Fast Buds FastBuds Solocup Battle 1. 2020 Cream Cookies, Girl Scout Cookies, LSD-25 (Only1Sky)


The only way out is in.
Cultivators Club
Feb 23, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dinafem, Sweet Seeds, Mephisto, HSO
Greetings folks. Participating in the FastBuds Autoflower Solocup Battle I. at AFN! with Cream Cookies, Girl Scout Cookies, and LSD-25. I'll start them all off in Solo Cups, then pick one to remain in that competition while the other two get moved into 3-gallon RainScience Bags.

My kit for this grow is:
Gorilla Grow tent: 4x4x8
Lights: Amare SE450UVB
6" intake fan, 6" exhaust fan, two interior circulation fans
Analog humidifier with Inkbird Controller
One Solo Cup and Two 3-Gallon RainScience Grow Bags
Medium: Roots Organics Original; amended with dolomite, azomite, silicium & worm casings
Nutrients: Greenleaf Nutrients

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Day 10. I'm going to pick Cream Cookies to continue on with the Solo Cup Battle.


She seems the most vigorous and healthiest of the three.

Day 17. Nothing much spectacular, except that I haven't killed anyone yet. They seem to be minding their own business setting some roots. All getting daily misting, most kelp, but some days its Optic Foliar. Girl Scout Cookies and LSD-25 have made the transplant journey into 3 gallon RainScience Grow Bags.

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Day 21. Decided to top the Solo Cup Cream Cookies. Here's her before and after shot. :biggrin:

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looks like she will take it in her stride sky i think the dinafem solo grow kicked off a little bit of a solo cup addiction in me but you are deffo somebody whos found there feet with them you have great skills and i loved your last 3 plants
Day 25 and all is well, @Fast Buds Heather :toke: I am, however, now adding some cal-mag to the mix of MegaCrop, Sweet Candy and Kelp Extract, as I'm sensing the early onset of potential deficiency there from the Cob lights.


Here's a closer look at the Solo Cup competitor, Cream Cookies. She's survived her topping 4 days ago with no ill effects. :biggrin:

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A now a single photo each of Girl Scout Cookies and LSD-25 in their 3-gallon RainScience Grow Bags.

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Day 28 and Cream Cookies is now in flower. I hope this doesn't mean the end to her vertical growth. I'm going to keep her on veg nutes a big longer.

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Also, the other two gals are now ready for topping. Here's before and after shot of Girl Scout Cookies:

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And the before and after of LSD-25:

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28.LSD b after.JPG
Day 33 :biggrin: The solo cup battle plant, Cream Cookies, is doing fine and responding nicely to some LST.

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Her two sisters in 3-liter RainScience Grow Bags are into a nice bit of stretch after being topped 5 days ago.


Here's a closer look at LSD-25 on day 33:


And finally, Girl Scout Cookies, who is one day younger, 32 days.

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Greetings @Fast Buds Heather -- hope you enjoy this photos. :toke:
Here's the Solo Cup contestant Cream Cookies on day 40:

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And LSD-25 and Girl Scout Cookies on day 41:

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Day 47 for the solo cup cream cookies

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And day 52 for Girl Scout and LSD

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