4 day old seedling / lime green veins

Jan 25, 2021
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I have been looking everywhere online but can't seem to find an identical issue.

I am new to growing and in the last weeks I have tried 6 different seeds with same painful results.

The seedling her first 2 leaves, their veins become lime green already after 3 days after coming above soil.
This ends up stunting the seedling and new growth comes out yellow, the lime green ends up turning yellow and starts burning.
The tips end up burning, like a nutrient burn. But HOW?
First I was using some random Lightmix soil and thought that was the issue,
now I have switched to Biobizz Lightmix however the lime green is showing again..

I do not understand what I'm doing wrong, here what I did this run with 3 seeds;

3x3 Tent,
BioBizz nutrients (but obviously I don't even get to the feeding point)
TSW2000 (50%, 65CM distance)
Light schedule 20/4
RH always around 60%
Temps 24C day 22C night
In and outline fan ON
2 active fans in the tent (none directly on the seedling)

*Fill Biobizz lightmix in a 11L fabric pot.
*Moisturize the soil with 3L ( tapwater, PH down to 6.2 , EC 0,4, PPM 240 ) and let it dry out under the light while germinating in a paper towel.
*3 days later soil is mostly dry, mix some mycorrhiza in it and plant the germinated seed.
*Water about 50ml where the seed is placed ( tapwater, PH down to 6.2 , EC 0,4, PPM 240 )
*Place the pot under the TSW2000 at 65cm distance, 50% power (=150watt)
*Use a humidity dome (with holes on top to prevent damping off).
*RH outside dome 60%, temps around 24C.
*2 days later seed has sprouted and shows first set of leaves.
*Soil has dried out after removing the dome so again same measurements for 50ml of water, I circle it around the seedling.
*Seedling looking normal, starting to grow out the leaves and is about 5cm tall, I don't water unless I see it dried out and check with finger.

but I don't even get to the next watering before the veins start to turn lime green and I get flashbacks from my previous try,

What am I doing wrong here? From what I've learned its impossible to get deficiencies this early?
It sounds crazy to add nutes, the seedling is not even 1 week old.

The other 2 seed are 1 day behind but I wouldn't be surprised to see the same issue on them tomorrow : (

Hope any of you know what to do here.
Thank you


  • lime.jpg
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  • lime2.jpg
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This must be really frustrating, reading your process it sounds like you're doing all the right things. Just from anecdotal reports, I'm convinced that BioBizz is experiencing a major quality control problem with their manufacturing, every other thread in the infirmary is someone who seems to be doing everything right but getting terrible results using either LightMix or AllMix.

If you have some unused potting mix, a good test is to take equal parts water and potting mix (use volume to measure) and slurry them together. Let it sit for a few minutes, then drain off the water and test the pH and EC.

If you can post back those results, it might help to make a diagnosis. I'd also back the light of just a bit, I think it's maybe about 25% too close, maybe try 80cm or more just for now since they're seedlings.
Can't really pinpoint something wrong in your equipement or way of growing.
Pics you posted of your seedlings show that there looking not too bad...
Hope someone with more experience can help you!
Welcome to AFN and good luck!:welcome:

Edit:Very young seedlings don' t really need the fans IMO.
Am guessing your not getting enough water. 50ml isn't quite 2 oz. At seedling size I'm watering closer to 10x that 4-5 days apart (closer to 3 to 4 cups or 24-36 oz). When I run solo cups to start in, they might get 50ml at a time, once...
Watering soil can be one of the more difficult things to pick up... you'll get it.
I'd say look at the soil, but same issue in 2 different brands has me back at underwatered.
This must be really frustrating, reading your process it sounds like you're doing all the right things. Just from anecdotal reports, I'm convinced that BioBizz is experiencing a major quality control problem with their manufacturing, every other thread in the infirmary is someone who seems to be doing everything right but getting terrible results using either LightMix or AllMix.

If you have some unused potting mix, a good test is to take equal parts water and potting mix (use volume to measure) and slurry them together. Let it sit for a few minutes, then drain off the water and test the pH and EC.

If you can post back those results, it might help to make a diagnosis. I'd also back the light of just a bit, I think it's maybe about 25% too close, maybe try 80cm or more just for now since they're seedlings.

Yeah extremely frustrating, it's like that bad luck that keep following you in everything you try.

The drained water was at 6.3 PH and 0.8 EC
I raised the light to 80cm, would you keep it at 50% (150w) at that distance?

Thank you for trying to help
Can't really pinpoint something wrong in your equipement or way of growing.
Pics you posted of your seedlings show that there looking not too bad...
Hope someone with more experience can help you!
Welcome to AFN and good luck!:welcome:

Edit:Very young seedlings don' t really need the fans IMO.

Yeah they look ok but from my last try I remember it going downwards very quickly after the lime color hit,
I was just too stubborn to ask for help then. lol

The 2 fans are not really on the seedlings, just making the air circulate in the tent.
Am guessing your not getting enough water. 50ml isn't quite 2 oz. At seedling size I'm watering closer to 10x that 4-5 days apart (closer to 3 to 4 cups or 24-36 oz). When I run solo cups to start in, they might get 50ml at a time, once...
Watering soil can be one of the more difficult things to pick up... you'll get it.
I'd say look at the soil, but same issue in 2 different brands has me back at underwatered.

I do get scared of overwatering, on the other hand I made sure the soil around the seedling was moist all the time.
I can try giving more water and less often,
its just from what I've "learned" I thought it was a bad thing to have to roots in wet soil for too many days.

Thank you for trying to help
There is nothing wrong with your plant.

I would hope not, but considering this isn't my first try and every seed the problems started with the lime green veins,
I figured I would at least get the experienced people their opinion before I fail again and start to lose hope.
You definitely want the entire medium totally saturated, like not a single spec of dry soil when you plant. Doesn't mean you have to get it waterlogged, but I've seen some folks post pictures of bone-dry soil and then just like a little wet-spot in the middle, that's not good. The tap root shoots down very quickly on autoflowers, so you want the entire volume of your container to be at 'field capacity' i.e. wet enough that you can squeeze a clump in your fist and get a few drops of water, but not so wet that it leaks out everywhere.