Extraction Computer Controlled Hot Plate for Decarb Rosin, QWET etc.


Kia ora. Retired to watch the grass grow.
Cultivators Club
Sep 15, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Dabs of Rosin.
A lot of people want to decarb rosin, QWET, BHO etc. But don't have easy means to do it. Here is an inexpensive hot plate used in another industry that should work well for us for $41.20.

It is not rated as explosion proof so don't use it around flammable vapors.

I did not need this but wanted to check it out for your benefit. I use the bottom plate of my rosin press. This will be convenient though since my rosin press is in the garage and it is very hot in there in the summer.

It is listed on Ebay as an "LCD Screen Separator"

I heated it up and tested it at 252°F - 123°C. The plate actually got to temperature 252°F when set to 128°C. I would guess that this would vary from unit to unit. It fluctuated up and down about 9°F from 248°F to 259°F. Not perfect but it is cheap! I believe this will work fine for our purpose of decarboxylation.


It is actually set to 128°C. and the display is showing the temperature it thinks it is. I may need to play around with the temp a little bit when I have product on it. I need to make a chocolate bar so I will do a run soon.
Got it all dialed in and I am decarbing now. I put a cup over it to keep the air from the stove's exhaust fan from messing with the temperature.


The missing number on the display is just the camera caught it as it cycles a reset.
Will it do below 100? I have read you need to remove the moisture before the process for 15 minutes at 90c

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[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Will it do below 100? I have read you need to remove the moisture before the process for 15 minutes at 90c

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
Yes 50°C - 122°F is the lowest setting. I have never read that can you refer me to the article?

Sounded legit to me.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Ok yes now I understand. They are talking about decarboxylation of plant material - Flowers etc. I am not proposing decarboxylating flower etc. Although with a small ceramic chafing dish to use as a cover it should work just fine. You would have better temperature control than most household ovens.

My original intention is to decarb extracts in small beakers. I decarb rosin with an equal amount of cacao butter for my chocolate bars and I decarb QWET for use in vape pens.
The deck is 7 1/8" square. The screws can all be removed to make the entire surface usable although the edges may be a little cooler than the middle. So this might work. I almost never decarb flower. I do not like the toasty flavor. I decarb it after extraction whether it is rosin, QWET, oil or butter I make in the Magical Butter Machine II. I get better flavor that way. I am sure this is just a personal preference.

This Le Creuset 10-41 fits and you could shift it a little to let the moisture out.

cheapest "electronic hot plate" i found in the UK on the 'bay was £72.

searched for "LCD screen separator" and have options for £40 for what appears to be the same thing...

great tip, thank you!
cheapest "electronic hot plate" i found in the UK on the 'bay was £72.

searched for "LCD screen separator" and have options for £40 for what appears to be the same thing...

great tip, thank you!
You are welcome! I love inexpensive tools that can get the job done well. I use this on a regular basis.