Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb in CoCo

Hmm, yeah there is something not right there. Light green leaves can be a sign of lacking N but the necrosis on the laves makes me think and excess of something else, Maybe Manganese?
On day 31 now . Careful ! this one has Claws !. I just can't dial this one in. I think I might have stared adding to much Cal/mag @1 tsp/gal. I cut that in half now and we'll see how that changes things up. I also just added a blue lab ph pen, I dont believe my old cheapy was very reliable. Possibly the cause of the Manganese looking problem ?

Over all I'm pretty happy with how things are progressing on one of my first coco grows. Some bugs to work out but with a lil help from my friends I'm sure i'll get there. Really looking forward to see how's she's going to do in flowering stage.

Day 31.jpg
I found this hanging out in the corner of my tent, figured I better get a pic of her now that she's out. She's been giving a good dose of auto pollen about 2 weeks ago.

The gaiagreen mishap.

Cherry bomb day 41, feeding today at 3.8g/gal Mega crop, 1/4 tsp/gal Cal mag, and 3/4 tsp/gal Big bud.
Day 41.jpg
Day 49 now, I definitely struggled getting this girl on the right track. But I gotta say she's still putting out some nice sized nugs with lots of time to fatten up. Definitely a forgiving plant for new growers. I beat her up and she's still going to produce lots of nice bud. I'm guessing she has another 3ish weeks left, putting it really close to the breeders estimates.

Day 49.jpg
I hate to say it but she doesn't look at well as she could. However there is still really good structure there and if she settles back into full health you will get some very good results. How's she smell at the moment?
Day 60 now, I would guess 10ish days to the finish line now. She smells pretty awesome so far. The buds are feeling super dense, I think she's going to fair ok on the scales.

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Looks good the buddy!! I'll be running this for the 4/20 Battle!!
Those look like some solid colas you got going! How’s the smell on it?
It's not a over powering smell like when you have something like a cheese growing in your tent , but a subtle fruity/cherry scent filling the air. When I bring her out to water I make sure to really breathe her all in. I've only grown out one other strain (OGK) that has such a pleasant smell that I actually like. Well deserving of the "cherry" name. Sadly I wont get to smoke her, I just grow the THC for my wife, but I'll make sure she reports back on how it smokes.

Looks good the buddy!! I'll be running this for the 4/20 Battle!!
I'll be watching for it !