Dutch Passion Looking for information on Dutch Passion CBD strains


Perpetual Beginner
May 15, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
DIY - CBD:THC Edibles
Sort of a last minute decision to run some CBD strains this winter, and with only limited time before I have to start the first run, I did not have much opportunity to do extensive research. Based on their general reputation for quality, I grabbed some DP strains hoping they have done their R&D and the plants will produce as promised.

I went with two 100% CBD strains, so that I can mix other THC-based material in as I see fit, and control the ratio myself. I have CBD Blackberry Kush, and CBD Charlotte's Angel.

If anyone has a grow or smoke report/info on these strains, I'd love to hear about them. :)

Has anyone by any chance had their's tested to see what their actual CBD levels are (probably a long shot...)?

Thanks in advance! :cheers:
@Antonio_DutchPassion -- I just sent this question through the contact form on your corporate website, but I'm curious if you have any insights or comments?

Question about your CBD strains:

You make several references to CBD Auto Blackberry Kush being an Indica dominant strain, and CBD Auto Charlotte's Angel being a Sativa dominant strain.

Can you tell me from a medicinal cannabis standpoint, how do Sativa and Indica traits come through in terms of medical tendencies or impacts?

If there are no tested or known medical differences, can you tell me if there is anything experientially different when smoked or ingested in an edible format that is specific to its Indica or Sativa genetics?


I'm decarb'ing my harvest right now to make edibles, I have one of each strain and I'm keeping them separate. I plan on processing and testing them for myself, but it would be great if there was any information available, if you could pass that along.

People make a big deal about Sativa and Indica dominance with THC based strains, I'm wondering how this translates to CBD strains?

Thanks again --

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Dutch Passion's reply to my inquiry;

The main difference is in what the plants are able to cope with in growing conditions. There are some known differences in effect between the two, one is more activating (sativa) and the other more relaxing (indica). Unfortunately their has been no in depth study about the effects it has on various medical conditions or impacts besides the studies into CBD as both are pure CBD varieties with in general less than 0.2% THC (although in some cases this can be higher)

That's a reasonable response. I've been experimenting with the both strains and have noticed them to be distinctly different, but it's been less than a week of use so it's still too anecdotal.
Indeed I'm curious too, all experiences are interesting to us as well, so it would be great if you can share yours.
We might even do a blog about it if you are willing/able to make a in-depth review (if you are interested).

I think the answer from my colleague is fair, to add to that, the endo-cannabinoid system can be different to each person, so what works for you doesn't mean it will work for others. I hope that there will be more, and larger studies into the effects of all cannabinoids and terpenes in the near future though!

Also, certain phenotypes can create different effects, same as a different climate, grow equipment, nutrient used etc. Because this all has influence on the ratio of cannabinoids and terpenes that will be present in your sample. Every grow is different, only for the best growing facilities in the world, fully automated and controlled, it is possible to get similar results each round, but only when they are working with clones too. Working from seed can create different outcomes each time you grow them.

Good luck with growing and all the best!:d5:
Indeed I'm curious too, all experiences are interesting to us as well, so it would be great if you can share yours.
We might even do a blog about it if you are willing/able to make a in-depth review (if you are interested).

I think the answer from my colleague is fair, to add to that, the endo-cannabinoid system can be different to each person, so what works for you doesn't mean it will work for others. I hope that there will be more, and larger studies into the effects of all cannabinoids and terpenes in the near future though!

Also, certain phenotypes can create different effects, same as a different climate, grow equipment, nutrient used etc. Because this all has influence on the ratio of cannabinoids and terpenes that will be present in your sample. Every grow is different, only for the best growing facilities in the world, fully automated and controlled, it is possible to get similar results each round, but only when they are working with clones too. Working from seed can create different outcomes each time you grow them.

Good luck with growing and all the best!:d5:
Thank you for that very thoughtful and well informed reply! Every individual (their metabolism and particular ailments), grow environment, and phenotype combine to create a pretty unique combination, but I'll share my situation and experience in a few weeks. For now, I'll just share this -- I have no problem telling which one is the Charlotte's Angel and which one is the Blackberry Kush!

Well, I've learned something. In the years I've been enjoying THC-based cannabis, my experience of Sativa vs Indica has always come down to the high, so I've always assumed their experiential differences were derived from variations in the THC itself. Now that I've had THC-free CBD-based Sativa and Indica strains, I have found that the common knowledge -- Sativa stimulates and Indica relaxes -- holds true for CBD-based strains as well. Turns out my association with some of the qualities of the psychoactive experience were misplaced.

I have read a bunch of threads where people discuss CBD in relation to sleep, and some people will say it helps them sleep and others mention that it keeps them up. I don't recall anyone in any of those threads identifying whether they were using a Sativa or Indica based CBD source. Moving forward that would be my first question to them, since I have found their impacts to be distinctive and potent.

Another aspect to the cannabis 'speedy vs sleepy' experience, has to do with how long we let the plants run, how much amber is showing at harvest. If you are sensitive to stimulants (like me) or specifically taking CBD as a sleep aid, then I recommend growing your own, sticking with Indicas, and letting them run longer. Sounds obvious, but it holds true.
Ye indeed mate, very valuable insight for most I guess. I think most people don't realize that there can be such a difference in the experience when smoking CBD weed (or even THC cultivars) they just see it as weed.

Indica/Sativa traits definitely show different types of high, mostly embedded in their chemical profile. It could be the terps, could be physiscal/morphological elements in the genetics that are steering the type of high.

It remains a very interesting subject..