Summer growtrain update - 06/26/22
WWxBB photo Day 24 :smoking:


Grapefruit photo Day 24 :smoking:


MMXX photo Day 24 :smoking:


Grandaddy Purple photo Day 23 :doh:


Thunder Banana photo Day 22 :smoking:


and a new addition...
Linda Seedz Tropicanna Cookiez photo Day 3


the summer growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Summer growtrain update - 07/02/22a
WWxBB photo Day 30 :smoking:


Grapefruit photo Day 30 :smoking:


MMXX photo Day 30 :smoking:


Grandaddy Purple photo Day 29 :smoking:


Thunder Banana photo Day 28 :smoking:


Tropicanna Cookiez photo Day 9 :smoking:


well, not sure what to say, lol :doh: yes, they're all still technically growing, and the ww x bb is 14" now, but they're jus leggy af & half the size they should be at this age, argh :wall: tbh, i now think what happened is that becuz i started em all directly outside this year & within jus a few dayz of bein born, the tempz shot up in the 90'z, the stress was jus too much for the lil bebez to handle that young :rolleyes1: but, what'z done is done, so no choice but to jus ride it out :shrug: i'll def start em all inside again next year, lol :doh: meanwhile, the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Summer growtrain update - 07/02/22b
...annnnnnd, in direct contrast to thoze leggy fuckerz outside, we have this cute lil thing from @Jean-O on the inside, hehe :biggrin:

Jean-O'z Geneticz Dank The Tank photo Day 17 :smoking:


now this is more like it, lol :cooldance: same exact soil as thoze outside, but -> not grown outside, lol :doh: this one i did more for comic relief than anything, simply becuz i've never grown a photo inside, so...:rolleyes2: she'z only in a 2.5 gal pot, so i plan on lettin her get about a month old, then flip her, so she won't get rootbound, and/or outgrow me lil grow clozet :rofl: the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
...annnnnnd, in direct contrast to thoze leggy fuckerz outside, we have this cute lil thing from @Jean-O on the inside, hehe :biggrin:

Jean-O'z Geneticz Dank The Tank photo Day 17 :smoking:

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now this is more like it, lol :cooldance: same exact soil as thoze outside, but -> not grown outside, lol :doh: this one i did more for comic relief than anything, simply becuz i've never grown a photo inside, so...:rolleyes2: she'z only in a 2.5 gal pot, so i plan on lettin her get about a month old, then flip her, so she won't get rootbound, and/or outgrow me lil grow clozet :rofl: the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

No kidding eh? Stunted as hell outdoorz butz cruizing indoors.. at least now ya have that information down the road :eek1:

Me thinks they will get to growing real soon, and u won't have to do any topping this year :thumbsup:

An DTT is looking good :cooldance:
No kidding eh? Stunted as hell outdoorz butz cruizing indoors.. at least now ya have that information down the road :eek1:

Me thinks they will get to growing real soon, and u won't have to do any topping this year :thumbsup:

An DTT is looking good :cooldance:

hmmm....ya know, i didn't even notice at first, but i jus took another look at that pic & lo & behold, the dtt is already showin sex :yoinks: :yay: ...whereas all the otherz outside ain't showin jack shit yet, lol :face: ah well, live & learn :shrug: ppp
Summer growtrain update - 07/11/22
WWxBB Day 39 :smoking: she'z up to 2 ft now & trying to finally get some side branching goin :doh:


Grapefruit Day 39 :smoking:


MMXX Day 39 :smoking:


Grandaddy Purple Day 38 :doh:


Thunder Banana Day 37 :smoking:


Tropicanna Cookiez Day 18 :smoking:


group shot...

and on the inside, we have...
Dank The Tank Day 26 :smoking:


the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Summer growtrain update - 07/16/22
WWxBB photo Day 44 :smoking:


Grapefruit photo Day 44 :smoking:


MMXX photo Day 44 :smoking:


Grandaddy Purple photo Day 43 :smoking:


Thunder Banana photo Day 42 :smoking:


Tropicanna Cookiez photo Day 23 :smoking:


and on the inside...
Dank The Tank photo Day 31


the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Summer growtrain update - 07/23/22
WWxBB photo Day 51 ...up to 40" now :smoking:


Grapefruit photo Day 51 second place at 24" :smoking:


MMXX photo Day 51


Grandaddy Purple photo Day 50 :smoking:


Thunder Banana photo Day 49 :smoking:


Tropicanna Cookiez photo Day 30 :smoking:


group pic...


...and inside,
Dank The Tank photo Day 38 ...35" tall now & i def see supercropping in the future, lol :doh: :smoking:


fwiw, trust me, they all look nice & perky when i first check em in the morning around 9:30 or so, but then after kickin on all the fanz, opening the west gate, and the day'z wind & 96 deg heat come on, then ya, they start lookin a bit frazzled by mid-afternoon, lol :doh: and ya, due to the heat stress in the beginning, i def won't be gettn a cumulative pound yield this time, lol, but it'z about 3 more weekz til the flip happenz & a lot can happen in that time, so... ;) they're all doin ok tho & still a rainwater only grow as the summer growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp

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Summer growtrain update - 07/28/22
ok damnit, i keep forgettin to post this, argh :wall: :rolleyes2: jus a minor progress update on dank the tank from @Jean-O ;) theze picz are from a couple dayz ago now, but anyway, i ended up supercroppin the top 9" section cuz height was def becoming an issue, lol :doh: this is the first time i've tried growin a photo inside, much less in me lil bitty grow clozet, so it'z been a learner, lol :p next time, i'll only veg it for 3 weekz instead of 4 before flippin :rolleyes2: anyway, i know most peepz flip from 18/6 to 12/12 all in one shot, but...i ain't most peepz :rofl: sooooo, in an attempt to mimic nature a lil more, i decreased the cycle by 1/2 hr each day, and yesterday was the first official day of 12/12 :thumbsup: and believe it or not, i think i'm already seein the very first signz of preflower :yoinks: :cooldance: she should def be showin signz for this weekend'z update, so i'll get picz then ;) in the pic this time showz how close she was gettin to the lightz...40" tall, 3" from lightz, lol :doh: middle pic is right after breakin her neck, and bottom pic is from the next morning, showin her already turnin back toward the light :thumbsup:


the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp
Summer growtrain update - 07/30/22-a
ok....well......FUCK!! :cuss: :cuss: :wall: :wall: :hothot: :hothot: :nono: :nono: ...................................ok, i feel better now :rolleyes2: i was way too pissed las nite upon the discovery to post about it, but....well, i'll jus let the picturez have their say before commenting further, lol....:face:

RIP Dank the Tank photo Day 44 :tang:


ok, u get the idea :rofl: and here i was thinkin it was a girl this whole time....well, so much for plan A :face::rofl: yesterday morning, i still thought i was seein first signz of preflower, but sumhow, sumthin didn't seem quite "right"....ah well, i went on about my day :shrug: then, about 9pm las nite, i discovered the ballz & like to sunk thru the floor :nono: :wall: needless to say, that bastard got chopped, double bagged & tossed in the fuckin trash, argh :shooty: man, i was havin such high hopez too :rolleyes1: but, what'z done is done, so no use cryin about it....the question now is whether to try another photo right away, or wait....hmmmm......i probly will :rofl: :rolleyes2: dunno what strain, but it def won't be this same one, lol :nono: to be fair, jean-o did warn me this might happen back when he sent me the beanz, so i'm not upset with him in any way....jus pissed about it in general, lol :doh: but meh, i'll recover & the growtrain rollz on, choo-choo! :headbang: ppp