The Dalai Farmer

The Mugwamp has left the building.
Cultivators Club
Nov 8, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Quick Flowering THC, Future #1, Bruce Lemon Diesel, Brainstorm, Super Mad Sky Floater, Remo Chemo.
Hi all and :welcome:
This will be my 5th grow and first full grow from start to finish, using the Mars Hydro Pro ll Epistar 160
My last grow I only switched to the led, from my old 250w mh/hps set up, at around 2 weeks in. The light did her part well, but I let the side down, mainly by cutting to many corners, like not watering to run off or checking ph regularly. So I had my worst yielding grow so far, NOTHING TO DO WITH THE LIGHT, I know I buggered it up myself. So this grow I'm going to try and do it by the book, or as close to as possible and hopefully I'll have better results.
I've started off with 3 photoperiod strains, all female and I'll stick an autoflower in in a couple of days or so, it may be two, as one of the seedlings has got a problem already and may not make it :yoinks:
I will be growing:
1 x Heavyweight Diesel Drift
1 x BlackSkull Zkittlez
1 x Dope Seeds Blueberry?
1 x Seedstockers Do Si Dos (added day 19)
1 x Seedstockers Nicole Cream

Kit list:

Mars Hydro Pro ll Epistar 160
80cm x 80cm x 160cm
Extractor & Filter
4in Swiftair Filter & 5in cheap crappy Inline extractor
1 x 6in Oscillating Monkey Fan & 1 x 6in Clip on Static Fan
Pots & Grow Medium
12 litre Root Nurse Fabric Pot, Coco and Perlite 60/40.
GHE Flora Micro, Grow & Bloom, Vitalink Cal/Mag & Ph Down and Tap Water.
For germinating, I used the wet paper towel method, firstly I soaked a bit of kitchen towel and gently rinsed out, then put seeds on and then fold over a couple of times then in to a ziploc bag and left somewhere warm, I usually leave it in the boiler cupboard. 2 days later all 3 had tails, so I planted them in solo cups and 2 days later they had all popped up.
Day 1

Day 3
First day the Blueberry popped up I could see the leaves weren't quite right, a weird colour and slightly deformed and 3 days later, it didn't look any better

The other 2 are looking fine

Day 7
I thought she was looking a lot better, her leaves were getting bigger and looking healthier, but, then I realised, she only had 2 leaves and the other 2 plants had 4 :shrug: so I had a closer look and there was no other leaves growing WTF :nono:

I've not had anything like it before, so I'm gonna give it another day or so and see what happens, there seems to be something there but it doesn't look normal.
The Zkittlez and Diesel Drift on the other hand, are looking nice and healthy so far, so not all bad :toke:

I'll update again in a few days and hopefully I'll have better news :pass:
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Day 10
The Blueberry hasn't got any better, there seems to be something growing there, but whatever it is, it doesn't look normal :shrug: I'll carry on with her anyway, in the solo cup, and if she grows then yay, but i doubt it judging by the state of her.

The Diesel Drift and Zkittlez are coming along Ok, I transplanted them from the solo cups to the 12l Root Nurse fabric pots today, so we'll see how they get on over the next few days.

I have also added an Autoflower to the grow, which I germed and put straight in to 12l pot and has just about broken through an should be up and about tomorrow. It's a Seedstockers Nicole Cream and I've also just started germing a Seedstockers AK420, that should have a tail tomorrow, fingers crossed.
I also still have a couple of Dinafem Auto Cookies which I am growing for the Solo Cup Comp To finish, 1 is at day 62 and the other is at day 20

Till the next time grow bro's an gal's :bighug:
Day 12
The Blueberry was still looking like crap today, new growth was still abnormal and deformed, apart from the first two bud shoots that is, they were looking pretty normal, so I thought what the hell and topped her :yoinks:


I've got no idea how she'll get on, but its worth a try and she can't really look any worse :haha:
It's also day 1 for the Nicole Cream that popped up yesterday and so far so good :thumbsup:

The first AK420 hadn't germed after 3 days, so I started another one today and hopefully I'll have better luck this time :toke:
Day 16
Diesel Drift and Zkittlez are coming along nicely, especially the Diesel, she's quite a bit bigger than the Zkittlez at the moment :thumbsup: All the vegging plants are on the same grow feed; GHE Micro 0.6ml/l, Grow 0.9ml/l, Bloom 0.3ml/l and Vitalink Cal/Mag 1.2ml/l, ph'd to around 6ish, I'm just going by what it says to give on the bottle, but halving it.

The Blueberry is looking pretty good after topping her at the 1st node, the new shoots look to be growing normal and she's looking healthy. I stuck her in a bigger pot today, not a big pot, no idea what size it actually is but it should grow a bit bigger in it. I may just experiment on her and top her a few more times and see what happens :shrug:

The Nicole Cream is at day 5 and looking nice and healthy too :thumbsup:

The 2 Auto Cookies are are still plodding along, the bigger (day 69) one should be finished in around a week or so, the little un (Day 27) has been topped at the 4th node and is looking Ok, I removed nearly all her bigger fan leaves :yoinks: they were looking rough and had a weird copper colour on the ends and it doesn't seem to of done her any harm, as yet :bow:

Photo taken before I'd transplanted the Blueberry :toke:

I've also started germing another photo seed, I'll have more info next time, if she makes it :pass:
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I hope you can harvest more this time
Thanks Tina :bighug: one thing I wanted to ask you, the metal wire hangers, would it be be ok and safe, to bend the wires over and attach them that way, as at the moment I only have 36in from floor to light and that is as high as it will go with the wires straight, I was thinking of removing them altogether and just using 4 ratchet hangers on there own, so any other ideas or advise would be greatly appreciated, thanks again :pass:
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Day 19
Just a quick update.
The new seed I started a few days ago has popped up :woohoo1: It's the brand new SeedStockers Do Si Dos photoperiod strain.
Seedstockers Do Si Dos
Day 1

Diesel Drift has had a bit of a growth spurt over the last few days, not very tall, but she's getting quite wide with big fan leaves.
Diesel Drift

Looking healthy, not as big as the Diesel but she's getting there.

Seems to be doing Ok, she's still looking pretty healthy so happy days.

Nicole Cream (auto)
Day 8

No problems so far :thumbsup:

Till next time :hookah:
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Day 20
I decided to top the older photoperiod girls today, main reason is, I think I'm gonna be pushed for space, height wise and with width, plus the fact I am growing more plants this time than ever before. Most I have grown in the tent up to now is 4 girls in 12l pots, at the moment I have 7 altogether, 4 in 12l, 2 in solo cups and 1 in a smallish pot, 1 solo cup girl is nearly there, so 6 more to go.
I am watering to run off every 3 or 4 days at the moment, but still giving them a little drink every day. Lights are on 18/6 and will change to 12/12 in around 3 weeks, maybe a little longer, depending on how the Do Si Dos is doing :thumbsup:
Zkittlez (topped at 5th node)

Diesel Drift (topped at 5th node)

Blueberry (topped both new main shoots)

Auto Cookies Day 73 & 31

So for now, it's all going Ok, they are all looking healthy, vibrant and growing quite nicely, we'll see in a few days how they get on after being topped :toke: tnt :pass:
Day 26
Well it's 6 days after I topped all the older photoperiod gals and they are mostly doing Ok, the Diesel Drift is going to be a big girl if the size of her leaves are anything to go by and so far she's looking really healthy and the new growth is looking lush and green :thumbsup:
Diesel Drift

The Zkittlez on the other hand, hasn't grown as much as the DD and is half the size, but she's still looking healthy enough and hopefully she'll have a bit of a growth spurt soon :bow:

The Blueberry is looking pretty good after her topping, still pretty small but looking healthy and most of the bud sites have come out, though there was a part of one of her branches that didn't produce any :shrug:


Nicole Cream Auto is at day 15 and looking nice and healthy, I won't be topping this one, but I will bend her over and tie her down in the next day or so. She has some big assed leaves on her too, not quite as big as the Diesel Drift but she's getting there :thumbsup:
Nicole Cream Auto

Do Si Dos is doing ok, she's at day 7 now so early days, but so far so good :thumbsup:
Do Si Dos

The 2nd Auto Cookies came down at day 77 and is drying now, I'm interested to see how much she's gonna yield, I'm hoping over an oz, we'll see :toke:

3rd Auto Cookies is at day 37 and looking quite sexily symmetric from above :joy:


Till the next time, peace and good grows to all :pass:
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Cups looking great :thumbsup: I had a plant once that after 2 leaves it lost the centre/top and wouldnt grow,i put it down to an ingrown arsehole and moved on.
I used to double/triple over the hanging wires,then just used 2 carabeeneers to keep the light 3” from the roof
Keep eer lit