New Grower First Grow - Mephisto - Jammy Dodgers #2 (4)


Cultivators Club
Jun 19, 2022
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Sour Stomper
I shall be following Master TaNg.

Hello everyone, I've decided to grow 4 Jammy Dodgers #2 plants.
I'm growing in Promix HP 3gallon Fabric Pots in a 3x3 Tent with a Optic 4XL NextGen 500W -20/4 schedule

My tap water has a PH of 6.5-7.0
Sensi Bloom A&B then for bloom Carboload, Overdrive, Bud Factor X .
Fishheadfarms/Recharge, SLF - 100 , Bulletproof SI, yucca powder. liquid seaweed. Cal-Mag Plus, Epsom Salt, and Diatom Earth just incase

All 4 seeds have been placed into a small half full glass of tap water inside my germination kit in darkness for 12-24 hours, the water is room temp 70-75F. If the seeds sink they will be placed onto a Seed Starter Mat, after 24-48 hours if they have a healthy taproot they will be placed into coco starter pots filled with Promix Hp, inside of a Germination Kit with an LED. Heating mat will be turned on if Temps get too low. I have previously tried to germinate 3 but to no avail. so let's see how I do this time.
I will update you on the next step as soon as the seeds sink.

Current Albums: Art Porter - Undercover, Madvillian - Madvillainy

pip boy Jammy Dodgers 2.JPG
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Germ Kit.jpg
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Best of luck on your journey here! Mephisto has some amazing goodies for sure... :pop: I'll pull up a chair and tag along on this ride.
I'm glad for the support guys, and welcome. Today is the dawn of a new day and I come bearing great news. The seeds have have sunk in the water and are now ready for the Starter mat. The water holding the seeds is used to wet the mat. I've placed the mat inside my Germ kit in the dark and now i'll wait for 24-36 hours for the taproot.
seeds sunk.jpg
Germination Mat.jpg
Guys, 24 hours have passed and here is the next update. Two of the seeds have a very small taproot, one is a decent size and the other doesn't seem like there's much at all but alas I will plant them in the starter cups about half an inch deep. I sprayed them down about 5-15 times with some tap water, and also sprayed down the dome for the same amounts nothing added and no PH change . and I've added the LED on top. Let's see what happens next.
24 hours.jpg
Guys, 24 hours have passed and here is the next update. Two of the seeds have a very small taproot, one is a decent size and the other doesn't seem like there's much at all but alas I will plant them in the starter cups about half an inch deep. I sprayed them down about 5-15 times with some tap water, and also sprayed down the dome for the same amounts nothing added and no PH change . and I've added the LED on top. Let's see what happens next. View attachment 1478681
best use of casino chips ever!

Good luck on your first run
Hey guys I just wanted to post a quick update, so ever since Tuesday night I've been giving each cup 5 sprays of water every 24 hours. along with spraying the dome 5 times and I've kept the LED running in the kit. Doesn't seem to be much of anything happening so far. If the seedlings don't pop out of the soil by Saturday morning, I'll be dropping four 3 Bears OG seeds in water and restarting everything. Thanks for reading and I hope I can retrace my steps and figure out if I made a mistake of some sort. So far I am 0 for 7 when it comes to getting some Jammy Dodgers #2 seedlings. maybe I got a bad pack or I made a critical mistake somewhere. not sure but everyday is a new learning experience. I may skip the entire Germ kit and just plant directly to the final pot, with a plastic cup on top.
Hey guys I just wanted to post a quick update, so ever since Tuesday night I've been giving each cup 5 sprays of water every 24 hours. along with spraying the dome 5 times and I've kept the LED running in the kit. Doesn't seem to be much of anything happening so far. If the seedlings don't pop out of the soil by Saturday morning, I'll be dropping four 3 Bears OG seeds in water and restarting everything. Thanks for reading and I hope I can retrace my steps and figure out if I made a mistake of some sort. So far I am 0 for 7 when it comes to getting some Jammy Dodgers #2 seedlings. maybe I got a bad pack or I made a critical mistake somewhere. not sure but everyday is a new learning experience. I may skip the entire Germ kit and just plant directly to the final pot, with a plastic cup on top.
It happens I wouldn't let it get you down. I recently had 2 3bog seeds fizz out on me. Currently on try number 3 and it's doing great. For germ I use jiffy pellets and place them within a seedling dome. Works well for me. As soon as they pop I transplant them so no stress at all since their roots aren't even showing yet. A lot of people just plant directly into the soil as well. Once they are planted leave them alone and keep the soil moist and not wet. Too wet and they can't get oxygen and die. To dry and they damp off, very quickly.

I know seeds are vulnerable to bacteria and pathogens so if you don't disinfect that germ kit before each use it could be the cause. Might try a new clean paper towel instead.
I use jiffy pellets and place them within a seedling dome. Works well for me. As soon as they pop I transplant them so no stress at all since their roots aren't even showing yet. A lot of people just plant directly into the soil as well.

I know seeds are vulnerable to bacteria and pathogens so if you don't disinfect that germ kit before each use it could be the cause. Might try a new clean paper towel instead.

The germ kit was brand new and I made sure to clean it, the seedling mat was also new and I washed it out with soap before use. I also wore gloves and disinfected the tweezers I used. Next time I'm just going to drop the seeds into their final pot and not bother with the germ kit. I keep seeing videos and techniques on how to germinate and it seems like there's dozens of different ways. It's a bit confusing and frankly I'm not going to spend over $100 testing out 5 different germination methods, especially when I'm so far 0 for 7 when it comes to these seeds. so I'm just going to keep it simple and drop it in the final pot with a light misting of water from my sprayer and a glass or plastic cup on top.