 'stretch' has started. MC #1 shows pre-flowers.
  • June 25th, fed each plant 2.5L in the morning. Pictures taken. MC #2 shows pre-flowers. DK #2, #3, Ch #3, show the first flowers.
  • June 26th, Mixed the nutrient solution. 60L water, 650ml A+B, 6ml Potsil. pH 5.68 EC 1010. Each plant received 2.5L. Pictures taken. DK #4, Zk #1, #2 show the first flowers.
  • June 27, Only pictures taken. Ch #1, MC #2 show the first flowers.
  • June 28, Only pictures taken. Ch #2, MC #3, #4, #5 show the first flowers.
  • June 29, Pictures taken. Gave each plant from right row 2.5L per plant. pH 7.75 EC 975. MC #1 shows the first flowers.
  • 30 June, Pictures taken.
  • 1 July, Nutrition given. 2.5L / plant right row. 1L / plant left row. Pictures taken. Filled barrel with 60L water, 650ml A+B (last of the bottle), 12ml Potsil. pH 5.80 EC 1010.
  • July 2, Only pictures taken.
  • July 3, Thrown away 10 of nutrient solution because the pH was too low. 10L water added. 400ml A+B Bloom added. pH 5.54 EC 1470. Gave each plant 2.5L. Pictures taken.
  • July 4, Only pictures taken.
  • July 5, OG is showing (I think) Magnesium deficiency. Pictures taken and posted a question on the AFN forum. Filled barrel with 50L of water. 100ml A+B Bloom added + 5ml Potsil. pH 5.75 EC 754. All 5 OG's flushed with 5L / plant. The water that came out had an EC of 989 at the first plant. Pictures taken. After viewing the pictures I found Spider mites on 2 of the 5 DK's. The whole left row was treated with Bayer Natria Pyrethrum.
  • July 6, Only pictures taken.
  • July 7, Nutrition given. Right row 2.5L / plant. Left row 1L / plant.
  • Barrel filled with 60L water, 400ml A+B, 5ml Potsil, 20ml acid. pH = 5.45 EC = 761. Pictures taken.
  • July 8th, nothing done
  • July 9th, Pictures taken.
  • July 10, Gave each plant 2.5L nutrients. pH 5.54 EC 876. Pictures taken.
  • July 11, Barrel filled with 50L water, 300ml A+B, 10ml Potsil, 16ml acid. pH 5.42 EC 765
  • July 12th, only pictures taken.
  • July 13, Each plant given 2.5L nutrients. pH 5.55 EC 879. Pictures taken.
  • July 14, Barrel filled with 50L water, 450ml A+B, 10ml Potsil, 15ml acid. pH 5.49 EC 897. Plants sprayed with 400ppm Florel (2L water, 2ml Florel 40%, +- 2ml Potsil). pH 4.09. Pictures taken.
  • July 15, Today line 4 of the peppers came down. It broke off a few branches of the Ch #3 and a branch of the Zk #2. I've harvested the branches of the Cheese and hung them to dry. Wow, this one smells unbelievable. Whole the downstairs smells like it. Pictures taken.
  • July 16th, Right row 3L / plant nutrients given. pH/EC not measured. Pictures taken.
  • July 17, Only pictures taken.
  • July 18, Right row 2.5L / plant nutrition given. pH/EC not measured. Pictures taken.
  • July 19, Pictures taken.
  • July 20, Gave each plant +-3L nutrients. pH 5.66 EC 1310. Not much water came out. Within a few days measure the drainage water again and if necessary flush with 6L / plant to prevent salinization. Pictures taken.
  • July 21, Barrel filled with 50L water, 400ml A+B, 6ml potsil & 14ml acid. pH 5.54 EC 807. Only gave the plants of which the coco top layer was dry 2.5L / plant. Refilled barrel with 60L water +- 15L, 100ml A+B & 2ml acid. pH 5.54 EC 803. Pictures taken.
  • July 22, Each plant +-3L nutrition given. pH 5.58 EC 1010. Barrel filled with 60L water, 450ml A+B, 6ml Potsil, 14,5ml acid. pH & EC not measured. Pictures taken.
  • July 23, Measured the nutrients. pH 5.55, EC 2.63 mS, ppm 1364.
  • July 24th, only pictures taken.
  • July 25, Gave OG #1-5, Zk #1-3 & Ch #1-2 3L / plant. Pictures taken of the trichomes with USB microscope. Taken a nug from the Zk. Wow, less trichomes, but so much more potent!
  • July 26th, Barrel refilled with 30L water & 6ml acid. pH 5.98 EC 1637µS. Gave DK #1-5, MC #1-5 & Ch #1-3 4.5L feed/plant so that the salts could be flushed out of the medium. Pictures taken. Refilled barrel with 60L water, 6ml Potsil, 12ml acid & 250ml A+B. pH 6.01 EC 1254µS.
  • July 27, It should be noted that on the MC's and DK's there were aphids. All plants (including the peppers and tomatoes) treated with Bayer Natria Pyrethrum. Gave OG #1-5, Zk #1-2 & Ch #1-3 4.5L feed/plant so that the salts could be flushed out of the medium. pH5.99 EC 1652µS. Pictures taken.
  • July 28, Today I removed all old leaves and cleaned up a bit. Also examined the plants on aphids. Only seem to see dead bodies. Refilled the barrel with 40L water, 4ml Potsil, 6ml acid & 150ml A+B. pH 5.99 EC 1376µS. Pictures taken.
  • July 29th, All day today I was busy making a humidity controlled dry box, controlled by an ESP8266 and an App on the mobile phone. Only 2 pictures taken because it was too dark.
  • July 30, In the evening I gave 5L /plant. All pots were on the dry side except DK #1. pH 5.95 EC 1456µS. Filled the barrel with 60L water, 6ml Potsil, 15ml acid & 250ml A+B. pH 5.89 EC 1386µS. After watering I refilled the barrel with 40L water, 4ml Potsil, 8ml acid & 150ml A+B. pH 5.95 EC 1254µS. Pictures taken.
  • July 31st, According to the breeders chart MC #2 & #5 should be ready to harvest? I took pictures of all trichomes. No plant is ready yet. Gave OG #1-5, Zk #1-2 & Ch #1-3 3L / plant feed. pH 6.23 EC 1534µS. Barrel not yet refilled because it was so hot that just makes more sense filling it up right before a watering... Pictures taken.
  • August 1st, With surplus of what was in the barrel some plants were watered. DK #2 & 3, MC #3, 4 & 5. pH 6.3 EC 1587 µS. Pictures taken.
  • August 2, According to the breeders chart DK #1, #3, #5 & MC #1, #3 & #4 should be ready for harvest. Checked the trichomes on all plants and none that's ready. DK needs another week, I guess. Today's a cloudy day and all the plants still have enough moisture in the pot.
  • August 3rd, According to the breeders chart DK #2 & #4 should be ready for harvest. Trichomes checked, but none are ready yet. Gave each plant 6L nutrients. The first plants measured their drain water and it was on the low side (pH 5.54). I suspect this has to do with the Potsil I'm feeding. When using these nutrients there is an imbalance which causes the pH to drop. At least this is my theory... To test this, the first 10 plants MC #1-5 & OG #1-5 were fed Potsil (pH 6.02 EC 882µS) and DK #1-5, Zk #1-2 & Ch #1-3 without Potsil (pH 6.04 EC 842µS). Filled the barrel two times with 60L water, once with 6ml Potsil & once without, 150ml A+B and once with 12ml acid and once with 8ml acid. And gave each group 6L / plant.
  • August 4, Only pictures taken.
  • August 5, Checked the trichomes. DK #1 & 2 look ready... Rinsed out the barrel and filled with 60L water, 200ml A+B & 10ml acid. pH 5.98 EC 1069µS. With the exception of DK #1 & 2 gave all plants 2L nutrients. Pictures taken.
  • August 6, According to the breeders chart Zk #1 & #2 should be ready for harvest. Checked the trichomes and both Zk's are not ready yet. The DK #1 & 2 are ready and harvested. Pictures taken of them. Barrel refilled with 50L water, 6ml Potsil, 12ml acid & 150ml A+B. pH 6.29 EC 1072µS. Gave the left row 3L/plant. Pictures taken.
  • August 7, Barrel filled with 50L water, 10ml acid & 150ml A+B. pH 6.02 EC 1054µS. Gave all plants 3L. Pictures taken.
  • August 8th, Checked the trichomes and DK #3 is ready. This one harvested. Because of the heat DK #1 & #2 are dry. Both where brought in and stripped of branches. #1 = 15gr, #2 = 27gr. Both put in a bag and put in the freezer.
  • August 9th, Trichomes checked. OG #3 is almost ready. The first amber begins to appear. Barrel filled with 60L water, 12ml acid & 240ml A+B. pH 6.05 EC 1444µS. Gave all plants except the DK's 4L nutrients. The two remaining DK are as good as ready and can be harvested tomorrow or the day after. Pictures taken.
  • August 10, Today we checked the trichomes and MC #5, OG #1, #2, #3, DK #3 & Ch #3 are ready. Only had the time to harvest three plants (OG #1, #2 & MC #5).
  • August 11th, According to the breeders chart OG #2 & #4 should be ready for harvest. Forgot to turn off cell phone day before and can't take pictures of trichomes. I did harvested OG #2, DK #4 & #5. (see previous chapter). Rinsed out the barrel and filled with 60L water, 12ml acid, 200ml A+B. pH 5.90 EC 1240µS. Gave each plant 4L nutrients.
    • 11 plants remain:
      • OG #3, #4, #5
      • Zk #1, #2
      • Ch #1, #2
      • MC #1, #2, #3, #4
  • August 12th, According to the breeders chart OG Kush Auto CBD #1, #3 & #5 should be ready for harvest. Checked the trichomes and OG #3, #4 & Ch #2 were ready and have been harvested.
  • August 13th, Only gave OG #5, Zk #1 & #2, Ch #1 & MC #4 4L nutrients. The medium of the other Mota's still was moist.
  • August 14, Done nothing.
  • August 15, OG #1, 2, 3, 4, DK #3, 4, 5 where taken off the wire and put in buckets (see this thread) for curing.
  • August 16, According to the breeders chart Ch #2 & #3 should be ready for harvest. Checked the trichomes and harvested OG #5, Zk #2 & Ch #1. I filled the barrel with 50L water, 180ml A+B, 12ml acid & 5ml Potsil. pH 6.01 EC 1330µS. Gave Zk #1 & MC #4 each 4L / plant. The other MC's still had enough moisture in the pot.
    • What's left now:
      • - Zk #1
      • - MC #1, 2, 3 & 4

I know right..What a read. For those of you still awake here are the Gif's from the three Cheese's and the five OG Kush's.

Cheese XXL Auto #1

Cheese XXL Auto #2
To follow as it's to big for the server

Cheese XXL Auto #3

OG Kush CBD Auto #1
To follow as it's to big for the server

OG Kush CBD Auto #2

OG Kush CBD Auto #3

OG Kush CBD Auto #4

OG Kush CBD Auto #5


Bob :smoking:
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nice jo brother do you dry trim as there are still lots of leaves left on them still I'm a wet trimmer myself
Thanks mate :)
I know. When all of it got a couple of weeks curing behind I'll pick the best buds, manicure and put those into glass jars for smoking.
The rest will go into bubble bags and become ooh la la :hookah:
Hey growers,

Today I removed the last OG Kush CBD strain from the clotheslines and therefor I can give you guys the weights for all five plants.
So without further adieu...:hothot:

OG Kush CBD Auto #1
OG Kush CBD Auto #1 (Small).jpg

OG Kush CBD Auto #2
OG Kush CBD Auto #2 (Small).jpg

OG Kush CBD Auto #3
OG Kush CBD Auto #3 (Small).jpg

OG Kush CBD Auto #4
OG Kush CBD Auto #4 (Small).jpg

OG Kush CBD Auto #5
OG Kush CBD Auto #5 (Small).jpg

Impressive results from this grow and I must say I love the diary in a day format :pass:

Cool picture montages to my friend :thumbsup:

Have you tried any of the end product yet?

Would love your thoughts :pass:

All the best :bong:

Thank you very much. The people from Dinafem made it really easy for me!! All seeds from Dinafem germinated within five days and grew to beautiful ladies with only one showing a genetic flaw. It still gave me 15g of bud and I know we are working with 'live' material so no foul done ;)

All together I got 1500g of dry bud from this grow which is probably going to take me quite some time to consume/process into bubble.

In the meantime I opened my customized glass curing jars which have been curing for 14 days now and took out some of that nice smelling Cheese (XXL Auto) and the first thing that came to mind is walking into a 90's coffeeshop and ordering myself a couple of grams of Skunk. My wife smelled it and didn't understand why I loved it so much. Man o man, that brings back memories...


Taking a bud out of the jar which has been sitting in a stable temperature of 21°C and a humidity of 62% it is still nice and fresh. The aroma enters my nostrils as I pluck the individual flowers from the bud. I personally like it a bit dryer as it disintegrates more easily between thumb and index finger, but it stays this way, so I keep it here and whenever I want to smoke I take out a bud and leave it outside for an hour or two...


This is like riding a bike. You never forget how to roll a :jointman:

Halfway...Mhmmm, this smoke is smooth, completely different from when I smoked one after drying, which was harsh going in. The flavor...well I can only say Skunk, but with an Kush aftertaste. And with aftertaste I really mean after a couple of minutes of not smoking I get the same taste in my mouth as I will have with the OG Kush CBD Auto, which I didn't try yet, ahum... :eyebrows:
That's about all I can remember... I didn't even finish the damn thing. This is really stoney herb... I had to pauze my tast session until today because I was completely wrecked from half a...

I continued today with the OG Kush CBD Auto after some needed work in the yard...

It's a bit warmer outside, but as you can see humidity is at 62%

Again, took out a nice bud and did whatever I needed to do...



I light it...take a toke. A floral fuely taste tickles my taste buds (hehe...buds). This is nice but still a bit harsher then the Cheese, which was so smooooth... I think this one can benefit from a slightly longer cure or maybe it stays there? But I'm deviating...
I take another toke and there is that Kushy aftertaste which I had with the Cheese again, but now it isn't an aftertaste... It's here and stays here for quite some time. It's like an hour and a half since I started writing this review and I still have that Kushy tasty goodness in my mouth.
The high isn't as strong and hard hitting as the Cheese, but it is nice and mellow. I can still do things with this in my system. I could have smoked this while I was working in the yard. Just to make the comparison with how the Cheese made me feel...

Well...this is the end of my growing season since I can only grow inside the greenhouse and autumn is standing at the doorsteps so... I wish all you growers who can still grow outside or grow inside guud luck, no budrot & a bountiful harvest :pass:


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p.s. @420Forever Badge time dude ;)

wowzer, did i let this one pass me by, or what-?! :yoinks: :rofl: :doh: belated gratz & u now have a shiny lil badge for ur effort...albeit a few monthz late :smoking: to display it under ur name, jus go to profile > badgez & click the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) ppp