Indoor kfigerm tries his best

day 55 think different, day 49 wedding cake
  • Monday.?...yap it's Monday.

    The ladies do their job. While the TD are on the way down to a nice damned fast harvest, the wc is just slowly moving on and she will take a time from now...I thinks that one is well on/short behind the schedule.

    The more interesting is what happened to the td ladies.Whatever I did to td ladies directly skipped the two weeks of stretch, which they are now earlier..I seldon have some in at 75 days...average is 85...these are just heading into week 9.
    I assume it was the wrong ratio with the new nutes at the beginning..the recommended dosage had way too few N.


    the two sisters, both foxtailing like hell.
    they are on full bloom and get no more N now. 15/13 PK at EC ~1100

    and here the little lazy wedding cake, cleaned up and exposed the buds a little. She is on bloom 5-15-13 EC ~1600 now for two days.
    I weill try to not let her foxtail and try to cut mg a little when the frowers built up a lille more.

    that's it for that.
    Have a nice week!
    day 62 think different, day 56 wedding cake
  • Hello,

    last week was not fine. Have gotten some mold problems on the pyramids. Reusing them like i did is not good. For recycling them i need to do it more properly. The ground laying problem was to not prevent the moss. Should have kept it clean. Died off moss was a feast for mold.
    Now I am fighting it with fire..whats better to turn biomatter to minerals again - first i slightly spray to prevent spores flying off, then i cook/burn it off ;-) and the pyramids allow this treatment. I keep rh below 50% now.
    And one cought some spider mites, but that will do no more harm, they are gone already. They spread fast so there are many scars on the smalles one.
    The feeding is on schedule with some variation...



    the think different ladies both go on 15-15 pk (upped K a bit) at ec 1100 - as soon the wedding cake is finished with N they only get the rest of her.

    the smallest one was raided by spidermites and leaftips go off - no lower leaves left, because it was far to dense weeks ago, so they look a little worn.
    But you see how buddy she is from the lower up, from stem upwards. Not looking too bad.




    the td in the back looks nice and healthy - remember i cut those leaftips also days ago on purpose - too dense also due to skipped see the mold on the pyramid. She is also stacked directly from the stem up.


    and the wedding cake still budding up - next cleanup will be done at the end of this week.
    she is at EC 1800 and I upped K in the mix - 5-15-15

    So heading into week ten will bring me some uneasiness and close watching.
    Still I am very pleased how all is going.

    Cheers and have a nice week!
    day 69 think different, day 63 wedding cake
  • Since last Monday there wasn't too much going on. Still fighting the mold on the pyramids, and the spidermites came back, some were still around that the predator mites didn't catch, or they were reintroduced by me. Still only the front plant is infected, she's suffering hard.
    Must give her a good wash and then perhaps it's time this time for a watercure on her, she's gonna be harsh anyway. And i havent got a press or alike. Perhaps some of her finds the way into some gummy bears. who knows.
    Besides that all is going along smoothly. Nothing changed in the nute mix, except for a little more Nand K for the wedding cake. RH at ~46%.

    Here are the pics...the small infected in the front doesn't deserve her own shot, perhaps a nice budshot later, but she needs some make up.


    td in the back, you can see the mold on the pyramid. Where i burnt it it's gone, but now killing the moss and eating it up.


    wc canopy - she got some cleanup some days ago

    Have a nice week!
    spidermites took over
  • here to document the misery. I will put her out early, cos I can't get any more predators, and the last were frozen thanks to postal lags.
    I am still lucky, cos theres little infection on the others, so i try to rise rh to slow them down. Once more in a trap - mites or mold. Hope i can go through.
    So here the misery


    no need of a dark background, this pic sucks enough.

    Happy Weekend and...

    day 76 think different, day 70 wedding cake
  • So the last week was busier than i wanted it to be. The mites ate number one and they got drowned in water and are now being washed off and then all undergoing a watercure. she branches were nice and fat and every one was a cola from stem to top yield for the size, but perhaps I won't have a weight for her. PErhaps I'll take some pics of her diving mission.

    Speaking of pics...hoping I can work it out to maintain mold and mites at a minimum, perhaps all will be fine for the left over two ladies.

    the two with some distance..the td also has some mite scars on the lower leaves :-/ Still will be a week for sure.
    The wedding cake hast to survive at least for two weeks.
    Both look nice, too dense and small, but fat.


    the think different with all her leafs and tails

    heres a closeup of a cola

    this is "oldschool" genetics from 2013...still like it so much :cool: - will be hard to replace her as a reference, but i have those lots of runtz auto seeds now and no more td.

    wedding cake still budding up and doing her thing

    so that's that for this last week.
    Next week will be even more boring - there will be no monday for me. So perhaps next pics look much worse or show one nice harvest and a really fat wedding cake....keepr your fingers crossed please.

    After holiday - day 91 think different, day 85 wedding cake
  • So I once more left for some days and let the kids play alone.
    Looking into the tent was not too bad, but I trust my setup and theres now little to mess up.
    But I managed - the res went dry for two days because the pump didn't switch off once and ran one hour instead if 15 minutes and a lot went into the drain. My "housekeeper" fixed that while he was caring for the watercure (more on that later), but he used tap water, so that wasn't perfect also, but who cares...the pyramids don't.
    So here are some pics of how they look after that home alone.

    yes, you see budrot on one cola of the td...directly removed the whole branch. But that can happen and I exprected more I am very pleased with what i see.
    The mites are still there, but they didn't spread too much on those two.
    But it's high time the ladies show me some browns now - still none on both.

    think different foxtailed like hell...that will be an awful trim. The rotten branch is now off.




    wedding cake goes yellow now. Not all natural fade, but not too bad.


    here is how the mold down on the pyramid progressed - below you see the full drain - 6l - one more and it would have spilled over.
    But the rest of the timer setting was OK, so all played out well.

    So taken all the shit that happened this grow and how the last 10 days played out without some silly kfigerm interacting all that doesn't look too bad for me.



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    the watercure
  • and now to the watercure.
    the buds of the first harvested lady (Feb 14, 2023 ) went into a bin, drwoned under RO water. A daily to bi-daily water change was made.
    one of my square bins fit perfecly to my pyramids' containers, so i used them to seal off air. I filled the water until it spilled over the bin when I pushed the upper container down into it. So for sure the buds are sealed from air and have a good amount of water that sucks the shit out of them.
    Then i took them out and pre-dried them - after dry they went into a bag.

    wet and fully soaked and leeched buds - still looking nice big.

    50 years of duty and still is perfect to get the excess water out for fast dry

    after the process I had approx 50g! dry watercured buds without mites and shit.
    Yes, all that process "costs" about 1/2 to 2/3 of weight. This watercure was much longer than i did before so i guess it comes to ~120g "real" dry buds.
    But thats the way a whole plant fits into one 2oz grove bag...not that it's needed, there are barely any terpenes left.
    Does it taste good? no it tastes nearly chemical. But are the mites washed out, yes, can you smoke it, yes, and you have plenty of fun vaporizing that in one will recognize this smell as cannabis. You can also make edibles without smell.

    Lets see what happens to this bag full of watercure:

    wedding cake day 87 - harvest
  • So the last days more and more brown pistils showed up and some became too dark. So the girl was taken down today.
    Here some pics of the lady




    and the result lays in front of me - larf left away, all looks nice and healthy after a cleanup.

    broken down to buds it is eight brown paper bags - approx 3-5 oz /100-150g.
    The buds were completely free from mites, but some had scars. She seems pretty resistant. The last think different is getting raided in the tent, but that one is still clear to milky..more on her another day.
    I am pretty happy with that outcome, cos that shows all the fade was less a mess up than i thought after the days away.

    the watercure thread from long time ago
  • So after not getting the domainname right for some time, i now found my way back and for those who were asking for watercure i found something. Due to the coincidencs of my shattered content history one old thread popped up as first one - and guess which one

    The Water Cure

    because my second TD is bitten by mites as well in the last days, since the wc was aout of the tent, i will have to do the same for her.

    Dry weight
  • so after the week drying all goes into grtove bags for cure... it's ~180g of fine bud.
    So the nonbelievers can compare the pics from the run now and see how the watercure would have been around the same amount of buds, but it is approx cut by half to third of volume and weight because of the watercure and so fits into one 2oz grove bag (above are the numbers of the td - my estimation with 120 "real" dry bud would be on the lower end then after 10 days of watercure - it would have been 150+ i guess).


    the math: 243-3x21 of bags =~180g

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