Indoor Dale's 3x3 with a marshydro FC-3000 and Twenty20

Twenty20 Ogreberry Day 43
  • The ladies are really digging the new light:woohoo: The temp seems to be staying at reasonable while putting more light to the girls :jump:


    Welcome everyone thanks for dropping by :pass:
    Twenty20 Ogreberry Day 45
  • Getting very bushy in here girls just doing there thing loving the FC-3000 :growing:I did some defoliation on their lower sections to get some air flow. Tent is still running a little warm so i lowered the dimmer to about 60-70% @ 18-20" from canopy. They seem to love it we will leave it there for a couple more days and go from there:shrug::pass:


    Ogreberry 1 G&S girl she is in early flower while the other is just behind her :toke:


    As always thanks for dropping by :thanks::welcome::smokeout::vibe::hippy:
    Twenty20 Ogreberry Day 45
  • :growing:They are lush.
    :welcome::thanks::worship: @Marshydro

    Another update well cause the girls are looking beautiful and filling out the tent:yay: I have to pump the brakes a little on starting the next batch for a few days hopefully within the next 2 wks we will have a fresh batch of girls to start a whole run :woohoo1:I am prepping coco and drip irrigation with plans to have a mega run in here hopefully:goodluck: starting to get thing figured some what :lol::baked:

    Twenty20 Ogreberry Day 47
  • Well I got the girls out to water them today and put some nematodes in the pots just in case :toke: Figured i snap some pics and update:pass: right now we are at 75% @18-20" away from canopy still measuring 600-700 par across the tent. Tent is running a little warm but mainly because my lung room is warm but definitely manageable with having the driver outside the tent:jump: Other then that the girls are looking amazing gettin bushy:growing::frog:



    As always thanks for stopping by :smokeout::vibe::hippy:
    Twenty20 Ogreberry Day 47 & Coco Germination
  • The other tent is moving along faster than I expected and I don't much I started some more beans :jump::jump:I dropped 2 Ogreberry F4's sour grape phenos and 2 Bourbon berries F1's. One of each into a 3 gallon grow bag and solo cup so it should be a interesting show I know I am excited:woohoo::headbang::frog:


    Glad to see the new peeps :welcome: I hope you enjoy :welcome::thanks::vibe::pass::peace:
    Twenty20 Ogreberry Day 49
  • Another update the older girls are looking great and still no life on the babies yet. I am leaving for a few days but i do have someone coming over to check them:whew:. Hopefully when i get back we will have new life and be able to move the big girls out so we can get the real show on the road :woohoo:


    I believe that's all for now see everyone in a few days I'll be around if anyone has questions but pictures won't be available till monday:dammit: Thanks dropping by:welcome::thanks::vibe::pass:
    Ogreberry & Bourbon Berry Day 3
  • Alright folks here we go we got Ogreberries in the back and Bourbon berries in the front :smoking: We will be using MC 2 part and following MOG's latest schedule slightly modified for coco:d5: 12 gal rez RO only Diluted back to 200 ppm to start then once first true leaves get 1" ish we will start raising the ppm slowly to full strength over a week or so
    Screenshot 2022-08-08 11.35.28 PM.png

    I dropped the light down to about 20" off the girls and set to 35-40%:cooldance: They seemed to stretch out a little bit while I had the light so high with the big girls in there and running 18/6. So I put them on 24/0 for also for a few days around start of wk 3 we will switch back to 18/6 and leave it there till harvest:headbang:


    As always thanks for stopping by :pass::vibe::welcome::thanks:
    Ogreberry & Bourbon Berry Day 5
  • Turned the light down just a little bit to reduce some heat girls don't seem to be stretching anymore:woohoo:Feeding 300 ppmish:haha: My good EC got broke so I am using a cheapy for now but we will be at full strength before we know it :cooldance:Just hand feeding once a day to 20% runoff right now till they get established then it will be multiple:headbang::vibe: :growing:


    Bourbon Berry F1:toke:


    Ogreberry F4 Sour grape pheno:toke:


    Thanks for stopping by :smokeout::welcome::thanks::vibe:

    Ogreberry & Bourbon Berry Day 7 PAR map
  • I think we are getting close to where we want light for the moment finally had time to measure everything. Temp had come down some but still want it a little lower ATM >80f most of the day. So i turned light down to 25% and dropped to 16-18" from canopy. Which put me at right around 200 ppfd:woohoo:Also did some searching around tonight and found some specs for the light i had been wondering they are nice to have :d5:seems I always forget the settings:rofl: :doh::baked: Need to work on VPD but girls are looking good for now :goodluck:I hate this part :hurry::growing:



    Screenshot 2022-08-12 12.10.24 AM.png
    Screenshot 2022-08-12 12.12.58 AM.png
    Ogreberry & Bourbon Berry Day 9
  • Girls looking good but I did put a humidifier in the tent for a while to try to bring up the rh some:goodluck: Also 300 ppm looks a little high for the moment I am seeing some tip burn so I will not raise it for a couple days when girls start to take off. May also be my cheap old TDS meter I don't trust them but it gets me close I will be getting new meter soon. Other then that girls just jamming along :headbang:couple days we will get irrigation system going and put girls on 18/6:cooldance::pop::growing:


    Bourbon Berry girls :biggrin:


    Ogreberry girls :smoking:


    As always :welcome::thanks::pass::vibe::hookah::hippy: