Links to organic suppliers
Hey , guys these are the next few thing on my ming .....

Read on them now they have the fully listed on the site .....every meal u can think of is in here the rocks feathers calcium shit guys everything i know that yall talk about is in this ....

The Stump Tea ....I very great i have some plants that have drank this in and out .........

Also the adding some ammendments with these .....I will be the testing these for my next grow ....with the ideas for soils from u guys and I am on the way for a better and better way of growing .....

sorry guys dont quite know why the BOM nom link is there oops ....lemon deisel haze is making it hard to see ...
Honestly that stump tea setup looks like a rip off. Fifty plus bucks for a plastic bucket, pump and airstone? You can have a pump for eight and the buckets are free behind restaurants. I understand that it comes with additves and what not, but I just don't trust anything that htgsupply is pushing.

On another note, piggy just picked up a full time job by accident so I get to drop by concentratesNW with a couple of hundred at my disposal :D
They have everything, EVERYTHING! They're the suppliers for all the shops in the PNW area, but they retail as well. The prices just cannot be beat, I'm throwing down at least 150 on garden amendments while I can. Gonna be smooth sailing from here on out :)

Oh and WVR if you're listening in on this, they have large quantities of rock phosphate :D
Honestly that stump tea setup looks like a rip off. Fifty plus bucks for a plastic bucket, pump and airstone? You can have a pump for eight and the buckets are free behind restaurants. I understand that it comes with additves and what not, but I just don't trust anything that htgsupply is pushing.

On another note, piggy just picked up a full time job by accident so I get to drop by concentratesNW with a couple of hundred at my disposal :D

44.95 ...yeah its whatever but not everyone has the luxury of finding free shit behind a restaurant ....i got lucky finding my buckets there .....and i spent lets see 15 on air stone and aerator ......Bucket free makes a huge mess with foam so the cover was a cool thing to me ....Spent 20 filling up gas to go to walmart since im about 20 minutes away from there .......I havent been let down yet from there so m ...I do believe in finding cheaper ways ....just finding new options to help some of the unfortunate that maybe cant get to FRee or cheaper thing ....I am a noob so thanks for clarifying the Rip Offs for me !!!!!
Add in shipping and for most people it's 50+. I'm not trying to knock anyone down at all, I just get angry at companies that blatantly rip people off. If you're filling the bucket up to within a couple of inches of the top you're going to have overflow no matter what, the foam must flow. Putting a lid on the bucket just means the foam is going to push out of the hole on the top and you still have a mess, personal experience on that one. It looked like the bucket was barfing . If you do end up getting one of the two banger air pumps then you can do two buckets at once, each filled about 2/3 - 3/4 full so they don't spew.
nice i mean the stump tea alone in is pretty pricey .....I really like what it has done for me but i havent tried everything either ,,, i seen some microzial once was like 100 bucks ...the great white is 40 i think i know they say what u get what u pay for but man i shoulda nuked these autos by now ... especially since MGMC had nutes ....i followed good guidelines from like subcool and lever so i guess i had the great combos and .....when i make teas with the stump tea is really only when the spew comes .....
Lots of foam doesn't necessarily mean better. One could still have a healthy microbial colony with very little foam as well. I buy guano a few pounds a kind at a time, it helps bring the cost down. For myco and other microbes I just add a teaspoon or less of jobes organic tomato mix in. I cheat by buying the cheap fert mixes that include microbes available at any local garden center :D
Lots of foam doesn't necessarily mean better. One could still have a healthy microbial colony with very little foam as well. I buy guano a few pounds a kind at a time, it helps bring the cost down. For myco and other microbes I just add a teaspoon or less of jobes organic tomato mix in. I cheat by buying the cheap fert mixes that include microbes available at any local garden center :D

nice i will give that a try .......The thing im really on now is the stump tea they give it out on tuesday as it is a weekly feeding for now i get that free untill they stop ill take advantage of it ......maybe it was too much molasses or summn i had added some extra blackstrap once and man that shit was everywhere i had to get a laRGE drip pan to get it ....but hey ill try anything once ans see what happens .....

Im going doing the guano stock pile too .....gonna look into ur link and see what i can shop up
KIlgore and Piggy both these places are nice info ....I dunno where PNW is tho so ....but i see 800 numbers so i should be able to get some ....