Indoor Auto Seeds' Ultra Lemon Haze in a 23"x23"x41" cabinet

Looking Steller Bro!!!! I'm sure the buzz will be there it really is some beautiful Buds though man.
They do look great. It's just that, I could have harvested a fast strain and started a second and be halfway with that in the same time it takes this one to finish. Since I've already smoked the last of my previous harvest, three weeks ago, this strain isn't for me unless I can get her to yield twice as much, which isn't going to happen, because I'm lazy, first of all, but most of all, because of the lack of space.

I only use about a gram a day. So I need about 90 grams each harvest about every three months. I can't be waiting for almost another full month. Hahaha!

So I've planned to grow Jack 47 by Sweet Seeds next maybe on 24/0. See what that does in my cabinet. No topping, only LST. She should be a great yielder and a fast one.
I'm with you bro I only started my own because all I have access to is nasty Mexican bag weed, which is okay if nothing else but really waist of money and it's just not really weed lol. I'm not sure what mine has potential to yeild I'm hoping at least 100grams total with both plants and if I do it will take me a good while to smoke lol my next grow I'm gonna do Mephisto Soil and beans. And you should join a grow battle bro you pumped out nice plant I'm sure you only get better each grow man!!!
I'm with you bro I only started my own because all I have access to is nasty Mexican bag weed, which is okay if nothing else but really waist of money and it's just not really weed lol. I'm not sure what mine has potential to yeild I'm hoping at least 100grams total with both plants and if I do it will take me a good while to smoke lol my next grow I'm gonna do Mephisto Soil and beans. And you should join a grow battle bro you pumped out nice plant I'm sure you only get better each grow man!!!
If I'd had to guess, she will yield about the same as my previous growth. I managed to get her nice and wide this time, just not very large buds. The largest are about the length of my middle finger, about three fingers wide. So don't be fooled, this is by no means a monster plant like some of the guys on here grow. I have considered the Mephisto battle, but was too late ordering seeds and decided not to, because really, my 144W light wouldn't stand a chance. Not with my current skills.
If I'd had to guess, she will yield about the same as my previous growth. I managed to get her nice and wide this time, just not very large buds. The largest are about the length of my middle finger, about three fingers wide. So don't be fooled, this is by no means a monster plant like some of the guys on here grow. I have considered the Mephisto battle, but was too late ordering seeds and decided not to, because really, my 144W light wouldn't stand a chance. Not with my current skills.
Well I'm on my first ever grow and watching yours and getting what advice you have is good for me and others that's helping me with it makes life easier for me and looking yours over and even a 3 finger bud it's good meds I am in a illegal state ATM won't vote for legal meds until next year!! And when it passes I can grow several at a time and be legal when that happens I want to know how so I read everything and Google and I'm determined to get to a point so I can take care of myself!!! And I was gonna say you should enter the grow battle I think you would do well I can't wait to follow it and see some narly buds come from it...
Well I'm on my first ever grow and watching yours and getting what advice you have is good for me and others that's helping me with it makes life easier for me and looking yours over and even a 3 finger bud it's good meds I am in a illegal state ATM won't vote for legal meds until next year!! And when it passes I can grow several at a time and be legal when that happens I want to know how so I read everything and Google and I'm determined to get to a point so I can take care of myself!!! And I was gonna say you should enter the grow battle I think you would do well I can't wait to follow it and see some narly buds come from it...
I just compared the buds to the pictures of my previous grow and now I'm thinking I won't get the same yield. Lol! Unsure and anxious as hell! I'm a freaking noob, still, hahaha!

It's also illegal here. It's so twisted up in The Netherlands...Have you ever heard the Dutch policy explained properly? It's mad, really!

There won't be any change over here on the short term. Christian influence is still too large, as well as ignorance. Unfortunately we don't have the great system of introducing and voting for law changes directly as citizens. That beautiful democratic system, my friend, is the only reason why this is happening where you are at.
My Fiance lives in the Netherlands hahaha she tells me how it is but even with you guys law it's better than what some states here are and on a fed level it's all illegal lol but bro I'm hoping you yeild good and quality is good I know from looks it's a beauty!! Mine seem to be taking off a bit I get impatient is my problem but now that I been training them they are really starting to fill out I just hope I'm doing it right!!!!
I just compared the buds to the pictures of my previous grow and now I'm thinking I won't get the same yield. Lol! Unsure and anxious as hell! I'm a freaking noob, still, hahaha!

It's also illegal here. It's so twisted up in The Netherlands...Have you ever heard the Dutch policy explained properly? It's mad, really!

There won't be any change over here on the short term. Christian influence is still too large, as well as ignorance. Unfortunately we don't have the great system of introducing and voting for law changes directly as citizens. That beautiful democratic system, my friend, is the only reason why this is happening where you are at.
wow really i always thought you could grow a few plants for personal use in the netherlands :shrug:
You're doing fine. That first step is the hardest and scariest. You know how the leaves and branches feel now. Just adjust a tiny little bit when you feel it's necessary. If it's an even canopy you want, look at her from the sides, and adjust each branch that sticks out down to the level you want it to sit. That's it. Nothing to it.
And yes, patience is difficult. Very much so!
@auto noob It's complicated, really. If I had to really explain in detail it's quite a long read. So short version.
The situation is comparable to the US where states have formulated a different drug law enforcement policy surrounding cannabis to the one federal government thinks is appropriate.

Here there's a drug law enforcement policy formulated that's in itself flawed and leave room for interpretation. In the past the police didn't give a shit about cannabis. That's why you think it's all great over here. That was in the past, buddy.

Nowadays, all the rules are strictly enforced. The police is even publicly calling to snitch on your neighbors anonymously when you smell something funny. They say they mean to find out the large criminals, yet, tend to raid everybody.

Policy was: 5 plants or less is illegal but no priority. Priority now is: all cannabis must die.

The Police will take away everything: plants grow tent lamps. If you're unlucky and have just harvested you're surely in possession of more than the allowed 5 grams and you will be prosecuted. They even threaten to prosecutto you if you if you won't allow them to take your gear.

They're crazy over here. The police just doesn't do what former government has told them to do and the current government is just fine with that...judges all judge differently also, because there no clear lines anymore. Ugh...

Smoking a joint is still allowed though.