Indoor kfigerm tries his best

Day 1
  • so today the taproot went through the cube and I put them on already used pyramids.
    The pyramids were sterilized wet in the microwave..but boy that smells and still does...natures scent.
    The pyramids were soaked with my nutes with an EC of 1000, PH 5.8.
    Some mycos are sprayed ontop of the pyramids before placing the cubes on them.
    Now they are in approx 60% humidity, 25°C with 70% power of the lamps power [ppfd ~420, dli ~30]
    Hope they explode like TD usually do.

    bean No. 3 hasn't cracked yet...still waiting till the Weekend for success. Backup beans are within reach.

    day 8 think different, day 3 wedding cake
  • so here are some pics.
    meanwhile upped with g+m 1:1 EC 700 because i do not trust the 2-1-1 schedule, they are a little pale, but in good condition.
    So far the pyramids do their job just like in the first round.

    little wedding cake auto on day 3 is still tiny.



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    day 9 think different, day 4 wedding cake
  • hi @Zaaboot , ya, I'm back, still not completely recovered, but I'm fine.
    I'm lurking the forums a bit, but I'm not too much replying/socializing atm, just not the mood.
    I was calculating like hell to get some healthy values for my nutes, but there's always an extreme excess on K or an abysmal lack of N or P depending on the mix.
    If the pyramids work as expect, I should be good with making the mix for needed N and P ratio and let the K excess be expelled by the pyramid to salt. Theory to be falsified. Either the pyramid works out or the plants will suffer big problems from too much K.
    We'll see.

    Still everything is fine, a little pale but growing.

    tiny wedding cake in the front seems intimidated by the 5 days older think different. I hope she will strike back.

    day 13 think different, day 8 wedding cake
  • a cold monday, but the ladies feel fine.
    Nothing to do yet, but to keep them moist and cozy
    but watch the difference from the td day 9 (last post) and the wc in the front day 8...a slow little sucker it is.

    but no one will be left behind and i am in good faith.
    ppfd 600, dli (20h) 43, 22°C rh 60+% atm
    To my nutes...been doing a lot of math and matrices and additions and hopefully found some mix to go with.

    For anyone interested, I am using Advanced hydroponics of Holland 3-part nutes with the new formula. They should work fine with their recipe but I am going to add some things to better suit the plan and save money in the long run.
    If i further on refer to N in my mix, I am talking about a stock solution I made myself from a cheap 23% N3%Mg Fertilizer and adjusted it to 5%.
    I have to find a P source still for the boost, for now i have some old bloom formula around with pk 5 3 that will used.
    K is always over the top, but for now with the N addition in this stage in better range.
    feed EC 700 Ahoh gmb 2-1-1-0,8N (11-7-24 comes to 16-7-23 with the N addition)
    not much to add, but that made them greener already.

    day 20 think different, day 15 wedding cake
  • so, another Monday,

    the Girls are fine, except...the pyramids couldn't feed what wasn't in there. Raising the lights' power and not having enough Ca in the mix results in spots on the leaves. I forgot to add the quarter tap water, so the damage was done. But as it reacts to adding things fast, all went well.

    I also calculated the ppm of my nutes with the use of openai to doublecheck my results. Lets see how that plays out.
    I now feed them somewhere between EC 800 and 1200 every other day with 2g-2m-1b-3N. Yep crazy N lack in this stage. Don't understand that, that's why I checked the calc so often. But even "wrong" calcs have a lack.
    So my conclusion is for now, the "dutch formula" is made for tap water full of cow-pee. Or there's some magic, perhaps in the chelate. I'll see if there's an N excess someday.

    Back to the ladies,
    TD: I toppet one and tried to fim one :cools:
    A little lst to the diagonal of the branches
    Nothing else.

    WC: not really catching up, but hanging in it. C'mon girl!

    In the front is a little guest. An unknown photo-cutting that i keep for a friend over the next weeks, so you may see her veg also.
    The cutting still has only very little roots an I'll just feed it with rhizotonic as long it keeps being that green.

    day 27 think different, day 22 wedding cake
  • It is Monday and still time to wish everybody a happy Christmas!

    The unexpected happened. The TD are somehow stunted, but the WC catches up nicely very fast.
    Still something goes wrong with the nutes. Not so sure - it can also be the recycled pyramids are perhapfs off PH. To smooth this out i now feed them really daily.
    TD in the back, WC takes the front row. little photo cutting on the front rights still rooting.

    Perhaps there is also a battle for food, or the moss on the pyramids messes with PH or moist. Too many variables again.
    But it looks so nice and clean. So I share some pics.
    What would you tell me to do? Scrape it off, or let it be there?


    I really like the looks and it keeps the pyramids more moist. But actually I don't know if it does harm or if it is even beneficial.
    To me it at least indicates there is not too much N - that correlates well with the nutes i gave in standard schedule in the beginning.
    But perhaps the pyramids can't dry off enough and the whole process works suboptimal. What do I know.

    day 34 think different, day 29 wedding cake
  • The forth Monday in this grow is soon through here, and there is nothing special to report.
    Like I assumed before, the girls are somehow stunted. I decided the moss is not beneficial, so I removed it where I could.
    I think all that was too moist due to the moss covering the pyramid.
    I feed all the girls now with a mix of 3-3-6-2 gmbN which should be NPK 8-11-16.- but stopped feeding daily and now let dry out a little, until there is just little/no more moss left.

    The prior run was much better, but they keep growing. Perhaps I also hit them too early whith too much light, it is also the first run with this light. So the future will tell. But it is still not over.

    So here's a pic of the little basterds. the td already bud up with very little internodial distance.

    did not top the wc, there's stress enough and they are so tiny, they have plenty of space left.

    day 41 think different, day 35 wedding cake
  • Hello to my monday's status update.
    It is just like it is with "working" pyramids and I am confident I have got the nutes dialed in well.
    The td ladies are stunted but swell up nicely, there will at least be an ounce of each - everything more makes me happy.
    The wedding cake is starting stretch and looking nicely - fed her a little too low, but I think she will do fine.

    So what happened this last week. The moss was removed and drying out started to work again which then required me to start to demoist in the box. The temps and all are fine, a little higher at about 28°C and rh is now lowered and swing ~50% (on at 54 off at 44).
    the feed is at 4-5-5-4 (8-6-12 for wc) and 4-4-9-3 (8-11-16 for the td ladies) at High EC and with less tap water added, cos theres so much cal in the micro part that adds up.
    I also raised the dli to ~55/ 20h (85% power on lamp ~50cm above canopy). They take it good, but they had some light stress two weeks ago, so there are some scars on the leaves.
    The roots are fine and each plant drinks a little less than 2l a day...not very much, but the wc starts to drink nicely so I think she will go into stretch without stunt. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
    A little cleanup was done on all, but not too much.

    No more blabla, here are the ladies.


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    day 48 think different, day 42 wedding cake
  • Hi all,

    Have a good start into this coming week my firends!
    You all meanwhile learned, that I try to keep this thread as boring as possible. So far I succeed and I have to report on another boring week.
    the feed is now
    TDs: 0-0-20-5 p ~4l / NPK 8-15-14 EC ~1600
    WC: mit 4-4-9-3 ~4l / NPK 8-11-16 EC ~1600
    I am restraining a little the coming days - the think differents are done growing and bud up now and the wc is in transition and just became darker green. So I'll cut the N part on both mixes slowly - the wc will still sure grow a little.
    But it is astounding how they all are equal in height. I don't know what stunted them and I don't take points for canopy management - looks great, just happened.

    So what am I talking about...

    the one td was too dense, So I decided to do a real "haircut" and cut of most leaftips.
    She responded with a sharp piney scent today, the small one in the back still smells much fruitier.
    I still wonder what that wedding cake is going to be like.

    So now you can move on to all that urgent and exciting stuff...there's nothing to see here.

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