Choose your Lucky number-Win Mars Hydro TS 1000!

Haven't finished a cycle yet so can't really say. First time with autos, 9/3 light cycle, run in room and first time with LEDs. Still waiting on my ppfd meter to really dial in the settings at different hang heights. It appears 18- 22" is best for max coverage, this hasn't been confirmed by me yet though. Very easy setup and nice sleek design. I wanna say it was advertised as daisy chain, although I think only the dimming function performs with the daisy chain. (Still need 3 outlets for 3 lights, as opposed to 1 outlet for 3 lights) At least that's my understanding so far.
YouTuber Dr MJ Coco has a new test on the FC3000 2 days ago. I haven't watched it yet. Since you posted this, I just checked to see if he had done the test yet. The guy seems like an honest guy and is very methodical in his testing. His website is also very informative also.

Haven't finished a cycle yet so can't really say. First time with autos, 9/3 light cycle, run in room and first time with LEDs. Still waiting on my ppfd meter to really dial in the settings at different hang heights. It appears 18- 22" is best for max coverage, this hasn't been confirmed by me yet though. Very easy setup and nice sleek design. I wanna say it was advertised as daisy chain, although I think only the dimming function performs with the daisy chain. (Still need 3 outlets for 3 lights, as opposed to 1 outlet for 3 lights) At least that's my understanding so far.
I have a 3000, 2000, and two 1000 watt leds plus 2 fans and a dehumidifier in flower tent and humidifier in veg tent all running on 1 outlet. No problems. Lol
Hey growers, a piece of Mars Hydro news here

We are looking for the Mars Hydro FC 3000 light tester this month, the grower should be " AFN Gladiator ", and Messages over 1500, Reaction Score over 5000, already finished one complete grow journal on AFN here. Anyone interest?
Sounds good
Yeah..…You win! Waiting to see who beats your reaction score! LOL

I am SO outclassed here! :crying:

fwiw, it'z not about who has the highest reaction score, lol...whichever group o' peepz that meet all the requirementz, their namez will go in a hat & tina will simply pick one at random out of that group ;) ppp
fwiw, it'z not about who has the highest reaction score, lol...whichever group o' peepz that meet all the requirementz, their namez will go in a hat & tina will simply pick one at random out of that group ;) ppp
Don't think that's what she meant. She will choose but not random. I'd want the member with the most influence to test my lights if I was her. Reps and trophy points have been reshuffled too many times to mean anything. Seems reaction score is the only indicator worth something. You two have the highest I've seen so far!
Don't think that's what she meant. She will choose but not random. I'd want the member with the most influence to test my lights if I was her. Reps and trophy points have been reshuffled too many times to mean anything. Seems reaction score is the only indicator worth something. You two have the highest I've seen so far!

i passed on it, so don't worry about lil ol' me :jointman: ppp