Links to organic suppliers


AFN New Growers Mod
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Howdy :howdy:

Here's a webpage that has a list of links to all types of reputable organic suppliers. If anybody has dealt with any of the companies listed, any input you can give would be greatly appreciated by all.

The rest of the website is definitely worth checking out as well. Lots of good info.

I recently purchased a 32 oz. bottle of pure, cold-pressed neem oil from Ahimsa Organics ( and was very pleased with the transaction. Fast shipping and they're a fair trade company, which is a bonus. I'll be using it over the coming weeks and will do a review of it.

Cheers :smokebuds:
Right on KT, I was looking at making that my next purchase for the veggie garden. May I ask what you used it for and how it worked for you?
Right on KT, I was looking at making that my next purchase for the veggie garden. May I ask what you used it for and how it worked for you?

Kindred, first of all the neem products from Ahimsa are top shelf. I use the neem cake (meal) in equal parts along with kelp meal, crab shell meal, and i use that 1 cup per c.f. of soil mix.

I also use that same mix in my flow through worm bin as a treat. Just another thing that I eventually should not have to add into my soil as it will have already passed through the worm and will be readily available via the worm casting.

The neem cake will also suppress insects. It has worked quite well for me this past year. I am extremely pleased. I have only used it indoor.

Hope this made sense,

Sure did, cheers bro :smokebuds:

I gave two of my ladies a root drench with some of the neem oil last night right before lights out. I can see a noticeable difference already when I look closely at the leaves - much more rigid and sturdy and the veins are much more well-defined.

Definitely sweet with the added bonus of insect control. Should help to put the kabosh on the remnants of my fungus gnat invasion. Those little effers can be a nightmare when you're using Air-pots They have a million points of entry. Even with 10 pest strips and having been watering with Mosquito Dunks, I still have some straggler arseholes flying around. I think the neem should be the nail in the coffin.

Ahimsa definitely has my vote. Plus, it's pretty cool that the latin name for neem oil is "Azadirachta Indica". :pimp:
Hello Kindred. Is that a talking cat on your head? I sure wish that I had one if thats what it is. Ive only seen a couple of them and that one looks just like the talking cats from my past. If its not a Talking cat , it is definately a fashion statement as I dont know many people that wear cats on thier head.. Either way, I like it.:thumbs: