Switching to bloom nutes mega crop 2 part

Apr 3, 2021
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Hello, can anyone help me as its my first photo grow, I'm using mega crop 2 part a and b, everything's going well they have been vegging for 3 weeks now, one more week and I'm going to flip them, do I start feeding the late veg early bloom nutrient mix it says on the packet now or when I flip to 12/12, not really sure what to do, I'm going to 12/12 them maybe kid week next week but I've got a rez full of veg mix at moment, shall I ditch that and go late veg early bloom or use what's left and then switch it out, any advice greatly received. @Mañ'O'Green everyone points me your way when it comes to megacrop.
Hello, can anyone help me as its my first photo grow, I'm using mega crop 2 part a and b, everything's going well they have been vegging for 3 weeks now, one more week and I'm going to flip them, do I start feeding the late veg early bloom nutrient mix it says on the packet now or when I flip to 12/12, not really sure what to do, I'm going to 12/12 them maybe kid week next week but I've got a rez full of veg mix at moment, shall I ditch that and go late veg early bloom or use what's left and then switch it out, any advice greatly received. @Mañ'O'Green everyone points me your way when it comes to megacrop.
Nutrients do not drive the plant. You want to be feeding the nutrients for the stage the plant is actually in. That means you will feed veg until it actually starts to flower (I do not mean just showing sex) Then do a transition week or two with photos then go to bloom nutrients after that.

This is the START of bloom.
Transition week.JPG

And this is in bloom:

Start Flower Nutrients.jpg
Nutrients do not drive the plant. You want to be feeding the nutrients for the stage the plant is actually in. That means you will feed veg until it actually starts to flower (I do not mean just showing sex) Then do a transition week or two with photos then go to bloom nutrients after that.

This is the START of bloom.
View attachment 1352488

And this is in bloom:

View attachment 1352487
Yes you legend, I read so much online but everyone's saying all sorts of different things. This is the actual advice I need, so thanks very much
Nutrients do not drive the plant. You want to be feeding the nutrients for the stage the plant is actually in. That means you will feed veg until it actually starts to flower (I do not mean just showing sex) Then do a transition week or two with photos then go to bloom nutrients after that.

This is the START of bloom.
View attachment 1352488

And this is in bloom:

View attachment 1352487
So to summarise, lol, I shall keep feeing veg nutes till I flip and it starts to show flowers, then I switch to the late veg early flower ratio, then when it's flowering nice just flowering ratio of a and b megacrop??