Links to organic suppliers

What exactly does neem oil do for the girls,and what does cold pressed do for the neem oil.Peace
I have read KIS Organics info on their site and watched several informational videos by Tad Hussey (co-owner or KIS Organics) and I have to say, their is some great info on here for new, intermediate and advanced growers. I have recently invited Tad to check out autoflower network as I am going to give his stuff a go this year and I see several others that have had great success using his products and basic gardening principles.

Keep It Simple or “KIS” was founded and created by Leon Hussey, who conceptualized the idea of an affordable, home-use compost tea brewer. Keep It Simple, Inc, a small family business, has evolved over the past decade into a multi-faceted organization that offers unique biological, organic and mineral amendments at affordable prices for gardeners. Our brick-and-mortar location in Redmond, WA – KIS Farm – is a combination edible nursery, production greenhouse, outdoor preschool, organic hydro shop, feed store, and more! A nonprofit called Redmond Organization for Shared Environments (R.O.S.E.) was started by Leon and his wife Linda and has won 2 prestigious Green Globe Awards. R.O.S.E. operates by providing environmental education with community members and children through a informational nature trail on the property in conjunction with the Lake Washington Environmental Adventure School.

Also be sure to check out this article on the economics of water only soils to dispell the myths of building your own organic soil.

...and this is a link with the man himself, "Tad Hussey" discussing bottled nutrients, hydro shops, and how to use organic gardening supplies and soil to boost production of cannabis usning organic water only soil.

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