HELP!! 2nd 6 pot organic auto grow- problems

No worries @Dazed it's all good bro.
First of all thanks for even replying and helping out anyway.

Yep in good old blighty where it's snowing right now. Oh the joys of rush hour traffic in snow....Haha.
Anyway yes mate I'm now looking into making my own supersoil instead of spending copious amounts of money on crap essentially.

Yes it is definitely alot harder to source alot of the things over here than in the US. It's like we are so behind the times with organic growing.
I really don't mind if I have to make teas and actually am quite interested in learning alot more so I'm all good with that..yer I was wondering if I have to tier my pots or just dilute the mix?

Yer I'm growing under LED too so would I just give them the boosts of ca and my in the teas I provide them.
How long does this recipe initially take to cook then coz I'm gonna make about 190L batch but only us about 95L at a time. That way I have some ready when I'm done with the first batch and recycle it over and over each time. I'll had a good look around and have sourced alot of things in your recipe from various sites just have bought them yet.will do tonight.

Thanks bro it's very much appreciated

Your girls look real good man, alot better than mine haha


Just had a look around for leaf mold and can't find it anywhere. And all the leaves in my garden got raked up ( didn't know I could use them for this purpose lol) could I substitute it for fine composted bark?
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You def need to layer the pots, Biobizz light mix is good for this. You only really need 2 months worth of 'cooking' but I took a break from growing so was super broken down. I think of it like regular compost, the longer the better. RE the leaf mould-this is just my addition, will work fine without I'm sure but I wanted to get some extra bennies in there and mine was 4 years old at that point so I threw it in. Don't bother putting any bark in there, not really the same thing.

With autos, I put the supersoil in the bottom few inches, then add some Allmix, then Lightmix for the main. They don't need too much for the first 4 weeks IMHO. Just add some castings and epsom to the allmix/lightmix and you should be golden but as always, dial it in, get a feel for what you see. From your pics, you have been missing the ca/mg which is very common with LED-I use cobs and even they suck it out. I'll follow along and help if I can mate.
Sweet. I've got some light mix that I'm using at the moment do can save a fair bit off that I just need to get the rest. 2 months is fine as I'm sure what I'll get off this current harvest will last me till then.
Yer I definitely don't want to use mine too prematurely I just need to find some patience lol.
Oh ok as long as it's not a must have. I'll have to remember to save my leafs from now on though and compost them.
In revs book he highly recommends adding a mulch layer at the you so the same or emit that?
Yer I don't feed till around week 3 just in the light mix so 4 weeks sounds about right maybe 5? Yer I've seen a few differences in what I've currently got on mephistos seem a lot more hardy then the dinafems I've got going. So will keep an eye out and tweak if necessary. I need to get this ball rolling and start cooking.
My current grow has more problems then my first but maybe it's because I changed from biobizz to using guanokalong. You live and learn. I'm around day 56/57 now Isit too late to correct?
You and @Eyes on Fire are complete legends btw! Max respect
Damn that silica is expensive. I need the 8oz ?
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I do mulch mate, I never did until recently and can def see the benefits, I only have to water once a week most of the time, maybe twice in smaller pots, the mulch really helps to retain moisture in the pots, keeps the root zone temps more stable when lights off. No I just got the small pack of silica, 60g or something. But yeah definitely save as many leaves as you can from now on and compost them, leaf compost is the BEST compost on the planet imho, it's natures compost lol. I always plug my pots and start the seeds in it, 100% germ rate. Sorry to hear about your current grow, all a learning curve and it never stops.

Do you collect rainwater? I recommend it, and also bubbling your water for an hour before you water is a good idea too.
Sweet so should I look for some decent bark chips to use as mulch or do you recommend something else? Sometimes my temps get a lil too high only sometimes so I'm sure mulching will benefit me quite a bit.

Oh ok I'll get the 2oz sachet then. Seems like there is only one place that I can find that sells it atm. I'm getting alot of my things from and seem reasonably priced and elixir give you the choice of products in resealable tubs or bags so I'll. Initially pay more for all the tubs then just refill them as and when.
Yep I'm definitely going to start composting all my leaves from now on.i normally just put them in my brown bin haha.

So far I've had 100% germ rate, plugged the first run and straight into soil this time. But I need to use up my root riot cubes before they dry up too much so will use them again.

No currently I don't but I was actually looking at water butts yesterday and thought I shall give it ago. I've been told that I need to check my type of roof tiles or is that just bollocks lol if not I've been looking at distilled water suppliers. Prefer to collect rain water though. Going to buy a pump and air stones now!

Cheers bro
I'm cheap and lazy (yes i sound like a hooker ha), I use straw that I get for my chickens, but it's not really advisable, can contain bugs etc. If you can afford it I would use pet shop stuff, rabbit bedding type thing. Amazon/eBay/The Nutrient Company are your friends, get on that. Good luck fella.
hey ya @Dazed Thanks for lending a hand. ole A4 used to be the UK guy. LOL had a really shitty cpl of weeks,so thanks for that man! just hit me up if you need anything.

and as far as using mulch just be careful to not bury wood chips and thicker leaves and thing. Lignin will yank the Nitrogen and other smaller macro nutes n things from the soil and wont give em back for some time. so just use caution when topping with wood and/or leaves,straw things like this.the heavier or course it is,the more it'll yank the stuff out of your soil assuming its IN the mix.on top is fine of course LOL!
Only slightly hookerish @Dazed haha
Well I've got some hamster bedding but it's messy as hell lol I'll use whatever the best recommendation is for mulching really. I've just bought all of my ammendments from just for the simple fact you can choose whether u want a bag or resealable tub for everything. Just convenience really.cost a lil more but should keep everything fresh and stores easily.

And @Eyes on Fire I will be placing it top not in my mix so would u have any other recommendations to add for mulch material.

All I need to get now is

All mix ( could I use something else)
More worm castings
Coarse perlite
Humic acid
RAW silica
Oyster shells ( do I get powdered or crushed)
Emitted the leaf mold as said previously but have started collecting already lol
With the sulphate of potash do I want the granular form or powder.?

And I think that's it really.

Also do either of you recommend using the charge soil conditioner aswell?

You guys are the shiz.
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Hey @Dazed
sorry to bug mate but all of my stuff should be delivered before the end of this week.
dont suppose tou could give me a run down on how you go about your method of preparing this soil once i have everything in hand.
do you add anything first or last sort of thing.
ive ordered the charge soil conditioner btw just as it was on sale, whether i can use it or not i dont know lol. only have the compost left to buy now, was hoping i could use something else instead of the all mix ,just for cost purposes really lol.

stupid question but do i get this
or do i go for just poultry feed type crushed oyster shell.?

sorry to bug mate