Night Owl Seeds Word of Mouf, Tyrone Stomper (F6) & Crinkle in Time

Nov 6, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Sour Papaya & Smoothie Auto
Alright, clearly I've got a thing for Nightowl genetics.... so I'm kicking off the 2x4 "auto" tent with one plant in her 5th week (and this'll be her 3rd tent / light... poor lady). And I've just germinated a Tyrone Stomper and a Crinkle in Time. Pics below (tho.. not much to speak of here).

48 hours of germination

Above ground but struggle at first, 2 days after into the soil

One week old in these pics


2 weeks old, at this point she started to struggle a little bit, I think the soil was too hot, or the humidity was too low. I'm not entirely sure, but I had like 20 other photos going, and 6 other autos, so this was a bit neglected.

Lastly, here's a group shot from 3 weeks ago, so roughly 2 weeks old. Mostly 8-10 week old autos (and this Word of Mouf)

Oh the Tyrone Stomper and Crinkle in Time, germinated starting today (updates to come). All three of these will live in a Vivosun 2x4 tent with 2x RapidLED Logic Pucks (and maybe a 75W 3500k COB when that frees up).


Here's a few pics of the Word of Mouf, in her 5th week believe it or not. Pretty sure I stressed her out with heat / light or general indifference. Anyway, I hope she has a good turn around, and finishes in like 80+ days.



thats a shame, hopefully she turns around for ya. Mine is thriving on day 26
Yea, I mean, I've seen (and grown) worst from fastbuds (over the summer). I suspect she'll end up doing okay, just a bit undersized.

I had a similar worry about my Miracle Berry, really grew long and flimsy, but I supported it and the buds are really thickening up. As usual... consistency would have helped me a lot here. Learning each time!
Small update - both seeds germinated in 48 hours. Gonna give them another day in the paper towel, then into 3g fabric pots of Coast of Maine.

Back with up an update. I was worried I'd kill everything over the Thanksgiving holiday, I was away for 3 days... but none of the Nightowl gear was phased! (my photos were all dry stressed, but have bounced back big-time.) Pics below...



Small update - plants are doing great on day 43 above ground. They got a straight up tap water feeding right before xmas (a friend watered while I was away) that yellowed them up and I think set them back a tad, but they seem to have fully recovered from that. I'd guess we're 30 - 40 days away from finish here, my last couple Nightowl runs went 11 - 12 weeks.

Crinkle in Time on the Left, Tyrone Stomper F6 on the right. 3gal fabric pots, Coast of Maine Stonington Blend soil, water & urb for first 5 weeks (or until first signs of flower) then I start to feed greengro flower dry amendments (starting 1/2 tbl spoon, then 1, then 1 1/2, then finally 2). I'm also trying out Element Nutrients Flower Fuel (a friend gave me it for xmas), so I'm watering in about 1/4 gal of the stuff when I feed. Anyone used it? Seems like a bit over priced (granted mine was a gift...)
