Armor Si, that is silica, liquid Koolbloom 0-10-10 and dry Koolbloom ripener 2-45-28 and I think they make the best ph up and down. CaliMagic works fine too. Those two bloom boosters are the best around. They work in conjunction. The liquid from start to finish, and you add the dry the last 2-3 weeks. The liquid has fulvic acid and vitamins. Scott's Superbloom 12-55-6 is there with them on performance.
Nice! The lady just got me a 4oz bag of KloomBloom ripener off FeeBay to try. So far its doing what it says! Using it on my autos and photos and buds are bulking up good and fat right now! I'll do a proper review for it when my grows are complete!
@Rebel make sure to use the liquid in conjunction. That is how I had two buds longer and fatter than my grown man forearm on one plant. It was the big bang that did that.
@Rebel make sure to use the liquid in conjunction. That is how I had two buds longer and fatter than my grown man forearm on one plant. It was the big bang that did that.

Thanks Hal! I am using Advanced Nutes Sensi Grow/Bloom A & B as my base right now... I am getting low so I will definitely be trying the MaxiGrow and KoolBloom for base nutes as soon as I am able. I am using the KoolBloom ripener as my bloom booster right now. Replacing Atami Bloombastic. So far my autos and photos are loving it! :pass: thanks bud!
I run Floranova Bloom with 0-10-10 Kool Bloom. I only run the 0-10-10 and starting about week 4-5.
At some point I may try the powder but I have read people running kool bloom 0-10-10 and power to early and having small finished flowers.
However it can make the flowers finish faster.