Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '23

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They (federal judge) actually ruled it unconstitutional to ban marijuana users from owning them back in February I believe. BUT we will see how long till they try to change that one up. Here in commiefornia there is no law preventing you from owning or buying one if you smoke. Again we will see how long that lasts..

PS we don't have to get into the nitty gritty of any of this since we gotta keep this 420 related
Ya i think it is mainly cultivating and owning them that is a no no! Also if u get a chl they ask if u use any drugs regularly including pills or weed but not like they ua you to check!
Here, as far as I know, the issue is the firearms permit asks if you used any illegal drugs and since weed is still federally illegal it's a problem. Even though weed is legal here. And if you lie on the permit it's a real problem
Ya i took the class but i never filed my paperwork to get it cuz i was on oxy at the time and didnt wanna admit that on paperwork but also knew they could check that easy if i lied by just running a dhs report to see if i fill any c2 pain scripts! Wish i knew that at beginning this was at end of class paperwork it had this bit and i was like that sucks!
Ya i took the class but i never filed my paperwork to get it cuz i was on oxy at the time and didnt wanna admit that on paperwork but also knew they could check that easy if i lied by just running a dhs report to see if i fill any c2 pain scripts! Wish i knew that at beginning this was at end of class paperwork it had this bit and i was like that sucks!
I have a lot of friends who are hunters and that 1 specific thing has always kept them from getting their medical cards
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