
Year of the Dragons
Jan 25, 2015
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A power flows beneath the skin of the world , paths woven and trodden deep into the earth and the core of our existence, paths only walked by Dragons,

Blessed roads and lairs forged by the brutal raw and mystical energies exuded with their passing


and so permeating the lands with strength ,healing and mystical harmony.

These paths of power were pursued by many.

:dragon7:The dragons was discovered,,,:dragon5:,,, guardians to both Heaven and Underworlds' :dragon4:they were truly tamed by the legendary underground breeder Mossy:dragon2:

And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....

A brief history and linage of the Dragons


In case you didn,t know , the mother of the Dragons is our very own Dragon master @Mossy :dragon2:

And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....

The first Coloured Hybrid Fully Autoflowing cross in the World.

...and led to the Black Dragon



the first Black Leafed Autoflower in the World.

All the crosses up to Black Dragon were high THC crosses with DC & ALF being parents of the Dragon range.


The Black Dragon was the start of the Dragon Line..Duurty, Bobbys being pheno selections from the Black Dragon.Jem x Affy x WhiteRussian x DeepChunk.

It was a time of dragons , to name a few,,, ,,Blood;;Blue,Magic;Stone;Russian,Thunders

First Parent in the line JEM: Mazar-i-shariff

Second Parent Afghan :

Third parent in the line White Russian (ALF#3)

Fourth parent Deep Chunk (Black Dragon ALF#4)

Duurty, black dragon, bobbys girls are all phenos of the black dragon

ALF#5 (Giggle Juice),,,, NL Branch FD ALF#5

ALF# Giggle Juice back to a White Cross..White Widow

FD Bobby’s ww x dragon


Afghan Little F*ck...ALF ..the Number is how many Afghans are in that particular Line... ALF#3 has 3 ALF#5 has 5

Giggle is My ALF#5

When you get a ALF#6 seed it has

JEM..Afghan Kush

Pure Afghan Auto

White Russian which was Short Stuffs White Russian #1..but I selected Afghan dom Fathers..which I Think come from the Original Auto cross.

Tom Hills Deep Chunk..direct from the breeders original stock..Afghan/kush

Mr Nice Original Northern Lights indy afghan/Thai sativa

And lastly a White Widow in the gene pool..


The lore and ways of the Dragon.



...The Only way to Breed Cannabis is to Really get to Know one particular Line of cannabis Intimately..

Then..when you know her and everything the Line holds..try adding something to Improve her.

If you don't know what you have Got..how on earth do you expect to Improve her.

It is like buying a 6 gear Car..only using 4 gears then deciding to soup it up....


...Why would you..everything you Desire might be under the hood already...

Learn one girl Well...then Breed to Improve..


..[HASHTAG] #mossyism [/HASHTAG]


In my Head I have a Blue-Print for the Perfect Dragon...


She must be Simple to Grow..she must also respond to a bit of pampering.

She must be Afghan dominant whatever the outcross...it is the Afghan that holds the med Panacea

She must have a Good early harvest point..with an Up Energy high

She must have the ability to Amber for the Narcotic meds

She must kick from Dry..some med users can't wait on cure

She must have a good circulation boost.


I do Love a Thick affy Tang to the back of the smoke..it adds richness to any outcross smoke..

I do Love a teeth coating lung expander

I do Love a complete body and mind relaxer

I do Love a good muscle spasm killer.


I could do without the Voracious Munchies...

but I Think it an integral part of Dragons

and I could do without meeting the Night-night Dragon in the middle of the day...

but that serves me right for being daft enough to Test now..


So there you have it. .Blue-Print for a Dragon by the Dragon..


History continued,,,,

Tales from the tavern


First Parent in the line JEM: Mazar-i-shariff

She gave me Light at the end of my med tunnel..JEM saved my Life...she gave me Hope..

Second Parent Afghan :

This one was called Lown Ranger..if we Spot her..I will be Excited..she was a little Beauty...totally different Balance ..and ice cream colours..time she made a reappearance....

Third parent in the line White Russian (ALF#3)

This one was Short Stuffs Original White Russian #1..from the original breeder...we Swapped after we Hyb'd to 100 % auto...

Fourth parent Deep Chunk (Black Dragon ALF#4) photoperiod

This one was arranged through Paddi and esbe from ICMag... :headbang: ..esbe had Tom Hills original Deep Chunk stock control.
Bless him..when I asked..he said yes...:pass:..I'll arrange for you to get some of the original Tom Hill stock...prior to the mass production.
Bless them.
I'm forever grateful.

Stone Dragon is Black Dragon plus a Jack...47.

Mumbling dragon is purple ak47 x duurty dragon

The Attraction for me with Autos was the 8 week time scale...I didn't know if I could keep it up long enough for a photo period to finish.

I've never been a rebel or a rule breaker..so it was a Big decision to make.

I Read up a lot before I selected some plants to buy...most medical recommendations were vague..and Most suggestions made were for Satis..which actually can have the Opposite effect on me and increase my pain.

I Know I'm an Oddity..:biggrin:..but hey..we are all Different.

I split my order between autos and a couple of photoperiods.

One of the First that I tried was the little chunky pheno on the left of the original photo..
she was about 22 inches high..around 10-12 week finish..if I remember rightly..and she Hit the Right Spot medically for me....sigh..

For the first time in Years she gave me Hope that I might be able to alleviate the pain..
I wasn't even Thinking Cure...just some breathing space...a Life...:pass:

Pain/insomnia/prescription drugs gave me horrific brain fog..JEM gave me joined up Thoughts again...it was a Joy...

Now while I'm growing..there is all this controversy kicked off about Autos..especially the Potency..
So I'm Thinking Wow...if these little impotent little things Hit me meds spot..the photos I've got going are going to Blow me away...

'cept...they Didn't.. :pass: ..

The only one that come Near to the JEM effect was a photo period Afghan.

I never intended to breed any..I would have been Happy to just keep on buying them..

Then came the day of the Terrible Accident.

I had half a tent of Mazar (JEM) girls...and half a tent of an Afghan Auto's...and a tiny little JEM male..no higher than about 4.5 inches come up under one of me girls skirts..I didn't see it...:shrug: ..until it pollenated the whole flipping tent.

It might have been Small...but it sure knew how to fill a pram..:pass:

So..I had JEM Pure IBL..and the two Best pain killers of the season..quite by accident in the second cross.
(start of the ALF Line..)​

Thankyou @Mossy


Healing Path two Deep Chunk are a Joy...the Female has Blacked in response to the cold night temps...and the male is Loud and Proud red/purple balled and leaf stems.

Here Kushy..kushy.... :pass:

I've got the two Quick seed Deep Chunk crosses outdoor too..

I'll isolate them when the Big Boy drops his balls..crossing outdoor this time of year is all down to the weather.. :pass: ...so I don't Usually...but I may let the two Healing Path have a small dalliance...just for stock..and keep me fingers crossed...:biggrin:

Thankyou @FullDuplex

Bobby’s Widow is your f2 selection of Bobby’s Girl/Dregon x Dinafem’s White Widow. They’ve been taken to f3 now. You have the f2, I was just starting to make the f3 when I sent. They are now done and actually up. Had some intersex issues in the f1 I had to sort out but it seems now they’re sex stable at f3. Its mostly been the males too, none of the females showed the issue but I don’t consider it sex stable until both sexes show stability.

Here are the f3 females in an autopot system.


on to a little ALF#5 f5 (Mossys dragon f3 (generational selection by me received at f2) X Bubba Kush)

They are the females on the right here


males ready to party



Anvil from the ALF family of genetics was isolated at f3 and is now an f6.
they are on the left of this image


Here are the current colored males





And this is a recently finished Anvil f6



Oh...couldn't be Better......:pass:..it is the Giggle back to White Widow cross we are Playing with...
So Black D x Widow..
Black D x NL X Widow...

Add those two together...Boom....:dragon2:..ta daaa.....Beaster...

Double up back X to everything BlackD..
Double up back X to the Widow...and a Northern Lights hoyed in for a bit of Spice..:wizzy:

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More tales from the tavern :dragon7: Bobby’s Widow is your f2 selection of Bobby’s Girl/Dregon x Dinafem’s White Widow.

ty @Mossy Deep Chunk Girl starting to get Pretty.....


Get to Know your Girl...Intimately...before you Cross her..

Why..?..coz if you don't..how can you tell the Dominance of your cross...

Example..if I put JEM and a White Widow together...and move them forward 4 generations...the Last thing I want to pull out at f4 would be either a JEM or a White Widow..:pass:..waste of work.

When I got the JEM 25% Auto ..they were White...Every Auto in the World was white.

@F2 they coloured up on me...purple/slate grey/white..if I hadn't looked..I wouldn't have Known.
Check what is In your girl before you try to Improve it with an out cross.
What you want might just be in there already..

Defining the Dominance of your cross Sound Hard if I tried to explain it in botanical terms...but IMO Humans are Trained in it and do it every day..:pass:...if you can Look at your Family and say..ah..you have your Mammies eyes..Daddies sticky out ears..and Grandas large feet..you are doing it..Simple really...

Defining Traits..for me..


coloured Bud
Clear trics...lets the bud colour shine through
Cal/mag deficiency
3-5 fingered leaf
Pointy up to the Sky leaves.
Coal black and Bronze leaf colours
Nitrogen claw
Disorganised trics

The Afghan Cross

Totally different plant Balance
really skinny stems
Different tric colour make the colours muted to ice cream colours..pale blue/pink

The White Russian.

Very similar to JEM structure
Totally Organised leaf trics..if the leaf trics look like soldiers in perfect formation like the Widow I just took down..that is the White Line showing up.
The pistils have a stronger density of White..which blurs colour more..
Good ones look like they are wearing fur coats..:biggrin:

The Deep Chunk

Broad..everything is broader on them.
7 Plus wide fingered leaves
Big man hand leaves with a central horse shoe well in the middle
Purple black leaf colour.
The deepest pistil colour density..butter milk pistils
Mass under leaf trics that curl the inner fans..
Lime grow smell (is the one I'm chasing)

The Northern Lights

More Sati dom
Pineapple and alcohol bud smell..(acid vomit..:biggrin:..)
Pink bud and pink pistils

That's me Tool Chest.....:pass:...it lets me Know WHO I'm looking at when I see the children.
yep more history :dragon5:​

TY @Mossy


Sooo...red/black JEM..
Low leaf finger count..JEM..
Nitrogen sensitivity..JEM..


Metalic leaf trait JEM..


Ranks of trics on the leaf segments...hmmm...Probably the Whites showing through...
But the under leaf mass trics and slight leaf curl..Could be Deep Chunk too... :pass:

Strong JEM dominant...hint of Whites...or DC..easy when you See how it is done huh...?

I Think the black DC is about to show proper DC trics...:vibe:

IMG_9853 (2).JPG

I Think all those dots are going to turn into fur...and she is booting up the under leaf trics...Fingers Crossed...

Feels Like JEM finger trim...quite dryish...if you scrape it off it it Buttery....moves in clumps...

with a whumph...


I Got Soul
that is why I Like them in big mixed pots... :pass: ....imagine a field of 5ft tall blue eyed Blondes...
Imagine a field of 5 ft blondes and 1 6ft brunette...she stands out in a Crowd..:headbang:
To assess vigor..speed..look on an even playing field....

Smoke the Standard ones and Breed the Exceptionals.....:dancer:

Remember..my Tastes might not be the same as yours..

You like the blue eyed blondes..I like the 6ft brunette...you are going to be a lot happier than me...coz the blondes are in dominance....:biggrin

That is why I Like them in big mixed pots... :pass: ....imagine a field of 5ft tall blue eyed Blondes...
Imagine a field of 5 ft blondes and 1 6ft brunette...she stands out in a Crowd..:headbang:
To assess vigor..speed..look on an even playing field....

Smoke the Standard ones and Breed the Exceptionals.....:dancer:

Remember..my Tastes might not be the same as yours..

You like the blue eyed blondes..I like the 6ft brunette...you are going to be a lot happier than me...coz the blondes are in dominance....:biggrin:..
When I first Hit the Black Dragon line...I did over 140 seeds in 3 of my large sq pots..

I wasn't looking for Yield from them...I was checking how Frequent the Furby pheno was.... :biggrin: ..for the Bobby's...

If a Trait is in Dominance...you have a hell of an Easier job being able to Catch it...:headbang:

If it is going Out of dominance..the less chance you have..

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Tales from the tavern cont

Bet you wouldn't Spot her at Midnight..

IMG_0084 (2).JPG

You Know it is a Dragon when you can See the blood in it's veins....:dragon2:....



Stone Dragon...Black Dragon plus Jack47...:pass:..did you ever Try it...?
The Incense comes in the Lemon line..

The Third Cross Theory:

When you put two different crosses into a mix...you can get either Parent dominants..and everything inbetween... :pass:

We have been told you can have either Photo or Auto

Autos: They come to flower on light patterns beween 18/6 and 24 hours and go straight from flower to bud. No second veg period.
Photos: They need 12/12 to flower.

We also have Fast Flower: They will flower on any light pattern...but..they go into a second veg period after flower.

IMO...this cross by description is neither fully Auto..or fully Photo..it defies both standard descriptions.

New Cross....?

I don't know how to classify it..but..I Know it is there....:headbang:...it has been there since the Begining...

Big Autos that defy the Traditional Auto traits. Neither fish nor fowl ...Fast Flower.
Fast Flower will flower under light from 18/6 to 24 hour..believe me..I've tried it...:pass:...
They get to flower stage between 4-5 weeks...and stop..Reveg...and this reveg period can last for up to 5 weeks...like watching paint dry...:bored:..then they bud up...and Will Finish on 24 hour light period.

Stone Dragon: Black Dragon x Jack47

@hairyman ..the Mazar/JEM is the Sweetie in the Line..also..Incense...probably your sugar and spice...
Aghan IMO is the Lemons..(and Incense)
There is a hard industrial/lemon pledge one...and a light soap type that reminds me of expensive light lemon aftershave..
(Also one that smells like lemon sherbet..that gets stuck in the brIdge of your nose and makes you sneeze..every time..)

Stone dragon Black Dragon x Buddah Kush..


@FullDuplex thankyou

Bobby’s Widow harvest



Thankyou @Waira

That's a weirder reaction/outcome than I've seen with auto x photo F1's, though it's not the first time I've heard of it, the partial reveg' phase,...Everything in between indeed! ... Or were yours F1's? F2's? **(Wait, F4's?)** .... I assume your Giggle FF grew outside full time, under what light dark hours? .... I didn't know FD had the Giggle FF,... @FullDuplex how did they behave? ...... whatever the case, if the F4 giggles were still showing that reveg' funkiness, I'd not pursue it as a "fast version" line to work,... And of course, as you mentioned, not for auto's either!
I'm not sure exactly what Sweet and the other "fast version" breeders have done, but with Sweet they say it's an F1 cross (good article on this in their section)... No doubt they are making fem's from plants that behave a very specific way, and seem to have excellent stability. Every one I run does exactly what it should, behave like a regular photo in all aspects, maybe easier triggering to bloom (hard to call, it's close), it's the speed of blooming that much quicker to finish.
In other F1 crosses I ran, both started in the tent but went to OD's prior to blooming; the MoB/OGK x C99auto F1 seemed to behave like an auto; sexed on cue (a tad later, but within fair range for auto's), started to bloom in earnest as well, but she did not finish with "auto" speed, or even F1FV speed... she took about the same time as MoB photo' did to finish.
The cross from Magic I ran, White Crack auto x Legend OG, behaved like a faster than usual "Sweet type" F1FV; veg'ed for 6 weeks, bloomed early (beginning of Aug., 2+ weeks ahead of photo's), and finished in about 6 weeks...
From another forum I saw some landrace PNG show the rare "auto"-like pheno's, going into bloom under 18+hours light and finish fast, while same seed batch showed mainly the typical long cycle equatorial parents Sativa dom. behavior... I hear this in other heirloom/landrace strains as well... I suspect this shows that the auto' mechanism/genetics is far more complex than a simple recessive allele thing... Consider, that the equatorial plants are under nearly 12/12 all year long, right? Technically, one can think of them as auto's in a way because of the lack of significant light hour changing, yet they still bloom! Then again we're talking months and months of bloom time, so there's that as well.... Whatever the deal is, Stick, Magic, Stone all have said they have had F1 auto x photo crosses go fully auto on them; Magic has an (auto x photo) x auto cross that will not auto! (Magic Trick)... How's that for WTF? :doh:
That trick with the PNG and others, it smacks of a survival mechanism that's rare but favored enough to keep recurring in that population,.. makes much sense, consider how old many plants are, yet have survived mass extinction events...

Lessee,... I had auto/photo F2's show auto males, non auto females,.... have you guys seen sex linked manifestations with this before? My case is lacking in statistically significant numbers, but other with the same cross had this as well,...​
A catch up



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3 W all similar

And my tent fav the robber crab


This is a male from the multitub I got going,,


I got some fast budders,, she from w set



This is the one I had tagged as jem leaning







This is a male from the multitub I got going,,


I got some fast budders,, she from w set



This is the one I had tagged as jem leaning









i want a tent full of these


and this,,little chunky monkey

kush and the bw ,, the leaf crinkle i dont get ,no one else is showing it, these slower too bud up ,but coming in strong under all that leaf


the girls in the tub,after males chopped,,so i was wondering can one seed come from two fathers pollen?

i cant throw them away,,, but they just looking pretty ,,seem to have gone into a hybernation ,real slow growth ,,but super healthy and they staying fresh,,by that i mean the stems still subtle, they in suspended veg ,,they remind me of a poinsettia























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a short trip down the road

We pretty much caught up




well this is a mother too some

well we had 5 distinct girls last time and a few mixed pots

So we whittled it down to five or six favs and I left some to go at it group style in mixed pots, but each one had when it came too smoke have a special set of quality's ,








and this is the other







so this is what we have left from above they are in 1ltr aitpots








< Prev page: Overview | Next page: Many paths >
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Awesome writeup @hairyman , I really enjoyed reading the backstory to everything. Interesting pictures to go with it all too. Made it much easier to understand being able to see the plants with the descriptions. Thanks for the work you put in getting this organized.

Thanks for looking pal :toke:,,,its been a real fun journey from looking through lots of threads and having mossy to put it all straight on her path it been a pleasure but that's what growing should be :thumbsup:

Wow @hairyman ...Epic first post....:bravo:....job Well Done.....:toke:

:toke: its been a great trip so far :thanks:,,, ,,,we only just started :thumbsup:,,,

i told you i named dropped you outrageously with when i enquired about some advice getting in to breeding ,which i aint saying i am :smoking:and @Old Sage Seeds gave me some start off tips to what they would be looking at and all that jazz,,,,,,what i should be thinking about doing etc,,i ,ticking some boxes,,, what do you think about creative crosses ?

i hope its ok to leave this here Oss,,,,,,,

  1. Show Pedigree
    1. Reason:
      1. There are a lot of people chucking pollen out there in the autoflower world. While I have nothing against people making their own seeds for private use, when you start putting genetics out into the market, you have a responsibility to the customers and growing community as a whole to put out only the best genetics you can offer.
    2. How to:
      1. Provide the genetic lineage of the seeds
      2. Show pictures of both the parents
      3. Show pictures of a fully grown plant
      4. Explain the purpose of each project you are submitting (what were you trying to achieve with this cross?)
      5. Provide growing details (same as what comes in a strain review)
    3. Creative Crosses
      1. Reason:
        1. Simplest terms, we are not looking for Mephisto to Mephisto crosses or the like. Meaning, we are looking for breeders that are exploring into uncharted territories. This goes for all genetics and breeders. If you have a cross that is (Strain A x Strain B) both from the same breeder, that line better be worked to F23 (exaggeration, but you understand). Most up and coming breeders are not going to be able to out breed the big established breeders who have large scale operation, at least not on the same time scale. So, we want something different. (Side note: this is not to say anything against Mephisto. We love their genetics and have plenty of crosses that use their gear.)
      2. How to:
        1. Be creative with your crosses. No super strict.
    4. Germination
      1. Reason:
        1. We need to ensure that the seeds we are sending out are viable. Free or paid for, we want our customer to be able to grow the seeds they receive.
      2. How to:
        1. Provide proof of 80%+ germination rates.
        2. We will test 10 seeds in house if selected to make sure the 80% minimum is achieved.