Lighting AFNs live LED help thread.

Everything sounds ok to me bro, just plants being plants. Sounds like you have a cal/mag and or a nitrogen deficiency with your leaves but it's all good, nothing to worry about. Get some cal/mag+ and follow the directions and they'll be good. Most of your pics didn't upload so I can't see a whole lot.... Good luck bro :Sharing One:we'll be here "AFN smoke out"
Ah nice that sounds good thanks for the info bro .Its my first project maybe thats why im a bit nervous.I try it again with the pics
-blue velvet P1020133.jpgP1020135.jpgP1020150.jpg
purple og18P1020123.jpgP1020130.jpgP1020132.jpg
and the templeP1020147.jpg

Up the strength of hhe food bro EC 1.0 is a bit low try 1.4.
Does anyone measure the intensity of their LEDs? I really want to work out how high to hang them for optimal penetration and optimal footprint. At the moment im hanging at 50cm from the tops the plants grow till it gets to 40cm then I lift them again... kinda want to work out if I can go higher for a wider spread without sacrificing useable Intensity. The bigger my plants get the smaller my lights seem. 2 mars ii 900w for 5 plants in a 2m by 2m tent on a light mover.
Thanks for the response than i will raise the strenght of the food and see how it works.I think i let my grow thread revive the next days bevor i switch the lights on 12/12 what i will do between day 35-40.
Again thank you for the help

Does anyone measure the intensity of their LEDs? I really want to work out how high to hang them for optimal penetration and optimal footprint. At the moment im hanging at 50cm from the tops the plants grow till it gets to 40cm then I lift them again... kinda want to work out if I can go higher for a wider spread without sacrificing useable Intensity. The bigger my plants get the smaller my lights seem. 2 mars ii 900w for 5 plants in a 2m by 2m tent on a light mover.

Not heard of anyone measuring radiometric power to find the best hanging height...most just seem to get to know there light through use and find the sweet spot that way.
I guess im just wanting to raise the light as high as I can without sacrificing growing power. And ive seen growth at 3 feet away... 2 feet away just and just over a foot.... where I live the number of plants you have determines the...penatly for having them. So I want to have 5 of the biggest plants I can manage... if that means buying more light so be it... but if I can mount the lights 3 feet high and still see optimum growth then it will cover my grow space easily with what I have.
Roughly, what's the typical lifespan of an LED lamp? (UFO 135W/90W actual)

Using CFL's it's very easy to get a feel for when the bulb has come to the end of its life. You can just tell things aren't growing as they once were. Is it gonna be the same deal with LED where you notice a slowing of growth, or will the LED's burn out one by one.... or does the whole thing just one day take a crap a die on you??

Just had to replace some of my CFL's and thought I'd probably better inquire about my LED so I'm prepared :)

:Sharing One:
Most will start to dim after 60000 hrs but they will still emit light for 10s of thousands more hours.
Most will start to dim after 60000 hrs but they will still emit light for 10s of thousands more hours.

Ha, I should be okay for a little while longer then :grin:

Legend, nice one dude :thumbs:

:Sharing One: