Deficiency or imbalance? Detailed info inside...

@Suki813, definitely a possibility. Maybe forum stomper just doesn't like Stonington early on. If I run it again, I'll try a lighter mix in the top half of the pot
From Mephisto's description:
Strain behavior and structure:
Forum Stomper is pretty easy to grow, go easy with nutrients early on, let her get established and she’ll soon reward you with some ultra frosty flowers.

I know my sour stomper was very picky about nutes, and I had issues with too much N early on, which has translated to some lockout/deficiencies in flower. Not the same strain, obviously, but pretty closely related. I've seen some mixed reviews on the CoM soils so that may be playing into it as well.
This is the best graphic display for nutrient caused lock-out that is easy to understand.


This plant is showing classic Mg lock-out/deficiency.


It is unlikely that the Stonington has too much K but too much Dolomite Lime can happen in any commercial soil. This is my best guess as to the start of the problem.

No matter the start a double foliar application of Mg is going to cause issues. It gets really convoluted trying to figure the source of the problem when Mother Love adds too many nutrients to the mix.

This is a more complete diagram of the nutrient reactions to each other. It is messy.

ScreenHunter_181 Feb. 23 17.01.jpg

What do they look like now? Have you just been watering without nutrients as I suggested.
This is the best graphic display for nutrient caused lock-out that is easy to understand.

View attachment 1398031

This plant is showing classic Mg lock-out/deficiency.

View attachment 1398029

It is unlikely that the Stonington has too much K but too much Dolomite Lime can happen in any commercial soil. This is my best guess as to the start of the problem.

No matter the start a double foliar application of Mg is going to cause issues. It gets really convoluted trying to figure the source of the problem when Mother Love adds too many nutrients to the mix.

This is a more complete diagram of the nutrient reactions to each other. It is messy.

View attachment 1398030

What do they look like now? Have you just been watering without nutrients as I suggested.

@Mañ'O'Green, I agree. Barring a soil test to check the composition, it's hard to know for certain.

I appreciate your advice. For my own knowledge, if an Mg def is caused by excess/lockout in the medium, would you say that a foliar spray would exacerbate the problem? My thought was that it would bypass the root zone and help the plant with the deficiency (as a short term solution).

I posted some pictures on pg 2 from today. Still not looking good, and yes water only (sparingly) for the past 2 weeks. Other 2 plants are going good.
@Mañ'O'Green, I agree. Barring a soil test to check the composition, it's hard to know for certain.

I appreciate your advice. For my own knowledge, if an Mg def is caused by excess/lockout in the medium, would you say that a foliar spray would exacerbate the problem? My thought was that it would bypass the root zone and help the plant with the deficiency (as a short term solution).

I posted some pictures on pg 2 from today. Still not looking good, and yes water only (sparingly) for the past 2 weeks. Other 2 plants are going good.

Oh yes in a perfect world we could test all of our growing media.

Yes you are absolutely correct a one time application of Mg could alleviate the problem IF and ONLY IF it is a deficiency. Two applications is too much in any event so close together. If the problem is a lock-out from too much Ca in the plant then the foliar application can remain locked out. It is really just guess work when we use the symptoms displayed by the leaves to determine a problem.

Why are you watering sparingly? Water the whole pot until run-off just starts. Then wait until half of that water has been used-evaporated before watering again. Make sure you have an air gap under the pot to prevent anaerobic microbes.
From Mephisto's description:
Strain behavior and structure:
Forum Stomper is pretty easy to grow, go easy with nutrients early on, let her get established and she’ll soon reward you with some ultra frosty flowers.

I know my sour stomper was very picky about nutes, and I had issues with too much N early on, which has translated to some lockout/deficiencies in flower. Not the same strain, obviously, but pretty closely related. I've seen some mixed reviews on the CoM soils so that may be playing into it as well.
:crying::crying:Easy to grow - they gotta sell those seeds somehow.

Coast of Maine has a good reputation here with growers that understand Organic growing. There is a bit to learn and a lot has to do with the timing of Organic amendments. I think if you are going to grow in soil you should do it organically in TLS. Once you get it down you will think it is easy. Using salts in soil is much more difficult and so easy to screw up. Then when you do it is much harder to fix in time.
:crying::crying:Easy to grow - they gotta sell those seeds somehow.

Coast of Maine has a good reputation here with growers that understand Organic growing. There is a bit to learn and a lot has to do with the timing of Organic amendments. I think if you are going to grow in soil you should do it organically in TLS. Once you get it down you will think it is easy. Using salts in soil is much more difficult and so easy to screw up. Then when you do it is much harder to fix in time.
Don't I know it :rofl:
Sad to say, but sometimes a plant is just a dud from the beginning. Anything that has strange emergence/growth early gets chucked. Too many times I have wasted weeks of time/nutes/light on a plant that just was never up to snuff from the beginning and nothing you try brings it out of it. You end up with such a small mount of subpar product that I would have been much better off just popping another bean and grow on.
Sad to say, but sometimes a plant is just a dud from the beginning. Anything that has strange emergence/growth early gets chucked. Too many times I have wasted weeks of time/nutes/light on a plant that just was never up to snuff from the beginning and nothing you try brings it out of it. You end up with such a small mount of subpar product that I would have been much better off just popping another bean and grow on.
I always stick them in a solo or a 1gal. Not hard to find a spot for a container that small and sometimes they surprise you.
Exhibit A


Exhibit B
