New Grower Thursday's First Grow - Sour Stomper & Forum Stomper under LED QBs with chile pepper friends!

Feb 10, 2019
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Hey folks, after months of reading and researching I'm just getting ready to embark on my first indoor grow. I figured I'd start a journal here as a way to keep track of everything. This grow will probably be considered a bit unusual because I will be growing 2 autoflower plants (Sour Stomper & Forum Stomper by Mephisto) specifically because I am also intending to grow super hot chile peppers in my tent (Aji Limon and Fatalii, for anyone interested). Because of this, I wanted to be able to keep the light schedule consistent, so autoflowers seemed like my best bet.

Here is a description of my setup so far:

Grow Space and Climate Control
  • 32"x32"x63" grow tent
  • 203 cfm 4" inline fan (inside tent) connected to a carbon filter (outside tent)
  • 12" Hurricane clip-on fan
No AC or humidity control, which is proving to be somewhat of an issue, as my tent is sitting at around 25-30% RH with my exhaust fan at the lowest setting. If I don't run the exhaust fan the temperature jumps into the upper 80sF (with my lamp at half strength), so it has to be on. My apartment doesn't have central AC, so I may have to get a portable AC unit during the summer, but that is a concern for later.


  • 240w 288v2 Quantum Board Lamp with Samsung LM301b diodes (can pull up to ~280w from the wall).
Purchased this lamp from Meijiu and am happy so far. Right now I'm running it at around 50% power (130w to be exact) at 30" above my pepper seedlings. I'll turn up the power as all my seedlings get a bit bigger. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts about dimmed wattage vs distance from seedlings though.

Medium and Containers
  • Solo cups, 3-gallon smart pots, and 5-gallon smart pots
  • Pro-Mix HP (considering adding around 15% extra perlite)
I have also built a 10-gallon low pressure aeroponic box with a PVC manifold, 10 EZ Clone Sprayers, and 4x 5" net pots with hydroton, but I think I may either skip using it this time around or run the chile peppers in it.

  • General Hydroponics Maxigrow and Maxibloom
  • Green Leaf Nutrients MegaCrop sample pack
  • Will be picking up some CalMag asap and possibly some Amor Si or similar silica product.

Going to be running with Sour Stomper and Forum Stomper from Mephisto. I need to figure out how much space I will have in the tent with 2 chile pepper plants and 2 cannabis plants so that I can figure out how to best utilize my space in the future.

I'll be starting my seeds sometime next week or as soon as they arrive. My chile pepper seedlings are already about a week old, so I'm having fun trying out the tent, light and temperature control with them. I'll update as things progress, but in the meantime I'd love to hear any advice or experiences from people growing in ProMix HP, using GH Maxiseries nutes, or growing cannabis along with other species of plants.

Thanks for reading!
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i dont know anything about promix.big fan of extra perlite :thumbsup: id rather have low RH than high RH :smokeit:
if the fan is inside and the filter outside the tent,that means you pushing air not pulling it.pulling is more effective.the white cloth around the outside of the filter will need takin off folded in half and put on the inside of the therory though ive never seen anyone take the trouble to reverse the cloth.
get stuck in and see what happens :coffee:
good luck n keep er lit.
Hey folks, after months of reading and researching I'm just getting ready to embark on my first indoor grow. I figured I'd start a journal here as a way to keep track of everything. This grow will probably be considered a bit unusual because I will be growing 2 autoflower plants (Sour Stomper & Forum Stomper by Mephisto) specifically because I am also intendeing to grow super hot chile peppers in my tent (Aji Limon and Fatalii, for anyone interested). Because of this, I wanted to be able to keep the light schedule consistent, so autoflowers seemed like my best bet.

Here is a description of my setup so far:

Grow Space and Climate Control
  • 32"x32"x63" grow tent
  • 203 cfm 4" inline fan (inside tent) connected to a carbon filter (outside tent)
  • 12" Hurricane clip-on fan
No AC or humidity control, which is proving to be somewhat of an issue, as my tent is sitting at around 25-30% RH with my exhaust fan at the lowest setting. If I don't run the exhaust fan the temperature jumps into the upper 80sF (with my lamp at half strength), so it has to be on. My apartment doesn't have central AC, so I may have to get a portable AC unit during the summer, but that is a concern for later.


  • 240w 288v2 Quantum Board Lamp with Samsung LM301b diodes (can pull up to ~280w from the wall).
Purchased this lamp from Meijiu and am happy so far. Right now I'm running it at around 50% power (130w to be exact) at 30" above my pepper seedlings. I'll turn up the power as all my seedlings get a bit bigger. I'm interested in hearing people's throughts about dimmed wattage vs distance from seedlings though.

Medium and Containers
  • Solo cups, 3-gallon smart pots, and 5-gallon smart pots
  • Pro-Mix HP (considering adding aroung 15% extra perlite)
I have also built a 10-gallon low pressure aeroponic box with a PVC manifold, 10 EZ Clone Sprayers, and 4x 5" net pots with hydroton, but I think I may either skip using it this time around or run the chile peppers in it.

  • General Hydroponics Maxigrow and Maxibloom
  • Green Leaf Nutrients MegaCrop sample pack
  • Will be picking up some CalMag asap and possible some Amor Si or similar silica product.

Going to be running with Sour Stomper and Forum Stomper from Mephisto. I need to figure out how much space I will have in the tent with 2 chile pepper plants and 2 cannabis plants so that I can figure out how to best utilize my space in the future.

I'll be starting my seeds sometime next week or as soon as they arrive. My chile pepper seedlings are already about a week old, so I'm having fun trying out the tent, light and temperature control with them. I'll update as things progress, but in the meantime I'd love to hear any advice or experiences from people growing in ProMix HP, using GH Maxiseries nutes, or growing cannabis along with other species of plants.

Thanks for reading!
Will follow along, to see how the peppers turn out. Good Luck with the new venture.
Welcome to AFN! images (2).jpg Great strains to start out with, good luck!
if the fan is inside and the filter outside the tent,that means you pushing air not pulling it.pulling is more effective.the white cloth around the outside of the filter will need takin off folded in half and put on the inside of the therory though ive never seen anyone take the trouble to reverse the cloth.
Honestly, that fan set up was just due to me still figuring out how to best fit everything in the tent. I just redid it this evening in the typical configuration, with the filter and fan both inside the tent -- filter first, then fan, then exhaust out of the tent.
@davisgirl you asked that I tag you when I get going, so here it is!
Hey, thanks! I’m along for the ride. Spacing will be tight. How big is a Chile plant?

Good luck with your grow! :thumbsup:
Hey, thanks! I’m along for the ride. Spacing will be tight. How big is a Chile plant?

Good luck with your grow! :thumbsup:

Thanks! I've been out of town, but I planted two Sour Stomper seeds in Ready Rooters on Tuesday morning, after having soaked them in water over night. They're now sitting in a heated seedling tray with a humidity dome. No sprouts yet, but finger's crossed that I'll see some action soon!

In terms of size, the pepper pants I'm growing will probably be around the same size as a smaller autoflower plant, so I'm hoping that I'll be able to fit 4-6 plants in my tent - for now, two chili peppers and two autoflowers - without too much trouble. We'll see, but I can say that I'm sure glad that I went for a 2.5'x2.5' tent instead of 2x2!