Year of the Dragons
A power flows beneath the skin of the world , paths woven and trodden deep into the earth and the core of our existence, paths only walked by Dragons,
Blessed roads and lairs forged by the brutal raw and mystical energies exuded with their passing
and so permeating the lands with strength ,healing and mystical harmony.
These paths of power were pursued by many.

And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....
In case you didn,t know , the mother of the Dragons is our very own Dragon master @Mossy

And this is where it all started,,, the two phenos that started the JEM Line....
The first Coloured Hybrid Fully Autoflowing cross in the World.
...and led to the Black Dragon
the first Black Leafed Autoflower in the World.
All the crosses up to Black Dragon were high THC crosses with DC & ALF being parents of the Dragon range.
The Black Dragon was the start of the Dragon Line..Duurty, Bobbys being pheno selections from the Black Dragon.Jem x Affy x WhiteRussian x DeepChunk.
It was a time of dragons , to name a few,,, ,,Blood;;Blue,Magic;Stone;Russian,Thunders
First Parent in the line JEM: Mazar-i-shariff
Second Parent Afghan :
Third parent in the line White Russian (ALF#3)
Fourth parent Deep Chunk (Black Dragon ALF#4)
Duurty, black dragon, bobbys girls are all phenos of the black dragon
ALF#5 (Giggle Juice),,,, NL Branch FD ALF#5
ALF# Giggle Juice back to a White Cross..White Widow
FD Bobby’s ww x dragon
Afghan Little F*ck...ALF ..the Number is how many Afghans are in that particular Line... ALF#3 has 3 ALF#5 has 5
Giggle is My ALF#5
When you get a ALF#6 seed it has
JEM..Afghan Kush
Pure Afghan Auto
White Russian which was Short Stuffs White Russian #1..but I selected Afghan dom Fathers..which I Think come from the Original Auto cross.
Tom Hills Deep from the breeders original stock..Afghan/kush
Mr Nice Original Northern Lights indy afghan/Thai sativa
And lastly a White Widow in the gene pool..
The lore and ways of the Dragon.
...The Only way to Breed Cannabis is to Really get to Know one particular Line of cannabis Intimately..
Then..when you know her and everything the Line holds..try adding something to Improve her.
If you don't know what you have on earth do you expect to Improve her.
It is like buying a 6 gear Car..only using 4 gears then deciding to soup it up....
...Why would you..everything you Desire might be under the hood already...
Learn one girl Well...then Breed to Improve..
..[HASHTAG] #mossyism [/HASHTAG]
She must be Simple to Grow..she must also respond to a bit of pampering.
She must be Afghan dominant whatever the is the Afghan that holds the med Panacea
She must have a Good early harvest point..with an Up Energy high
She must have the ability to Amber for the Narcotic meds
She must kick from Dry..some med users can't wait on cure
She must have a good circulation boost.
I do Love a Thick affy Tang to the back of the adds richness to any outcross smoke..
I do Love a teeth coating lung expander
I do Love a complete body and mind relaxer
I do Love a good muscle spasm killer.
I could do without the Voracious Munchies...
but I Think it an integral part of Dragons
and I could do without meeting the Night-night Dragon in the middle of the day...
but that serves me right for being daft enough to Test now..
So there you have it. .Blue-Print for a Dragon by the Dragon..