Janis Day 27
Janis Day 27 :smoking:



welp, here we go again, lol :doh: for thoze that follow my growz, u'll know that by now, me & funky leavez are old palz :rolleyes2: but this time, it'z a wee different, at least for me so far, in both the overall effect, and that weird sandstone like color that i haven't exactly seen so far on me other plantz :shrug: she'z been gettin the mc, but mebbe not enuff...or mebbe she needz a shot o' calmag or sumthin...hell, i dunno, lol :rofl: anyhoo, fwiw, the bottom 3 picz are a before & two after gettin topped a couple hrz ago at 11", which ended up bein right above her 8th floor...i never count the very bottom floor, and this time, the 2nd floor won't be able to really be counted either, so she should end up with an even dozen bud sitez :thumbsup:

and, just as a general obzervation, i'm def noticing the different dna in the ww x bb, compared to the more full blood indicaz, like me NL & kush, cuz she'z def stretched a lot, without too much lateral growth yet really...should make lst interesting, lol

as alwayz, it ain't nuthin but a thang & i'll figger it all out sooner or later, lol :coffee: choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
You sure you didn't just get sloppy with the waterin can? Orrr overexcited?
Janis Day 30
Janis Day 30 :smoking:


wow, she'z sure bein a s t r e t c h y one, eh-? :yoinks: for reference, the bad leaf picz are of the same leavez as in the prev entry & i'm jus showin what they look like now is all ;) it'z kinda trippee really, cuz it'z jus thoze 3 or 4 leavez, with everything above & below doin ok, so...:shrug: i did give her mc & calmag both, right after sunday night'z picz, then las nite, she got some mikrobz...she seemz to be handlin the topping ok, and she'll be gettin moved into me bloom clozet alongside Gracie probly tomorrow, which will open up her spot for yet another NL that i'll probly be puttin in to soak next day or two, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
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Janis Day 34
Janis Day 34 (along with her new buddy in the festive broom...i mean bloom clozet :smoking:)


well, at 17-1/2" now, i think she may finally be slowin her s t r e t c h at least, lol :doh: yup, she'z started preflower :woohoo1: so she'z gotten moved into the bloom clozet, along with Gracie, so neither of them will be alone on xmas :biggrin: the side-by-side picz are just a before/after gettin four main fanz snipped for a wee better light...i gotta say, lookin at the two of em side by side now, the differencez in dna are striking, lol :rofl: i gave her another mix of mc & calmag earlier, and it must be workin, cuz she hazn't had any more leavez go funky, so...choo-choo! :thumbsup:

Happee Hollydaze kidz! :headbang: ppp

oopz, forgot to mention that i planted another NL las nite :smoking: her name will be Charlotte & as soon as she breakz ground, she'll be comin alongside Janis for postz in here ;)
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Janis Day 37
Janis Day 37 :smoking:


hmm...well, remember what i said about her slowin down her stretch-? yeah, well, wrong call :doh: :rofl: she'z now jus shy of 20" tall & is all legz, lol...i added a cfl side light to help her lowerz, and she got her first dose of bloom today along with the mc/calmag

in other newz, the NL i planted 4 dayz ago still hazn't come up :shrug: needless to say, the delay is startin to mess with the perpetual clock, so i'll give it one more day, then i'm droppin another kush instead, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp