New Grower First Grow SoFem UK Cheese Skunk and Hindu Kush Skunk

Apr 26, 2020
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Hello, just wanting to share some pictures of where I'm at with my first grow. I'll keep updating with pictures through flower as I use any advice given.

Tent: 32"x32"
Light: SpiderFarmer SF2000 Currently at 20 inches
4gal pots
Coco Coir/Perlite 70/30%
10inch fan intake, 6 inch fan hanging(currently don't know if it should be cooling the light if that's even necessary or going out the top)
I feeding with calmag as well as general hydroponics trio
Seeds: Hindu Kush x Bloody Skunk Auto

This is my very first grow. I planted the seeds on 4/21 so this is day 49. My 3 Hindu Kush Skunk plants are all flowering and the UK Cheese Skunk still hasn't flowered and seems to be having some nute issues.

I'm currently watering about 5 days a week depending on how dry the coco feels every evening. On average I'm feeding 4 of those 5 (should I be using plain PH water more often than this to prevent nute buildup??) I'm feeding until water is draining from the bottom, about 1.5-2 gallons between the 4 plants. My humidity has been way too high at about 75% on average but I have a dehumidifier coming today so hopefully that issue will be resolved soon. I'm keeping the temp around 70F right now.

I would like some opinions on what you see in regards to the discoloring of the leaves and how I may be able to fix it. There are quite a lot of discolored spots on all four plants but especially the one UK Cheese Skunk. I believe its a cal/mag issue due to me ph-ing my water to 5.5-6 and not throwing in some waterings closer to 6.5. I've been using some higher PH's the past couple feeds to keep a better balance and hopefully improve the plants uptake of calcium. Since this is my first grow, and I see so much misinformation online, I just wanted to post my pictures at where I'm at and see what you guys think I could be doing better. Other growers seem to harvest around day 75.

Thanks for any advice and don't be too hard on me!!

UK Cheese Nute Issue:
Discolored UK Cheese.JPGDiscolored Leaves Cheese Skunk.JPGDay 47 UK Cheese Skunk.JPG

Hindu Kush Skunk Flowering:
Day 47 Hindu Kush Skunk.JPGDay 47 HKS 1.JPGDay 48 HKS 1.JPGDay 48 HKS 2.JPGDay 48 Purple Coming in HKS.JPGDay 49 HKS Main Cola.JPGDay 49 Tent.JPG
Hey LBB,

Your plants over all look great for you first grow. Don’t be so hard on yourself! I can say there is a lot to learn in this hobby. I recommend reading as much as you can in threads here and any other resource that helps you grow better.
I also grow in coco and when I started, I read a lot of conflicting information on feeding. What cycles, what nutes, ph water in and out or not, the list goes on and on. I can say there are a lot of variables involved and that’s why I ask you do a lot of reading. After you have that knowledge, you can learn from all your grows what works, what doesn’t, and you’ll understand why.

Looking at your one plant for sure and if I understand what you wrote about your feed cycle, it is a cal mag issue. Some plants require more or less than others, but you say you water with once a week with just ph water and that’s my guess why you have a deficiency. With coco, you feed every watering( does that make sense?). Now if you want really big plants in small pots with coco, water/ feed every day and maybe two or three times a day(here come those variables). I hope this helps.