Nelson, R.I.P.

man the guy was a star Im really sorry for you loss mrs nelson a lot of us learnt a lot from this guy big tx mate xxxxx
I don't know Nelson, and I joined only in December. But I find it very touching how his loving wife could find the time to pass the word to the people of AFN, considering what she herself is going through.

Muddy, yours is not a great position to be in. The conveyor of news is a burden no one wants. But you have been touched by Nelson's spirit in doing so. I am glad you two were friends, and you will not be able to help yourself from sharing, what you have gained by knowing him.

May he rest with Dragons,

Very sad to here this news.RIP Nelson mate,you will always be remembered :peace: my condolences to your family :smokebuds:
It's with a sad and heavy heart that I must announce that we lost our dear friend Nelson yesterday. I've know Nelson for over 3 years on line, going back to our time together on The Marijuana Forum. He could be a cantankerous old fart sometimes and we had our share of disagreements. But in the end, our friendship always brought us back together. I will miss my friend but take comfort in knowing that he is in a better place. Rest in peace my friend.

Here is the message that I received from his wife:

Dear Muddy - It is with an unbelievably heavy heart that I have to tell you that we lost Nelson yesterday afternoon. It was just too much, even for our indestructible miracle man, to come back from, after 24 hours of surgery. My heart is breaking. I'm glad he found so much camaraderie, generosity of spirit and good feelings with you guys. Except for the last four weeks of his life, which were grueling, he died a very happy man. You guys and gals contributed a lot to that. And I thank you for it, from the bottom of my broken heart.

That is some very bad news... he went so far out of his way to help smashed, only to be ripped..or smash ripped either Maybe in his passing that load of Nelson karma has been sent to smashed, and he can pull thru his trouble with that last kick from nelson...

Thanks Eek. Nelson was my friend. He and I had a continual conversation via PMs. We often discussed politics and related matters. We didn't always agreed, especially when it came to socialized medicine. I'm a conservative, Nelson was a liberal, so you can imagine how those conversations sometimes went. But in the end there was always a mutual respect and we always remained friends. Even though we never met face to face, I came to know and love him as a brother. Some of you may not know, but Nelson was a brain cancer survivor of eight years. I know since that time he treasured each and every day of his remaining life. He fought the good fight, but in the end, the Good Lord called him home. I will miss my friend.

I don't know Nelson, and I joined only in December. But I find it very touching how his loving wife could find the time to pass the word to the people of AFN, considering what she herself is going through.

Muddy, yours is not a great position to be in. The conveyor of news is a burden no one wants. But you have been touched by Nelson's spirit in doing so. I am glad you two were friends, and you will not be able to help yourself from sharing, what you have gained by knowing him.

May he rest with Dragons,

Such sad news...

I did not know Nelson for very long but what time we did spend Pm'ing each other he was an outstanding guy!
Always willing to go the extra mile and take people at what they said.
He will be sorely missed on this forum.

Rest in peace friend.

Such sad news to hear. My condolences to Mrs Nelson and family.

I did not know Nelson, we have only been here a few months.
Nelson will live on here at AFN in his many posts of knowledge and experience he has shared with us.

Rest In Peace Nelson.
Dear dear Nelson... i wish you well in The Heavens above... Rest in Peace Brother...