How many autoflowers under led in 70cm x 70 cm?

Aug 6, 2021
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Hey, I'm new here and would like you guys with experience with auto's in coco to send me in the right direction.

Can someone please advice me on how many auto plants i should put in 70cm x 70 cm tent and what size pots to use?

I'm planning my very first grow in a cocos-perlite mix in fabric bags and using a hydro mars TS1000 led. I'm also planning for about 150-200 gr. crop. Is this possible with autoflowers in right circumstances?

I also thought of a building an auto watering + drain to waste system with self draing saucers. Do you guys think this is ok or too much?

Welcome to AFN!! Tons of knowledge here!! My current grow, check this out. Is the route I went for my first time growing in coco with autos. I really didn't dial it in until the end. Bit they gonna yield ok I think. Things I will do different on next grow, 3 gallon fabric pots, and lower my ppms. Any questions just ask
Depending on your genetics, light, nutes, medium you can grow between 1 and 4 plants in a 70cm² tent. If you want to grow one I would use a 12-16Liter fabric pot, for 4 plants maybe 5-7liter pots and for 2 plants around 9ish.

Not trying to hit a certain numerical value would be a good idea. Set your target at growing healthy, strong plants and get to know them for a few grows, see what makes them tick and how you can tock. Everything else will follow.

For learning purposes I'd suggest hand watering the first grows but if you're a tech-head knock yourself out. Will increase the difficulty tho, as you will have to also take care of a tank.
@wardog :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: I am a hydro grower and I use pumps in a drain to waste system. What you propose is totally doable. If you get a coco grow dialed in you will need a shoehorn to fit a second plant in that small of a tent :rofl:.

The yield possible in a perfect grow will depend on the amount of light you can give the plants. For a new grower and that light 2g per watt is about the max. The TS1000 is about 150w so the max is about 300g.
@wardog :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: I am a hydro grower and I use pumps in a drain to waste system. What you propose is totally doable. If you get a coco grow dialed in you will need a shoehorn to fit a second plant in that small of a tent :rofl:.

The yield possible in a perfect grow will depend on the amount of light you can give the plants. For a new grower and that light 2g per watt is about the max. The TS1000 is about 150w so the max is about 300g.
Tnx, so if I understand right it doesn't matter if I put in 1 or 2 autoflowers for the yield as long as canopy is filled and ladies taken care of?
As a newbie shouln't I start with 2 auto's in case one fails? Your thoughts?
Tnx, so if I understand right it doesn't matter if I put in 1 or 2 autoflowers for the yield as long as canopy is filled and ladies taken care of?
As a newbie shouln't I start with 2 auto's in case one fails? Your thoughts?
That would work.
I am lookng at buying a 75 x 75/2.5 x 2.5 white lined Budbox in the future. I Will intially use mmy 130w Rspec Niemi QB with the idea of perhaps buying one of the new HLG100 Rspec lights later for a total of 230 w. That would be around 37 watts per square foot. My plan would be to grow 2 autos at a time. LITtle over 3 sq feet per plant.
I guess I'll start using 2 fabric 3 gallon pots. Once the seeds start coming out I"ll directly plant them in the main pots en spray/handwater them the first few days. When they get bigger I'll start using DTW with an autodrain saucer system. Fingers crossed.
Any more advice? Remenber i'm only using a 70x70 cm with 150W led. Thnx guys!
A 3 gallon pot of Coco means only 1 plant for that size tent in my opinion, unless you a willing to do loads and loads of LST.
This is my 60x120x180cm tent with 6 three gallon pots plus a wellie boot :)
Trust me when I say that staying on top of defoliation plus LST was a bit stressful.
Done under two of the TS1000 lights.