New Grower Danielsaaan’s Third Grow

Day 48: Rotated pots.
I might just feed plain water (maybe Recharge here and there) til the end to at least try to get these to harvest. Do you guys recommend I defoliate all of the burnt stuff? Or maybe just the older burned leaves? Thanks all!
I might just feed plain water (maybe Recharge here and there) til the end to at least try to get these to harvest. Do you guys recommend I defoliate all of the burnt stuff? Or maybe just the older burned leaves? Thanks all!
If I have a plant that is having issues I usually will leave as many leaves as possible. Usually because the problems are still progressing so if you remove those leaves too early it'll just start to eat up healthy leaves.
I originally thought I was having deficiencies and was close to feeding more nutrients. Thank you guys for essentially saving my grow!…maybe lol
I'm not a soil grower myself but @pop22 is very clued up and may be able to assist you more as you could have lockout also maybe @Mañ'O'Green could help too
Watered them this morning with Quillaja. PH 6.5 til runoff. Tested the runoff of each pot - 6.4-6.5 (not sure if that really means anything though). Will post some pics up tonight.
The PH sounds good to me, if there was a large variance between in and out then there is an issue.