PH homework


Daenerys Targaryen
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Jan 2, 2011
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Currently Smoking
Just stashing some Links incase meds doesn't come back up..:thumbs:

JM assist:

ph acid-alkaline-food-chart.gif
PH-Chart  Humans cancer.jpg
ph vs uptake compare.png

Detoxing, Alkalizing and Restoring pH Balance In The Body

So, how to balance pH levels in the human body? There are many companies out there that promote pH balancing products. The most famous minerals recommended for detoxing are:
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Manganese
  • Iron
There are more minerals to take then I can mention, but these five are the basic five you will need. I found a site that is pretty good about explaining way more than enough about the different minerals – check it out. I am not sure about the products they have as I have never tried them, but you will find all the information you need to arm you with the knowledge to get what you decide on.
I would also like to suggest a few things - Get to know what you are taking! Make sure that you are familiar with the ingredients you are about to put in your body. Understand what each ingredient will do for you, and to you. There are plenty of nutrients, herbs, minerals, foods that will help you to detoxify your body. Find the way you feel most comfortable with, and then most importantly stick with your intentions.
Good Luck !
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The Olive leaf supplement info

Finest Organic Olive Leaf

Olive leaf has been shown to assist or boost the immune system's ability to fight off illness, improve cardio system, and increase energy. Olives and olive oil are a staple in the healthy Mediterranean diet. Olive Leaf has all the same healthful qualities without the fat, and in higher concentrations. Olivus® is your best source for organic olive leaf products.​
Olive leaf acts beneficially in 4 major areas:

1. Immune System Support
(For optimal health and protection)
2. Antioxidant Protection
(Highly Antioxidant for free radical scavenging)
3. Energy Booster
(Build lasting energy reserves without caffeine)
4. Cardiovascular Health
(Hypotensive benefits)

Pure Olivus® olive leaf powder is a great way to get the proven power of olive leaf into your diet. Use in baked dishes, shakes (smoothies). Delivered to you as a very-fine powder milled from our leaves. This is the same powder used in our Olivus capsules, 100% pure and supercharged cell-defending antioxidants & free radical scavengers with no fillers added.
Use olive leaf powder for making tea, sprinkled on salads. blended in drinks and as a cooking ingredient. Place 1-2 teaspoons in your favorite smoothie, on yogurt, ice cream, in pancakes, cookies, in a casserole recipe. Can be used for pet care, home capsule makers or tincture brewers. Excellent for pets too!
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I will be visiting my local health store tomorrow. I have a good friend that has acres of olive trees but due to a price drop in olive oil, she has neglected the farm.
Hey Mossy I'm still very interested in all this body pH balancing.. In fact I think about it all the time these days after those PM's from on the subject.. Not that easy on a western.. No.. a british diet, makes sense to try & keep acid levels down in the body though. I'm always looking for some easy way to raise my pH... I'd say its still around 5.5... In fact after Xmas here it's probably even further down than that... Scary.. :yoinks:
Fu*k me this is scary shit!!
si..this is what I am trying to do with the Dragon tablet I am going to send please don't get it ATM....:thumbs:

I confused the issue by starting two sets of tablets at the same time..the ALA and the Olive I don't know Which is giving the Best results...
I need you to test..then retest with the ALA for a week..then add the Olive Leaf in..see if we can pick up which is the most effective.

Hunch says it is the ALA..coz I can actually Feel the circulation Boost..
but the Olive Leaf is 400 x more poverful at detox than the detox/more oxygen can't be discounted either.

I'm going to get stylez to test the Olive Leaf alone..see if either has a better we know which to recommend as a first course of action..:thumbs:

Fu*k me this is scary shit!!

If I'm only 10% is Scarey..that is why we Need people Testing and Results.
Lets Prove it..or disprove it..

No.. a british diet,

Well..the thing is the Basic Dietary information is out.

If you carry on eating the recommended Good/well balanced diet and think you are maintaining Good Health you could be wrong.

For and health is not about Calorie is about maintaining an acid/alkali balanced diet.

Going back to the homework..
I took a 1950's "estimate" that approx 30% of the USA population suffered from the symptoms of low thyroid function..
(which is a symptom I Hunted down..)
if you look at the current Obesity crisis..(Fat=acidosis..)..and know that by 2050 55% of the UK population will be classed as Obese.. it gets Very Scarey.

Coz all the undiagnosed acidosed fat people are walking talking cancer and long term chronic illness sufferers.

Over 50% of the population by 2050..:thumbs:
mechanism of RSD.jpg
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This is an interesting youtube video about how cancer grows due to insufficient oxygen in blood. Also reinforces the importance of PH.