Dialing In MEGA CROP for Auto's

A picture would definitely help. Soil, coco or hydro? (Sorry if I missed it)

On a side note. You may want to back off the MC if you are going to start introducing SC and BE. Something like:

MC 2
SC 3
BE 4

Kind of like a Lucas formula approach. This will also help with your N levels and prevent any N Tox.
Tried this feed plan. One feeding. Leaves got light green and crunchy brown serrations. Went back original feed plan.
Another question guys, since my Bluelab Ph meter battery died..

How much and in which direction is the MC swinging your Ph at the time of mixing and feeding? I'm currently guessing and dropping Ph down to 6.5ish (6 drops per gallon) in my tap and then adding the 1.5 to 2g MC. Any guess? Plants don't appear to be having any Ph issues.
Another question guys, since my Bluelab Ph meter battery died..

How much and in which direction is the MC swinging your Ph at the time of mixing and feeding? I'm currently guessing and dropping Ph down to 6.5ish (6 drops per gallon) in my tap and then adding the 1.5 to 2g MC. Any guess? Plants don't appear to be having any Ph issues.

When I was using store bottled RO water I had to PH down a bit to 6.2 from about 6.5 after mixing in the MC, SC and CMP. Recently switched to my own RO water that came out of the house tap and then in to an RO Buddie filter and now I have to PH up from 5.8 to 6.2 after mixing nutes. Came to the conclusion that its pretty hard to tell another person what to do for PH up/down because everyone's water is different.

Don't you just check PH after mixing? You said above you are doing PH adjustments before adding MC?
When I was using store bottled RO water I had to PH down a bit to 6.2 from about 6.5 after mixing in the MC, SC and CMP. Recently switched to my own RO water that came out of the house tap and then in to an RO Buddie filter and now I have to PH up from 5.8 to 6.2 after mixing nutes. Came to the conclusion that its pretty hard to tell another person what to do for PH up/down because everyone's water is different.

Don't you just check PH after mixing? You said above you are doing PH adjustments before adding MC?

My Bluelab batt died.. I need to get new. From experience my tap is ~7.8.. 6-7 drops brings me to ~6.3-6.5.

Unfortunately after mixing I cant fall back on drops with brown liquid.

I get your point Lunarman, i'll get a batt asap. Thank You..
My Bluelab batt died.. I need to get new. From experience my tap is ~7.8.. 6-7 drops brings me to ~6.3-6.5.

Unfortunately after mixing I cant fall back on drops with brown liquid.

I get your point Lunarman, i'll get a batt asap. Thank You..

I just bought my first blue lab yesterday actually. Got the Combo, not the Guardian. And love it so far. Haven't had to change batteries yet of course, but will one day!

With tap water at 7.8, I would assume you'll have to adjust PH after you add your Greenleaf nutes like you're thinking and it would be hard to do it flying blind unless you have done it so many times in the past you can just count the drops like you mentioned. Maybe do that if you can't wait until you get new batteries.
I don’t know, I’m definitely thinking mega crop isn’t quite enough by itself , at least not for what I have going right now I’m sure every strain and/or setup is gonna be different... when I first started feeding the megacrop it was pretty obvious it was working well because the plants basically came alive and grew pretty well for having been a bit stunted in the beginning.. I liked what I saw.

But since flowering started I haven’t really liked what I’ve seen, It’s impossible for me to say for sure if they just need different nutes than what they are getting from the MC alone, or wether it’s just grower error or some other issue.. (possibly both?)

As I hopefully cancel out more potential causes for the issues I’ve seen, I have to decide wether I’m just done with megacrop in general... or if there’s a very good chance I just need to amend that better (sweet candy and BE?). One thing I’m definitely not using again is fox farm stuff. I should be starting some Pineapple Express tomorrow, I was going to use roots organic this time, amended with perlite. I kind of do want to try the megacrop again.. But I just wish I could find more people saying “hey MC wasn’t enough for my plants so I added BC and SC and it worked”. Because if MC is really working for everyone all on its own... then obviously I have other issues to figure out & fix elsewhere :(

I do have a thread in the sick plant forum if anyone feels like lending some expertise, (particularly anyone familiar with MC, SC & BE). Might be too late to change much with these ladies but not the ones starting tomorrow!
I don’t know, I’m definitely thinking mega crop isn’t quite enough by itself , at least not for what I have going right now I’m sure every strain and/or setup is gonna be different... when I first started feeding the megacrop it was pretty obvious it was working well because the plants basically came alive and grew pretty well for having been a bit stunted in the beginning.. I liked what I saw.

But since flowering started I haven’t really liked what I’ve seen, It’s impossible for me to say for sure if they just need different nutes than what they are getting from the MC alone, or wether it’s just grower error or some other issue.. (possibly both?)

As I hopefully cancel out more potential causes for the issues I’ve seen, I have to decide wether I’m just done with megacrop in general... or if there’s a very good chance I just need to amend that better (sweet candy and BE?). One thing I’m definitely not using again is fox farm stuff. I should be starting some Pineapple Express tomorrow, I was going to use roots organic this time, amended with perlite. I kind of do want to try the megacrop again.. But I just wish I could find more people saying “hey MC wasn’t enough for my plants so I added BC and SC and it worked”. Because if MC is really working for everyone all on its own... then obviously I have other issues to figure out & fix elsewhere :(

I do have a thread in the sick plant forum if anyone feels like lending some expertise, (particularly anyone familiar with MC, SC & BE). Might be too late to change much with these ladies but not the ones starting tomorrow!

Many people are adding in the bud explosion for a pk boost and many more are using sweet candy from start to finish. If you read this thread you’d see a few people mentioning the use of the additives.

Also, roots organic soil has a lot more perlite than fox farms and I do not think you need to add any. I say this having used both. I have never added perlite to roots original, but I do feel fox farms soils (specifically happy frog, but if I recall correctly ocean forest as well) do need added perlite.
I don’t know, I’m definitely thinking mega crop isn’t quite enough by itself , at least not for what I have going right now I’m sure every strain and/or setup is gonna be different... when I first started feeding the megacrop it was pretty obvious it was working well because the plants basically came alive and grew pretty well for having been a bit stunted in the beginning.. I liked what I saw.

But since flowering started I haven’t really liked what I’ve seen, It’s impossible for me to say for sure if they just need different nutes than what they are getting from the MC alone, or wether it’s just grower error or some other issue.. (possibly both?)

As I hopefully cancel out more potential causes for the issues I’ve seen, I have to decide wether I’m just done with megacrop in general... or if there’s a very good chance I just need to amend that better (sweet candy and BE?). One thing I’m definitely not using again is fox farm stuff. I should be starting some Pineapple Express tomorrow, I was going to use roots organic this time, amended with perlite. I kind of do want to try the megacrop again.. But I just wish I could find more people saying “hey MC wasn’t enough for my plants so I added BC and SC and it worked”. Because if MC is really working for everyone all on its own... then obviously I have other issues to figure out & fix elsewhere :(

I do have a thread in the sick plant forum if anyone feels like lending some expertise, (particularly anyone familiar with MC, SC & BE). Might be too late to change much with these ladies but not the ones starting tomorrow!
This is my first grow with MC. I also am using Sweet Candy and Bud Explosion. I do like using all three. Look at my current grow.

Current grow