Sweet Seeds Waira's side of Sweet Creme's...

Yeah ...the Funnel web In the Aussie is da Baddest ...
Waria yeah its the staph that really gets u ...and u keep it for about 3 months ....they will come up alot until u get superloaded on Antibiotics ...took 4 different kinds to finally push that shit out ...
Fucking scary that Summn so small can wreck ur life ...
I had to wear a neck thing for a week so the scar wouldn't tear every time I turned. ..

Any dead Spider is good to me ..
And Screw Spiderman Too ..lol
plants are looking good waira but Im no fan of spiders except these little jumping spiders that don't build webs they do it the lazy way and hang out on the widow screens
--> Sniper} Hey bro'! good to see you here! Jumpers are about as cool as they come, say's this biologist! Be very glad they're all small -LOL! It's a gas to watch them hunt though, huh! :twist: During veg'ing, if I see one around, I'll coax it onto a twig and set it on my plants; their minimal webbing doesn't bother me at this point... There's a species that is a true Ninja of the spider world, Portia, that specializes in other full web building spiders; she'll actually climb partway onto the web, them start plucking the lines to goad the owner into coming down to snag a meal, so it thinks! when it get close enough, Portia just literally jumps the other and bungee's them both off the web! If that doesn't work, Portia will walk the perimeter of the web, to study it's dimensions, then climb up the surrounding vegetation, get directly above, then rappel down to the center and -BAM! TaNg's Thang Nature shows had great footage of this process...unlike their other flashy kin, Portia looks like something between a crumpled dry leaf and a bird turd... :D: *** thanks man, they're healthy but runty....I'm just hoping for sheer quality at this point! Soon, I'll start ramping up the bloom boosters and see what I can squeeze out of them! :stylez rasta smoke:

Thanks for all the #&^&&% spider stories, have to sleep with the light on tonight.:D

And a big thanks to you waira for starting it with your pic.:cuss:

I ain't a scared a nothin, well except BIG ASS SPIDERS, and the Brownies
--> Stick'} LMAO!! That's why you keep a nice floppy slipper by the bedside, and check the sheets! Blackies are everywhere here, including under my furniture! ...reminds me, it's that time of year to go hunt'm down inside here,... tell-tale bug carcasses are showing up in the typical places, a sure sign.. there is a antiserum for them now, but can only be used once! tough call, given how common they are.... sleep well tough guy! :X's Evil Laugh x: LMAO!! catcha at your thread later...

All good on the mis ID, I got no green so it was all me hahaPiggy Hug
Yeah Bud, Australia is like the worst place to live if you are scared of what's under your bed.
Don't get me started on snakes, had a Python in my room I wouldn't have been able to reach around the circumference even with both hands, no idea how long it was as it roped itself into my wall pretty tightly.
Plus we have like 7 or 8 of the top 10 most venomous snakes so I get the odd run in and occasionally run over variations of Tiapans. Just doing my part for man kindTaNg's Thang​
--> Vaped} Dewd! You folks Down Under have it as rough as it gets! Literally more venomous snakes than non' as natives, even though only about 25% of all species are venomous; Jack Jumper/Bulldog Ants, SFW spiders, gnarly-ass wasps/hornets,.. all with a genuine :cuss::finger::hump::finger::cuss: hostility to boot! Taipans will come-for-you! great stuff for nature TV, shit-shit-shitty to live with... no thank you sir!! :ama: be safe, mate!
Waria yeah its the staph that really gets u ...and u keep it for about 3 months ....they will come up alot until u get superloaded on Antibiotics ...took 4 different kinds to finally push that shit out ...
Fucking scary that Summn so small can wreck ur life ...
I had to wear a neck thing for a week so the scar wouldn't tear every time I turned. ..

Any dead Spider is good to me ..
And Screw Spiderman Too ..lol
--> Swampy} Damn, brother, that must have been sheer Hell,...and on-your-mind scary 24/7... no more 'live action' tattoo's, eh? LOL! -can't seez I blame ya, Big'un! ... guess you didn't see the movies either,... :smoke:

Thanks for coming by y'all- I'll do an update tomorrow I think,...
hey waira i thought you might like this pics of so spotted pitcher plants
spp 1.jpegspp 2.jpegspp 3.jpegspp 4.jpegspp 5.jpeg

and maybe you can help identify these wild plants

mystery plant red.jpegmystery plant green 1.jpegmystery plant green 2.jpeg
{ just shy of WEEK 8}

...Already!! :Stones slap: Everybody's buds are starting to build up nicely now; they got their first taste of Sea Grow bloom 4-24-24 @ 1/4 strength, and 1T Ca-Mg/gal... I'm hoping the extra P will help improve yield, and build fatter, better Q' buds (higher calyx:leaf ratio); last grow I didn't do this, and got some shaggy-ass results...otherwise, the higher N fert. is phased out totally (mild stuff, 3-2-4), no more balanced 'blend'... still getting Big Bloom and molasses, with the weekly dose of microbe brew...I'll start posting some close-up pics next time around! *giggady!* :smoke: Things are moving quickly,...I think 3 weeks or so, and we're done with the first wave...! :woohoo:

009.jpg010.jpg<-- CM's
011.jpg<-- CC- Tea pot short and stout,...
012.jpg<-- :booya: And 3 new girls! Red Poison, Sweet Special, and Green Poison Fast version (not auto- LOL! little language error prompted this) It'll be pushing it for GP to finish well, but WTF, can't win if you don't play, right? Her Indica dom. heritage seems to help a lot, as Rebels' GP auto is well ahead of the others in flowering, so she shows good speed regardless! I'm trying a new trick with the pots as you see; those are inverted 4" pots on top, giving an extra few inches of drop, which I hope the tap root will show appreciation for! The Smart pots are all just too damn shallow the broader bases give them better stability, but at a price IMO... Oh, the soil this time is almost entirely HF, with about 20% Roots Org., and lots of 'crobe brew, molasses and Ca-Mg pre-loaded... we'll see if KISS'ing it improves on the early growth results,... :wiz:
yeah buddy ..
That's what's up ...should be in da buds soon bro ..
Since I missed the Spider thing... Let me tell you why I can handle anything BUT Spiders... well, the REAL big ones any how... When I was about oh 8 years old I was out on our enclosed porch messing around when I see this big ass Spider in the corner of the window sill, right by the crank for the windows. Me being 8, I thought it was fake. Like one of those big black rubber Halloween Spiders that you hang... anyway that's what I thought it was. So I go all walking up to it, stop, and lean over. I'm still thinking it's fake. So I decide to try and pick it up. As I put my hand closer to it it reared up it's two front legs like "don't f*ck with me". I just about shit my pants man... I seriously think my heart stopped... I just went screaming out of the porch into the house like a little b*tch LMFAO! Ever since that moment I hate f*cking big spiders! Now living in the Woods, I have to deal with all kinds of crazy spiders... That Spider mentioned above was what we call in NY "Wood Spider" although I'm not sure that's exactly what it is. Some call 'em Wolf Spiders. I just call em dead. I get them on our foundation and rock wall. And of course the out buildings. But this year I made my own natural deterrent.... Peppermint Oil and Water mixed in a spray bottle and I just go to town where ever I don't want them and they f*ck off. When that doesn't work I break out the hose and evict them... LOL I do what I can to get rid of em before killing them as I don't like killing things. Especially Spiders as they do a lot of good. And most are harmless but when they get in the house all bets are off. Two months after we moved in this house my Mom was down visiting. She was helping me sort shit and empty boxes and I slid this one box out and this f*cking Spider as big as my damn HAND came waltzing out from behind the box. Before I could say *shitfuckpiss* my Mom took off her sandal and whacked it like Bruce Lee! LMAO! She looked at me and said "I think that's the biggest spider I've ever seen". I'd have to concur. It's legs were out to the side almost crab like. I don't know what it was but it was insanely huge and there was no way we were sleeping with that in the house! I've had way too many run ins with the 8 legged freaks and I hate it. Snakes, Scorpions, etc... no problem. But seeing something as big as my hand rush across the floor is creepy as f*ck! The little jumpers are bad ass though! I try to snatch em up and put them in the grow room when I can. They always make it their way to the tent lol One year I had one in there for 2 months before he croaked...

Do you have Sun Spiders aka Whiptail Scorpions up your way Waira? When I got my house built in Vegas the Wife came out to stay with me for 6 weeks and we went away for the weekend and came home to find a Whiptail dead in the spare bedroom. It was as big as a Crawdad no shit. Cat's must have gotten it but I'm just glad it wasn't alive when I came across it! they are aggressive f*ckers man and will duke it out with you! LOL

By the way Waira lol your girlies look great my friend!! Home stretch now!!
Since I missed the Spider thing... Let me tell you why I can handle anything BUT Spiders... well, the REAL big ones any how...

Waira--pardon me, but I have to add a Rebel comment.

I can understand. At eight it will leave an impression. I was a big bug nut as a kid. I still take insects outside if found in the house. My only rule is if you attack me--it is war. Now for the spiders. They are lucky, because, my father who was an ag. major would tell me that most spiders were good and eliminated the mean bugs ( barring the canna attacking spiders). As a consequence, the spider we might find would be allowed free reign if it hid.

My gf and I were in VN 1/2 decade or so ago. There are exotic bugs and lizards all over. They take shelter inside cafes, hotels etc. The family owned inn we stayed at had a big free standing tub with a shower handle. On the first night, I was in the tub and looked to the wall against the tub and there was a hand sized brown tarantula. It stared at me and then ran like lightening under the sink. The next day, the girls came in with a hose and sprayed the bathroom trying to get him out. They did not see him. In the end, my sessions in the bathroom were quick--thereafter.

BTY--I did see a very small spider hightail it out of my tent and I insect tape caught a big good one.
great, nightmares tonight!... I HATE SPIDERS ...try picking corn in a corn field only to see one big ass webs with a big ass yellow and black corn spider sittin in the middle on the ear of corn you were just going to pick scarring the hell out of you (when your 5-6yrs old!).. I still hate them, specially the big black ones I sometimes see in the basement if they don't get squished I suck them up in the vacuum, I know I got em when I feel the thunk of their body hitting the bend in the vacuume hose by the handle.. or how about those brown recluse spiders and their flesh eating bacteria, goodnight all!
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seagrow huh check out their Hawaiian bud i did and now i use it all the time with the 4-26-26

here's a spider for ya seen it yesterday



  • spider.jpeg
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hey waira i thought you might like this pics of so spotted pitcher plants
-- Sniper my friend, :D: guns, flowers, toxic wildlife,... what don't you pics of?! LOL! Thanks, mate,... the pitcher plant (flower?) is very cool; when I first saw the thumb nails I thought you sent me pics of some kind of Masdevallia orchid, it's that close! ...Great colors/pattern, and the horn o' plenty shape is a gas...:thumbs: I don't recognize the plant itself though,... Ditto for the wild flowers; the build of the flower spike looks familiar though... The (?) above is about me wondering if the pitcher part of the name refers to the flower (it must)... Common names sometimes are misleading! When I saw the name pitcher plant, I also thought this: 013.jpg012.jpg these are White Trumpet pitcher plants (Sarracenia leukophylla), swamp/bog carinvores native to the SE US; and what a killing machine these things are! the trap is so effective, the pitchers fill nearly to the brim, often topple over, and boy, do they smell funky...of rotting bugs! LMAO!! the nectar is doped, literally, making the bug clumsy; the lip is slick as fresh car wax, and hairs like mini spears, in and around the hood, all point down into the pitcher, so that any bug that baulks and tries to back out get jabbed right up the ass when they do! :X's Evil Laugh x: They can't seem to flyout either- wings hit the sides... Yes, those are their awesome flowers!... look like comets, to me.. **** I dig that spiky butt spider!!... haven't seen one quite like that; we have these little wide bodied kinds here, like a spiky crab almost! ... Gute schtuff Sniper! :smoke: I'll look into that product too, thanks!