Auto Warriors Do...arty zan. Joints supplied by archie gemil and Dabs with derek..

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@arty zan My question is ..I see Hps like sportsbikes as is 500's fair 600's Vgood 750's fair 1000's Vgood due to there displacement weight etc
..Which is a lot like HPS in a way power to Luman output and so forth so my question is i believe 600hps is the best at Luman vs power draw what would the next best size up be Or does it end at the 600's?? TY Arty
So my dude @arty zan the straight upp cuppa warrior for reals!!! What is goin on????????? I have a question for you and your CobnCab expertise! I am going to be running my greenhouse as an indoor setup at night(you might have heard this already lol) and I have pretty much set myself on the CMH's to power them at night because they seem to give the closest spectrum to the sun. There are so many factors that go into lights and which ones to choose, so my question is this. Since I am going to be using total off the grid power I have to keep my consumption of power in check, also money is somewhat of a factor. Do you think that the efficiency of a COB could outperform, specifically in the trich dept, a CMH of similar wattage, say 315 watts.
Hi Derek :) Dab time! :D

It has been a few years since I have looked at the CMH but I was seriously considering getting one about five years ago. The only bulbs were Philips master colour retro white ( a full spectrum bulb), the only problem was they were only available in the US and I'm in the UK.
CMH cam to the UK a few years ago but by that time I was using LED and really happy with my lights.
The max efficiecy of the Cree CXB3590 is around 60% when run @ 700mA if they are run at 1400 they are 50% efficient. The downside is the lower the mA the more COB you need due to them putting out a lower wattage. A CXB3590 run at 700mA will give 10 watts heat and 15 watts photons where as if it is run @ 1400mA it will give 25 Watts photons & 25 Watts heat an efficiency of 50%.
I can't give you a direct comparison between the CMH and Cree Cobs (all COBs are not created equal) or weather one will out perform the other when it comes to trichs. Something i can look into though!


I got a good one for my pal..
@arty zan what was the moment when you first discovered LED's... please let us relive the birth of your love
were you playing with a toy then the eyes lit up or somethin?
Hi Mo :)

I first came across leds at the same time as I started growing my first autos (Low Ryder) which was about ten years ago.
They were a real joke but I saw potential.
The diodes being used at the time were 1 Watt and often 1/2 Watt and did not have sufficient power to grow good weed.
As time passed there were great advancements.
My first autos were grown uder CFL's & small HPS due to space constraints.


@arty zan

1. Boxers or briefs?
2. Sativa or Indica (or hybrid?)
3. And last, what would you like to see become an industry standard for LED in terms of promoted specifications in the next 5 to 10 years? There's so much fluff and advertising jargon for consumers to wade through, is there anything you'd like to see become an accepted standard that LED companies start putting in their specifications (I'll even give you an example, like true watts instead of advertising inflated watts, etc.) It seems like some companies have their own way of explaining the measurements or leave certain things out that may be crucial information, what are your thoughts on that?
Hi Mo :)

I first came across leds at the same time as I started growing my first autos (Low Ryder) which was about ten years ago.
They were a real joke but I saw potential.
The diodes being used at the time were 1 Watt and often 1/2 Watt and did not have sufficient power to grow good weed.
As time passed there were great advancements.
My first autos were grown uder CFL's & small HPS due to space constraints.


hehehe me and arty fist chit chat way back on here... we discussed lowryder's shitty-ness and the possibilities of auto's in the future, which led to LED's lmao..
he was backing LED's, as I was skeptic. we both agreed on the potential ...
I dunno how I remember that... your name now that I think about it..

arty I think we need a bud warriors meeting to draft the standards
I was so excited about this interview all week, i couldn't miss it.
@arty zan i have a question for you buddy. What brought you to start growing autoflowers and why?

Hi Grim :):)

I have been a long time lover of weed and growing weed, everything about it interest me!
I first started growing back in the early nineties when I started with a with a 400W Poot HPS.
I first got the internet about 11 years ago and this gave me so much to look at and I started looking at all things canna, before that I used to buy magazines & books to get my info!
I saw an article about Lowryder and that was it ,I had to grow it!
I got a friend to drive me down to Glastonbury (I don't drive) to the CIA (Cannabis In Avalon) which was owned by the canna activist "Rob FreeCannabis" and purchase me some Low Ryder.
The seed pack was like a corrugated card typ of thing with the logo on it and the seeds were kept in by cotton bud ends, the seeds were alos regs as they hadn't yet been feminized.


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peeps :pass:
i had a dream about leds once.fred or ken dyson the vacumn cleaner guy had invented a new led.the cooling method was a tiny enclosed copper cylinder with one droplet of water ontop of each led.
but that was just a dream
anyways there has been huge advances in leds over past 10 years,but but but none of them last any longer.they still have a lifespan of 50,000 hours.but most wont see 3 years.
not sure if there is a question here or if its just a stonned ramble
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