New Grower 1st time! How fubar are these?


Cultivators Club
May 25, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Widow
Hey I'm a first time grower, and honestly made a cringe worthy amount of mistakes with these seeds before finding this wonderful place. To start I'm growing ww auto seeds from crop King.they are in promix organic, grown under led sitting at 30", watering with a spray bottle full of bottled spring water.I achieved 100% germ using the soak and paper towel

Not going to sugar coat it so here's the list of my shit the bed incidents
-touched taproot with fingers
-buried them too deep so I redug them up and lost one in the process in the dirt
-had them on 24hr lights now 18/6
Was watering the seedling directly but now using a turkey baster and watering a ring around it. These pics will be day 3.
after planting, how screwed am I?


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Sorry it doubled the pics but this is the last one. Sorry about the quality


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What are we supposed to be looking at? From what I can tell, it looks like you have some seedlings of some sort... beyond that, really cant tell.
Start seedlings in a light seed starting mix next time to avoid early
What are we supposed to be looking at? From what I can tell, it looks like you have some seedlings of some sort... beyond that, really cant tell.
Start seedlings in a light seed starting mix next time to avoid early
Yeah they definitely are seedlings but I'm just wondering how stunted they are and if those even look ok lol
Yeah they definitely are seedlings but I'm just wondering how stunted they are and if those even look ok lol
Have they shed their seed husks? How long have they looked like that? From what I can see, they dont look right, but the pictures arent very good. Try to get some clearer images and you will get more and better responses.. Its kind of hard sometimes with a cellphone...
Have they shed their seed husks? How long have they looked like that? From what I can see, they dont look right, but the pictures arent very good. Try to get some clearer images and you will get more and better responses.. Its kind of hard sometimes with a cellphone...
The seed husks fell off yesterday and the picture with the one that's barely above surface shed its husk in the paper towel. I'll try and get better pics tomorrow but my phone is all I have atm.
Your only mistake was trying to do to much for them, leave them alone for the next 3 days and stick a humidity dome on them :)
Perfect I'll try that and thank you. I'll post some pics after the 3 days are up, fingers crossed.
Perfect I'll try that and thank you. I'll post some pics after the 3 days are up, fingers crossed.
Kudos on the turkey baster, one of my main watering tools. Don't over do the humidity dome, don't want to damp off the stems. A soda bottle cut in half with the cap off works pretty well for a couple days.
Kudos on the turkey baster, one of my main watering tools. Don't over do the humidity dome, don't want to damp off the stems. A soda bottle cut in half with the cap off works pretty well for a couple days.
Thank you! And I didn't have any sterile pop bottles around so I actually used some drinking glasses from the kitchen. I'll be checking on them soon.