Indoor Vapo's Vivisection section.

Dude, how come you top them more than once? Please?....I know that it's a myth that you can't top autos....this whole thread is pretty much dedicated to doing just that haha....but I did see some sense in just topping once, as the recovery time eats up most of the early veg period.
Trying something new....
I've had some luck with topping by accident. I broke the main flower off when it was button size. All the side branches grew up to fill the void. I also tried LST by tying the branches down to spread them out. I was pretty rough on them too, cracking them slightly where they connect to the main stem. By holding them down it was like strength training for the branches. Now they can support larger flowers. I admit I got lucky with this one. This is what is possible if I can time it right again. A few times it didn't work so well. It may depend on the variety too. Yea, I know, Banner????View attachment 1608649View attachment 1608650View attachment 1608654
She is a beauty dude and :welcome: to my show @FullMoonparty
Dude, how come you top them more than once? Please?....I know that it's a myth that you can't top autos....this whole thread is pretty much dedicated to doing just that haha....but I did see some sense in just topping once, as the recovery time eats up most of the early veg period.
I try new things I havnt seen people do...but I learn from my experiences....
Dude, how come you top them more than once? Please?....I know that it's a myth that you can't top autos....this whole thread is pretty much dedicated to doing just that haha....but I did see some sense in just topping once, as the recovery time eats up most of the early veg period.
Depends on the genetics of the autoflower mate.
Most big boy company seeds are just autoflower version's of there photoperiod seeds with long veg .
I promise you if you tried it on my SOS it will fail . A strain bread for sea of green. Lol .
I try new things I havnt seen people do...but I learn from my experiences....
Brilliant dude..:thumbsup:..I was just wondering is all hehe.....we have to try new things or this lovely hobby of ours, might become boring.....we don't want that hehe!!
I knew nothing about autos on my first grow. I topped, twisted, transplanted, and pretty much everything you're not supposed to do. Some grew too tall, too fast, so I just bent the tops over. Wow, these things can take a beating and start turning back toward the light in a few hours. I'd use a slipknot to tie down and separate the branches. As the plants grew, I would tighten the lines and slightly crack the limbs. The branches would thicken up and the flowers stayed compact. It didn't always work. Sometimes the tops would stretch anyway and the plant would get tall. In a little more than a year of growing I've had four or five plants like the one in the picture. I've had every cannabis mutation known and pictures to prove it. Maybe Betelgeuse was going supernova when I germinated the beans. Anyway, screw the rules and just have fun with it.
NEW VICTIMS..... :yoinks:

New adventure is started now....beanz had tailz out after 36hrs in I bish-bash-boshed them in today.....

Edit:....I forgot to mention that I used my trusty Myco Reggae Roots.
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Lovely jubbly @Vapo - the first Auto I ever grew was the GlueberryOG from DP - I went in with fat fingers that had been used only on Photo plants for years and she was seriously abused, twas a stunner when she finished up, full of colour and stench, the rosin from it was mighty and a really good producer - have fun :vibe: :d5: