RIP Bella Day 106
RIP Bella Day 106 :bow:


...and boy, am i glad that'z finally done, lol :doh: long story short -> all fluff, no stuff :nono: but ah well, the smoke should be good nuff, so what the hell, lol :shrug: i'll update in a couple dayz with the final weight & meanwhile, the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Introducing Emerald :-)

hey kidz, say hello to Emerald :toke: she'z a sweet cbd auto i'll be growin for the autoseedz 420 battle :thumbsup: she got put in to soak around 2pm this afternoon & will be hittin the dirt tomorrow nite ;) Engine No.420 has been a buzy lil puffer lately & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Bella final weight
Bella final weight - 22.4 gr :thumbsup:


actually, 22.4 might be cheatin a bit, cuz her main cola coulda been cut up a wee more to get rid of some xtra stemmage, so we'll make it 3/4 oz even & call it good :smoking: but hey, that'z more than i thought she'd give, and the deep purple tone duz make for a nice change o' scenery either way ;) there was also an additional gram or so of misc trim that i've been tokin on since las nite & the high def makez up for any shortcomingz, so...
i'd call it a mid-balance of head/body high, but it'z one o' thoze highz that def standz out in itz own way, ya know-? it'z a high that makez everything "make sense", if that...makez...any sense :rofl: she'z really smooth on the uptake, but def expandz once inside, lol :rolleyes2: oh, and make sure the fridge is stocked, cuz she'z also serious munchie weed :biggrin: she'z in the jarz at a perfect 60% rh & i know the high will get even better as the dayz wear on :thumbsup: so all in all, despite the airy budz, it was a worthy grow & i'm hopin she was mebbe jus an off bean, who knowz :shrug: celebratory drinkz & snackz are in Car 11 & The Growtrain Rollz On, Choo-Choo! :headbang: ppp

@Fast Buds Heather
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Emerald planted

and now....we......wait :rofl: but seriously, she went into the dirt about an hour ago & should be up in a couple dayz ;) same ol' 3L pot...and oh boy, me get to uze me dome again! :jump: ...but, there'z been a slight change in the soil mix, and hopefully one that will turn out for the better ;) as i did with April, i went with a 50/50 mix of the frog & mg perf organicz, but this time, was able to get hold of some blood meal & bone meal to mix in :thumbsup: i honestly had no idea how much of each to mix in, lol, so i jus stonereyeballed it & will hope for the best :smoking: i did uze me scale tho, and ended up puttin in apprx 8gr of blood meal & 4gr of bone, along with a couple tspn'z of epsom salt, the obligatory xtra perlite, and called it good :shrug: :rolleyes2: unfortunately, i didn't have anything to add in for K, but it'z on the list & should hopefully be able to get put in next planting ;) and oh, jus fer shitz & gigglez, i've decided to go back to uzin molassez water this time around too, at a dose of 1 tspn per gal, given once a week or so, with good ol' rainwater bein the order o' the day for reg wateringz in between, and, as per uzual, she'll be gettin vegged under me trusty cfl'z :thumbsup: that'z it for now & stay choo-choo tuned! :headbang: ppp

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Penelope tester bud
Penelope test bud, day 88 :smoking:


done snipped a tester from mid-level to dry overnite & toke tomorrow ;) she'z basically all trimmed up & ready to meet her maker...but sshhh, she duzn't know about that last part yet :muahaha: trichz seem about 80-85% cloudy w/no amber, but that'z pretty much when i alwayz seem to chop, with no regretz so far, and if it ain't broke, don't fix it, so...:thumbsup: i'm debating on whether to give her one more watering, or not...i'm basically needin to at least have her outa the clozet by this weekend, cuz April is gonna be hittin preflower any day & is gonna be needin the spot, so...i'm jus gonna play it by whim, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp