Green Dragon Tincture Question.

Using an alcohol tincture and then use that to make a stronger VG tincture.......
I did find this if you have access to wax or shatter
There’s a much easier way. If you have access to top shelf cannabis you most likely have access to top shelf wax or shatter as well. This is much easier to make a far more concentrated and easily calculated potency. All you have to do is take your wax drop it in veg glycerin and heat it to around 240 for 45 minutes.(OK I have been informed that the wax needs to be decarb 1st before desolving in the VG)
recommend stirring or shaking the mixture every 5 or 10 minutes) It will decarboxylate the thc and break down the wax at the same time (you can buy a thermometer for cooking at wal mart under 5 bucks) this is significantly faster and cleaner, no straining required. Once its done cooking you can cool it down and use it right then and there. Effectively no clean up and you can generally only extract 70-80% of available cannabinoids from buds with this method whereas you don’t lose a bit with the hash method. Gettin your moneys worth!
to calculate potency every gram has the potential for up to 1000mg if you know your hashs potency. Its easy. 70%thc =700mg 65%thc=650mg 80%thc=800mg, etc etc. If you have no idea. Dark almost black wax will be 55-65%thc, decent pretty yellow wax will be 65-75%thc, quality fresh frozen or bud run which will have a gorgeous amber appearance will generally be 75-85%thc, and you can get bud run fresh frozen, live resin, rosin things like that that I’ve seen hit up to 95%. These are averages. I’ve seen regular trim run shatter that looked like bud run and was over 80%, but this is only from strains which produce a very large amount of sugar on the leaves
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using eth to extract will be much more effective than using vg to extract.VG as the transport method may be more pleasant than eth as the transport.
i just been reminded that a normal green dragon tincture is reduced by approx half.i forgot myself and reduced by a quarter.starting alc 88% reduced by half 44% and 1/4 22% roughly.keep on reducing to a blob and you more or less have RSO i think.
Yes you reduced it to oil
Be careful very strong LOL
skip the extraction process and add the extract directly to the vg View attachment 1006026 the bottom of any 4 part grinder decarb first though.:pass:
but then its not green dragon or green its not whole plant can it be considered full spectrum ? dont think so.
I don’t even own a Grinder Archie, I don’t smoke remember? I have my shiny new one hitter but that’s more for testing purposes!
From what I have heard , we need to decarb wax/shatter 1st, and not just dropping it in to the VG mix and heating as it says to in statement above. There are videos on Youtube of people making ejuice this way .
Or trying to, I have not seen a real good method for the home maker so far myself.
Nor has my Friend and he wrote the book.
And Root, do you have recipe for hard candies and gelatine gummies? Maybe I try this too.

I do :eyebrows: I'm working on a post with pictures right now.

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